地藏王菩薩廟 - Heping District

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Contact 地藏王菩薩廟

地址 :

424, Taiwan, Taichung City, Heping District, Daxueshan Forest Recreation Area, 地藏王菩薩廟

Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours

424, Taiwan, Taichung City, Heping District, Daxueshan Forest Recreation Area, 地藏王菩薩廟
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入山前,一定要拜拜。 地藏菩薩 漢傳佛教四大菩薩及八大菩薩之一、娑婆三聖之一,以救渡地獄眾生的大願著 清代地藏王菩薩像 地藏菩薩(梵語:क्षितिगर्भ Kṣitigarbha[1]),佛教菩薩之一,音譯為「乞叉底蘗婆」[2],因其「安忍不動如大地,靜慮深密如秘藏」而得名[3]。又因其發有『眾生度盡、方證菩提;地獄不空、誓不成佛』之大願故被尊稱為大願地藏菩薩[1]、幽冥教主[4]。亦被尊為漢傳佛教四大菩薩之一,與觀音、文殊、普賢一起深受世人敬仰。 地藏菩薩之梵文名「क्षितिगर्भ」(Kṣitigarbha),「kṣiti」(乞叉底)有大地之意,「garbha」(檗婆)有胎藏或含藏之意,故云「地藏」。其梵文名字原無「王」字,或為尊稱而加。 起源與職能演變 西秦聖堅譯《佛說羅摩伽經》中有「持地藏菩薩」,為釋迦說法時的聽眾之一。首次以「持地藏菩薩」名字出現的是北涼失名譯《大方廣十輪經》卷八和北魏菩提流志譯《佛名經》卷十二。其後隋朝時三藏菩提燈譯《占察善惡業報經》二卷,說地藏可引渡諸佛淨土。此二經所說的地藏,其神格和觀世音及阿彌陀佛相近,職能以人間救苦,或以接引至諸佛淨土為主。 至唐初藏川撰抄的《佛說地藏菩薩發心因緣十王經》(簡稱《佛說地藏十王經》)及《佛說預修十王生七經》,與唐武則天朝時實叉難陀所譯的《地藏菩薩本願經》開始說眷屬為亡人修齋以求救贖之說,至此開始了地藏菩薩和地獄救贖相牽合。 本生因緣 過去因地行願編輯 《地藏菩薩本願經》中解說地藏菩薩過去生中,曾為婆羅門女、光目女、小國國王等身,因發弘大誓願而成就菩薩位。 地藏菩薩在過去久遠不可說不可說劫前(「無量」、「阿僧祇」、「那由他」、「不可說」為佛教計量單位,泛指數目極其巨大[5][6][7]),以大長者子之身,為得到佛千福莊嚴的相貌,在師子奮迅具足萬行如來前,發此弘大誓願。又於過去不可思議阿僧祇劫前,以婆羅門女之身,為救因不信因果、常輕三寶而墮入地獄的母親,在覺華定自在王如來塔像之前,發此弘大誓願[8]。 又於過去無量阿僧祇劫前,在清凈蓮華目如來像法之中,以一個叫光目的普通婦女之身,為救因殺害毀罵罪而墮入地獄受極大苦的母親,向空中十方諸佛發此弘大誓願[9]。 又於無量阿僧祇那由他不可說劫前[5][6][7],有佛出世,名一切智成就如來,住世六萬劫。這位如來在出家修道前,身為小國國王,他與一鄰國國王朋友,同行十善利益眾生,為救度鄰國造惡眾生,他們一同發願,一王發願早成佛道,然後全部度化罪苦眾生。一王發願,若不先度罪苦眾生,令得安樂成就菩提,自己終未願成佛。發願早成佛道者,即一切智成就如來,發願先度眾生最後成佛者,即地藏王菩薩[10]。 過去已成佛道 在《占察善惡業報經》中,世尊解說地藏菩薩過去已功德滿足,但依本願而示現菩薩之身,在五濁惡世度眾生。《占察善惡業報經》:「此善男子(指地藏菩薩)發心已來,過無量無邊不可思議阿僧祇劫,久已能度薩婆若海,功德滿足。但依本願自在力故,權巧現化,影應十方。雖復普遊一切剎土,常起功業,而於五濁惡世,化益偏厚,亦依本願力所熏習故,及因眾生應受化業故也。彼從十一劫來,莊嚴此世界,成熟眾生。是故在斯會中,身相端嚴,威德殊勝,唯除如來無能過者!」[11] 現今示現菩薩 地藏菩薩在娑婆世界示現菩薩身十方應化,在釋迦牟尼佛說法時,受囑咐教化娑婆眾生,直至彌勒菩薩於娑婆世界成佛。信徒稱其「地藏菩薩」,其示現菩薩之身協助釋迦牟尼佛說法,故佛教造像中將釋迦牟尼佛、觀世音菩薩、地藏菩薩合稱「娑婆三聖」。 地藏化身 《大毘盧遮那成佛經疏‧卷五》記載胎藏界地藏院六上首[12][13] 地藏菩薩 寶處菩薩 寶掌菩薩(《佛學大辭典》作「寶手」)[14] 持地菩薩 寶印菩薩 堅固意菩薩 《佛說地藏菩薩發心因緣十王經》[15] 金剛願地藏菩薩-左手持人頭幢,右手結甘露印,專任救濟地獄道。 金剛寶地藏菩薩-左手持寶珠,右手結甘露印,專任救濟餓鬼道。 金剛悲地藏菩薩-左手執錫杖,右手結引攝印,專主畜生道。 金剛幢地藏菩薩-左手持金剛幢,右手結施無畏印,主救濟阿修羅道。 放光王地藏菩薩-左手持錫杖,右手結與願印,主度人間界。 預天賀地藏菩薩-左手持如意珠,右手結說法印,主救濟天人界。 日本德川美術館 地藏菩薩像 真言宗《覺禪鈔》 地獄大定智悲地藏-左持寶珠,右持錫杖。 餓鬼大德清淨地藏-左持寶珠,右結與願印。 畜生大光明地藏-左持寶珠,右持如意。 修羅清淨無垢地藏-左持寶珠,右持梵篋。 人道大清淨地藏-左持寶珠,右結施無畏印。 天道大堅固地藏-左持寶珠,右持經。 《佛說延命地藏菩薩經》 延命地藏-此尊因心無生滅而能延命,其左脅侍為掌善童子,其身白色,持白蓮華,能調御法性;右脅侍為掌惡童子,其身赤色,持金剛杵,能降伏無明。[16] 良助親王撰《與願金剛地藏菩薩祕記》[17] 延命地藏-《祕記》中之敘述多取自《佛說延命地藏菩薩經》。[17]:10-11 《祕記》中《蓮華三昧經》經文所提及之化身如下: 勝軍地藏-頭戴畢竟空寂冑,身著隨求陀羅尼鎧,佩戴金剛智大刀、鐮、弓箭,左手標發心修行幡,右手執斬惡業煩惱軍劍,左右有掌善(矜加羅)、掌惡(制多迦)二童子,掌善童子本地為普賢,能調御法性;掌惡童子本地為文殊,能降伏無明。此尊地藏能擊敗貪嗔癡、無始無覺無明,助眾生破除生死輪迴,被認為與日本特別相應。[18] 檀陀地藏-為地獄道之能化,手持人頭幢(檀陀意為人頭,人頭幢為閻魔之法器,表情憤怒,能口吐鐵鎖綁縛罪人、並明言其罪業;地藏持者則捲舌閉口不言罪業)。[17]:13-14 寶珠地藏-為餓鬼道之能化,手持如意寶珠。餓鬼因生前吝嗇貪得而得此果報,寶珠則能化現種種眾生所好飲食使餓鬼飽足。[17]:14 寶印地藏-為畜生道之能化,伸如意寶印手。畜生如龍及金翅鳥總彼此殘害,寶印手能化現種種清淨甘露飲食阻止之。[17]:14-15 持地地藏-為修羅道之能化,能持大地擁護修羅。帝釋居於天,修羅居於地,雙方每月十六日鬥爭,修羅總是戰敗而痛苦,此尊地藏能護持修羅所在地域安穩、遠離鬥爭。 除蓋障地藏-為人道之能化,為人除八苦之蓋障。[17]:15 日光地藏-為天道之能化,照天人五衰而除其苦惱。[17]:15-16 《蓮華三昧經》中另有記載十二地藏、十八地藏、破軍地藏、鬼神地藏、琰魔地藏之名諱。[17]:8 弘一大師編著《地藏菩薩聖德新編》 護讚地藏 延命地藏 牟尼地藏 讚龍地藏 破勝地藏 不休息地藏
