佳鴻機車行 - Section 3

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Contact 佳鴻機車行

地址 :

421, Taiwan, Taichung City, Houli District, Section 3, Sanfeng Rd, 177號佳鴻機車行

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 : https://scooter-repair-shop-669.business.site/
城市 : Sanfeng Rd

421, Taiwan, Taichung City, Houli District, Section 3, Sanfeng Rd, 177號佳鴻機車行
謝武憲 on Google

我騎狼R125南下台中玩 下午4點左右 在附近的枋寮路熄火拋錨車發動不起來,後來遷到這邊 一開始說是火星塞問題 換了還是發不動 再來說電瓶電壓不足(要12.5V以上?) 後來皆正常電瓶還是發不起來 說電子線圈有問題 電沒到火星塞起不了火問題 到了晚上7點還是搞不定 說當天休不好 要檢查是不是引擎電控問題 因為住的飯店是在台中市 就先搭車到台中 想說隔天再看看 到了隔天中午12點 說他準備要拆引擎了 因為要修有些價格(記得是還沒修引擎那些材料報3K左右了) 要我到現場確認 而且重點是可能要修一段時間 因為禮拜一要上班北上 沒辦法耗在這 就已經準備要找託運的幫忙拖回台北 所以坐車到豐原火車站問下拖運的事宜 後來搭計程車往機車行的路上 跟司機(阿誠)聊天聊到 司機說他是出來休閒賺的 以前他是修重機1000C.C以上的30幾年了, 他說那樣狀況應該跟引擎沒啥關係 就是單純的過電問題搞定應該就好 然後說會幫我去看看 後來幫我看司機阿誠 踩了下看了下就確定跟引擎沒關係 還跟老闆理論了一番 阿誠說可以幫我找認識的幫修 後來這家老闆 收我工錢500 + 新火星塞裝上去不退貨(收250 阿誠司機覺得這樣收太貴 但我沒想吵就用這價錢付了) 後來來的是老師傅(兒子有開機車行 忘了看是哪間) 是在巷子裡那種修理的 老師傅老了手都會抖 但技術絕對好 不到30分鐘我的車就已經可以發動 說順便幫我改成電子發動之類的 DC-??? (剛查了下應該是直流發電的) 最後1個小時就讓我北上上路 車也好發多了 最後收了我 1.7K 本來都已經領好 8K了 結果修了大半天修不好 (大半行程泡湯) 還好有遇到好心司機 這家老闆我個人感覺還是有心要幫我修 (撇開價格不談) 但技術還需要精進些 老師傅有說 他一開始找的方向是對的 只是後來走偏判斷錯了 引擎真的拆下去也只是浪費時間而已 好像只是過電 中間一條線燒掉的問題 2018/01/24 回覆你的商家回應: 車壞掉那天是星期六喔 的確那天你修了3個多小時沒修好,又沒代步車 所以只好問你可否幫載 這部分還是很感謝 至於檢查完不修 是因為你開的價格(6K) 結果修不好 說要拆引擎檢查 確認修理時間也無法給確定時間 (說過應該2-3天都無法修好) 甚至無法確認真實原因(只說還要拆引擎確認) 更別說無法確定金額( 前面都6K了 引擎拆下去可能開到10K我都不意外) 材料行問題 在地的老師傅就說你家父就是開材料行的 相信材料問題對你來說不是問題 除了一定要跟公司調貨的材料 若是換老闆修也遇到一樣狀況那我也不會來這邊評論 但實際就是 其他家老闆不到半小時就幫我修好了 又另外幫我改了線路 (現在冬天車子整個好發多很多) 但報價連你一半都不到? 事事難預料,那裡來的一根電線燒掉? 我才想問你哪裡來的引擎壞掉? 我給你2星 已經不錯 就是看在大家有緣一場 但技術這種東西 本來就是一翻兩瞪眼 所以我才會說 [老闆我個人感覺還是有心要幫我修 技術還需要精進些 ] 期望你能進步 加油 畢竟技術是你的~ 另外 出門在外,對我來說貴的是時間 所以你前面的報價 我也沒跟你說甚麼討價還價 你要是真修好了 我也絕對會照你報價給你錢(要不然我也不會問你哪邊有ATM 還真去領了8K) 就算後來不給你修 工錢的部分 我也沒跟你吵(就算司機跟我說你收太貴了) 因為對我來說 我不想在當下浪費時間了
I rode the wolf R125 south and went to Taichung to play at about 4 p.m. On the nearby Fangliao Road, the flameout anchor car could not start, and later moved to this place. At first, it was said that the spark plug problem was changed. Above?) Later, the battery is still normal. I ca n’t afford it. I have a problem with the electronic coil. The electricity is not plugged into Mars. I ca n’t stop the fire. The problem is still at 7 o’clock in the evening. In Taichung City, I first took a car to Taichung and wanted to talk about it the next day. At 12 noon the next day, he said he was going to dismantle the engine because he had to repair some prices (remember that the materials for the engine have not been repaired are about 3K). Because I have to go to work and go north on Monday, I ca n’t spend it here. So I took the car to Fengyuan Railway Station and asked about the haulage Later, I took a taxi to the locomotive and chatted with the driver (A Cheng). The driver said that he came out for leisure and earned money. Before he had been repairing a machine with a temperature of 1000C or above for more than 30 years, he said that the situation should have nothing to do with the engine. It was just a simple overpower problem. It should be just fine and then it would help me to see it Look Later, help me see the driver, Ah Cheng, stepped on it, and determined that it has nothing to do with the engine, and I have a theory with the boss. Acheng said he could help me find a helper Later, this boss charged me 500 yuan + the new Mars plug and installed it without returning it (collecting 250. The driver Cheng Cheng thinks it is too expensive to collect, but I paid this price without thinking about it) Later came the teacher (the son has a car to start the car, forgot to see which one) was repaired in the alley The master will shake his hands when he is old, but the technology is definitely less than 30 minutes. My car can already start. By the way, help me change it to an electronically driven DC-??? (just checked it should be DC power generation). Last 1 It took me hours to make my car go north on the road, and finally charged me 1.7K I had already received the 8K, and I repaired it for most of the day. I personally feel that this boss still wants to help me repair (aside from the price) But the technology needs to be improved The master said that the direction he was looking for was correct in the beginning, but it was wrong to judge it later. It ’s just a waste of time to dismantle the engine. It seems that it ’s just a problem with the middle line burning. 2018/01/24 Reply to your merchant's response: The day the car broke down was Saturday. Indeed, you did not repair it for more than 3 hours that day, and did not move the car, so I had to ask if you could help you. This part is still very grateful. As for the repair after the inspection, it is because of the price you opened (6K). As a result, if the repair is not good, it is necessary to dismantle the engine to check and confirm the repair time. I still need to disassemble the engine to confirm) Not to mention the amount cannot be determined (I have not accidentally opened the engine before the 6K engine may be opened to 10K) The problem of the material line The local master said that your father is the material line. I believe that the material problem is not a problem for you, except for the materials that must be transferred with the company. If I have the same situation when I change my boss, I wo n’t come here to comment But the actual thing is that the other boss repaired it for me in less than half an hour and changed the route for me (now the car is much better in winter) But the price is not even half of you Everything is unpredictable, a wire from there burned out? I just want to ask you where the engine is broken? I ’ll give you 2 stars, it ’s already good But technology like this was originally double-glazed That ’s why I said [the boss, I personally feel that I still have the heart to help me repair the skills and I need to improve it] I hope you can improve, come on, after all, the technology is yours ~ In addition It ’s time for me to go out, so it ’s expensive for me, so I did n’t tell you the price before you. (ATM really got 8K) I did n’t argue with you even if I did n’t pay for the work later (even if the driver told me that you paid too much) because for me, I do n’t want to waste time in the moment.
丸仔 on Google