Before entering the mountain, be sure to worship. Dizang Bodhisattva One of the four major bodhisattvas of Han Buddhism and one of the eight major bodhisattvas, and one of the three holy saints, to save all sentient beings in hell Statue of Bodhisattva King of Tibet in the Qing Dynasty Dizang Bodhisattva (Sanskrit: क्षितिगर्भ Kṣitigarbha [1]), one of the Buddhist bodhisattvas, transliterated as "beggars at the bottom of the beggar" [2], because of its "forbearance and immobility as the earth, and the peace of mind is as secret" First name [3]. And because of his wish of "exhaustion of all beings, proof of bodhicitta; hell is not empty, and vow not to become a buddha", it is honored as the great wish of Dizang Bodhisattva [1], the netherworld leader [4]. It is also regarded as one of the four major Bodhisattvas of Han Buddhism, and is highly respected by the world along with Guanyin, Manjusri, and Puxian. The Sanskrit name of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is "क्षितिगर्भ" (Kṣitigarbha), "kṣiti" (beggar bottom) has the meaning of the earth, and "garbha" (barbara) has the meaning of latent or hidden Tibetan, so the "cloud of earth". The Sanskrit name did not contain the word "king", or was added for honorary title. Origin and function evolution Xiqin Shengjian's translation of "The Buddha Says Ramakrishna" contains "Hangdi Tibetan Bodhisattva", which is one of the listeners of Sakyamuni. For the first time, the name "Chi Dizang Bodhisattva" appeared in the eighth edition of Beiliang's lost translation of "Dafang Guang Shilun Jing" and the 12th edition of the Northern Wei Dynasty Bodhidharma's translation of "Buddhist Classics". Later, in the Sui Dynasty, the three Tibetan bodhi lamps translated the second volume of the "Zhancha Good and Evil Scriptures", saying that the Tibet can extradite the pure land of the Buddhas. The divinities mentioned in these two scriptures are similar in spirit to Avalokitesvara and Amitabha, and their functions are to save suffering on earth or to lead to the pure land of the Buddhas. Until the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the copy of "The Buddha said that the ten Tibetan scriptures of the heart and the karma" (referred to as "The Buddha said that the ten Tibetan scriptures") and "The Buddha said that the seven scriptures of the ten kings", and the Tang Dynasty Shi Shicha Nanda's translation of the "Buddha Bodhisattva's Book of Scriptures" began to say that families depended on the repair of the dead for salvation, and thus began to link the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva and redemption in hell. Baptism Past local wishes edit The "Tibetan Bodhisattva's Book of Scriptures" explains that in its past life, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva used to be a Brahmin girl, a light-eyed girl, a king of a small country, etc., and fulfilled the Bodhisattva position by issuing a vow. The Dizang Bodhisattva was a long time before it could not be said to be unspeakable ("Infinite", "Asam", "That by Him", and "Unspeakable" were Buddhist units of measurement, referring to extremely large numbers [5] [6] [7 ]), In order to obtain the solemn appearance of the Buddha's thousand fortunes as the eldest son of the elders, before the teacher's swift and full of deeds, he made this grand vow. Before the unbelievable monk in the past, as a brahmin woman, to save the mother who fell into hell because of unbelief, cause and effect, and always light the three treasures, before the Juhua Huading free Wangrulai tower statue, I made this grand vow [8 ]. In the past, before the immeasurable ascension of the monk, in the image of the pure lotus flower, as an ordinary woman named Guangmian, in order to save the mother who fell into hell because of the crime of killing and swearing, she went to the air for ten years. Fang Zhufo made this Hongda vow [9]. And before the immeasurable A Seng Xi, he could not say that before the robbery [5] [6] [7], a buddha was born, and all his wisdom was accomplished as he came, and he lived in the world for 60,000 robbery. Before coming to the monk's monastery, as a king of a small country, he and a friend of the king of a neighboring country walked along with the ten good interests and sentient beings to save the neighboring nations from evil. They vowed together, and a king vowed to become a Buddha. All sins and sufferings are saved. A king made a vow that if he didn't go through sin and sentient beings first, so that he would become a bodhisattva, he wouldn't want to become a Buddha. Those who wished to become Buddhas and Taoists early, that is, all intellectual achievements came as they wished, and those who wished to be the first to be the last Buddha who became Buddhas, that is, Bodhisattva Dizang [10]. Used to be a buddha In Zhancha Good and Evil Karma Scriptures, the World Explains that the Tibetan Bodhisattva has fulfilled its merits in the past, but shows the body of the Bodhisattva according to its original wishes and spends all sentient beings in the five-turbid evil world. "Zhancha Good and Evil Karma": "This good man (referring to the Dizang Bodhisattva) has sent his heart, and has passed innumerable and inconceivable monks. He has long been able to spend his life with Sapo, and his merits are satisfied. The power of Qiao is modernized, and the shadow should be applied to all directions. Although Fu Pu You travels all the clues and often works, and in the five turbid and evil world, the benefits are too thick, and it is also learned by the original wish, and because all beings should be affected by the chemical industry. So also. He came from the 11th Tribulation, solemn this world, mature sentient beings. Therefore, in the Sihui, the body is stern and virtuous, but the only one who ca n’t pass the incompetence! "[11] Present Buddha The Dizang Bodhisattva showed that the body of the bodhisattva should be transformed in the world of Suowa. When Sakyamuni Buddha said, he was instructed to teach the living of Suowa until Maitreya Bodhisattva became a Buddha in the world of Suowa. Believers call it "Gizang Bodhisattva", which shows that the body of the Bodhisattva assists Shakyamuni Buddha. Therefore, in the Buddhist statues, Sakyamuni Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Dizang Bodhisattva are collectively called "Three Sages of Suwa". Incarnation "The Great Viljana into the Buddhist Sutra ‧ Volume Five" records six first chapters of the Tibetan Monastery in the Tibetan Territory [12] [13] Dizang Bodhisattva Treasure Bodhisattva Baozhang Bodhisattva ("Treasure Hand" in "Buddhist Dictionary") [14] Earth Buddha Baoyin Bodhisattva Sturdy Bodhisattva "Buddha Saying Dang Bodhisattva's Heart Conditioning Ten Kings" [15] Vajrayana wishes to hide the Bodhisattva-holding the human head on the left and the nectar seal on the right, dedicated to the relief of hell. Vajra Bodhisattva Bodhisattva-holding the orb in the left, and the nectar seal in the right, dedicated to the relief of hungry ghosts. Vajra sadly hides the bodhisattva-holding a tin stick in his left hand, and taking photoprints in his right hand, specializing in animal life. Vajra Bodhisattva-Hold the Vajra on the left, and apply the fearless seal on the right. The main relief is Ashura. The Emperor Dizang Bodhisattva-Hold the tin stick on the left, and the knot and the wish seal on the right hand. Pre-Tianhe Dizang Bodhisattva-Hold the