7/20早上8點半來,沒開門 明明資訊有營業~傻眼了!
I came at 8:30 in the morning on 7/20, and the door was closed. Obviously the information is open~ dumbfounded!
Chu Weijer on Google

The younger brother's locomotive battery (new car riding for more than 3 years) suddenly failed to find the locomotive line, temporarily to this room to change the battery, the result of the 9th battery actually wants 1,300 yuan, I want to say that at least one and a half years can be used, the result Less than a year (only 10 months), the battery changed in Jiahong locomotive line was broken, can not store electricity, but also by other locomotives said that the battery is not the original factory, the original No. 9 battery as long as 1100 yuan, Jiahong locomotive OK... I will help you publicize...
Angelo ZERO on Google

竹槓車行 皮帶維修2500,問一條原本價格多少不說,一直跳針講“生意沒這麼好做,覺得貴下次去其他地方換” 換之前也不會打來問一聲報個價格,取車才說2500
Bamboo bar line 2500 repair, ask a piece of the original price does not say, has been jumping to say "business is not so good, I feel that you will go to another place next time" I won’t ask for a price before I change it.
WEi on Google

Replaced with a new battery, less than three days after riding, the locomotive can not start, the most powerful maintenance technology on the surface of the locomotive, no one can match, the locomotive is broken, riders should remember to take a long way to repair and don’t spend hard money, if you really have to Repairs need to be prepared carefully. It is difficult to say whether the locomotive can be repaired, and it is necessary to spend a lot of money to repair it at another home. (Thank you very much to the boss for letting me experience the superb skills of the motorcycle shop in this shop, I will never forget it)
丹丹 on Google

不問還好問了嚇一跳 從來不知道機換油價格四百起跳的 還有500/600的 老闆你自己就這一行的 外面換機油兩百元就有 你還一副不相信 當我第一次換機油嗎?
I'm so surprised if I don't ask Never knew that the oil change price of the machine would start from four hundred There are 500/600 Boss, you do it yourself Change the oil outside for two hundred yuan You still don't believe it When did I change the oil for the first time?
man sonan on Google

I was passing by today and wanted to change the oil, but the boss said that there was no oil in the store. He asked the price and asked how much I wanted to change before helping me find it. In a hurry, I left first. The first time I encountered a shop without oil.
陳盡責 on Google

車子看都不看就說引擎縮缸要換,還說修好了才報價格,沒辦法先報價 牽去別家修清積碳一千多解決..有夠無言
Without even looking at the car, it said that the engine was shrinking and the cylinder would need to be replaced, and that the price was only quoted when it was repaired. There was no way to quote first. Take it to another home to repair and clean up more than 1,000 carbon deposits to solve it.. is speechless

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