Ruyi Pearl in your left hand, and seal the statement in your right hand to save the heaven and earth. Tokugawa Art Museum, Japan The Zhenyan Sect "Jue Chan Banknote" Hell Dading wisely hides-holding the orb on the left and the tin stick on the right. The hungry ghost Dade cleanly hides-holding the orb on the left, and the knot on the right. Livestock big and bright burial-holding the orb on the left, and Ruyi on the right. Asura clean and dirt-free hiding-holding the orb on the left, and holding Fan Qiu on the right. Humane big and clean pilgrimage-Hold the orb on the left, and apply the fearless seal on the right. Heavenly Dao is sturdyly hiding-holding the orb on the left and the sutra on the right. "Buddha Saying the Life of the Bodhisattva Sutra" Longevity Dizang-This deity can prolong life because its heart has no birth and death. Pestle can subdue Wuming. [16] The Prince Wang Liang wrote "The Secret Records of the Bodhisattva of the Vajrayana" [17] Longevity Dizang-The descriptions in "Secret Notes" are mostly taken from "Buddhist Sutra Dangzang Bodhisattva Sutra". [17]: 10-11 The incarnations mentioned in the "Lianhua Sanmai Jing" in the "Secret" are as follows: Victory Army Dizang-After all, the head wears a vacant armor, dressed in the armor of Zuo Tuo Luo Ni, wearing a vajra, sword, sickle, bow and arrow, and the left hand marks the heart to practice the streamer. Luo), the palm evil (manufactured by Dokya), the palm good boy is a local virtue and can regulate the magic; the palm evil boy is a local manjusri, and he can subdue ignorance. This Zizang can defeat greed, ignorance, ignorance and ignorance, and help all living beings to get rid of the cycle of life and death. It is considered to be particularly corresponding to Japan. [18] Tan Tuo Dizang-For the power of hell Tao, holding a human head (Tan Tuo means human head, human head building is the magic weapon of Yanmo, with an angry expression, can spit iron locks to bind the sinners, and express their sins; The burial holders kept their tongues shut and said nothing about sin.) [17]: 13-14 Treasure of the Pearls-For the power of hungry ghosts, hold the Ruyi Orb. Hungry ghosts got this result because they were stingy and greedy during their lifetime, while Baozhu can fulfill all kinds of diets that all living beings like to satisfy the hungry ghosts. [17]: 14 Baoyin Jizo-for the power of the beasts, to extend your wish for Baoyin. Animals such as dragons and gold-winged birds are always damaging each other. Baoyin hands can prevent all kinds of pure and delicious manna diet. [17]: 14-15 Holding the ground to save-for the energy of the Shura Dao, it can hold the earth to support the Shura. The emperor lived in the sky, and the Shura lived on the ground. The two sides struggled on the 16th of each month. The Shura was always defeated and suffering. This Zizang can protect the area of ​​the Shura's stability and stay away from the struggle. Removal of obstacles and pilgrimages-for humane energy, to remove obstacles for people. [17]: 15 Sunlight and Tibet-For the enlightenment of the heavenly way, according to the five decay of the heaven and earth, it will remove its worries. [17]: 15-16 "Lianhua Samadhi" also records the names of the twelve, eighteen, the army, the ghost, and the devil. [17]: 8 Master Hongyi's "New Compilation of Dizang Bodhisattva's Virtue" Praising Jizo Dangzang Muni Zanlong Broken Resort Hide without rest

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