麥味登福亨店 - Section 2

3.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 麥味登福亨店

地址 :

433, Taiwan, Taichung City, Shalu District, Section 2, Zhennan Rd, 206號麥味登福亨店

電話 : 📞 +8888
城市 : Zhennan Rd

433, Taiwan, Taichung City, Shalu District, Section 2, Zhennan Rd, 206號麥味登福亨店
塔庫米Takumi on Google

看了很多負評,大部份是抱怨等待時間過久,確實沒有很快,但我想大概是因為接送小孩趕時間,比較急,建議大家還是打電話先預訂比較保險。 餐點算中規中局,畢竟加盟體系,整體來說精緻,不難吃,但都不算特別驚艷,食材都是中央廚房出來的,我本身是不太喜歡吃過度加工的食物,所以評分不會太高。
I read a lot of negative reviews, and most of them complained about the long waiting time, which was not very fast, but I think it is probably because the pick-up and drop-off of the children is in a hurry. It is more urgent. It is recommended that you call first to make a reservation. Meals are considered to be in the middle of the game. After all, the franchise system is exquisite and not unpalatable, but it is not particularly amazing. The ingredients are all from the central kitchen. I don’t like to eat over-processed food, so I score Not too high.
如吟蕭 on Google

到底是你們員工問題還是我的問題 打電話去點餐的時候 現場有客人不會先叫現場客人等一下 能先聽我點完餐然後在幫 現場客人點餐嗎 很難嗎 還怪我講話講不清楚== 而且我還沒講完就掛電話到底是怎樣 爛
Is it your staff problem or mine? When calling to order food, there are guests on the spot who will not ask the on-site guests to wait for a while. Can you listen to me after ordering and then help the on-site guests order? Is it difficult? It's my fault that I can't speak clearly == and what the hell is wrong with hanging up before I finish speaking?
Thomas Cheung on Google

今天和老婆第一次試吃,差到一個點…首先,我們點了兩個餐,我的餐到了,等了15分鐘我老婆的餐還不見,當時整個餐廳只有三台客人包括我們,我只好跟收銀的姨姨說,原來是漏了單…我老婆的餐大約等了25分鐘才上桌。最後雖然職員有送上一份三明治作補償,但我的美好一天就這樣給破壞了…不能如你們的名字『My Warm Day』?
I tried it with my wife for the first time today, and it was almost one point...First, we ordered two meals. My meal arrived. After waiting for 15 minutes, my wife’s meal was still missing. At that time, there were only three guests in the restaurant, including us. I had to tell the aunt at the cashier that I missed the order...My wife's meal waited about 25 minutes before it was served. In the end, although the staff gave me a sandwich as compensation, my beautiful day was ruined like this...it can’t be like your name "My Warm Day"?
雅玲陳 on Google

真的太誇張了,這樣都冷掉了,怎麼吃 外送員不是早就到了嗎?請問 真的太誇張了,從8:33點9:多快10:00才來,是怎樣????? 以後在也不點你們家東西,爛
It's really too exaggerated, it's all cold, how to eat Didn't the courier arrive early? Excuse me It's really exaggerated. How fast does it come from 8:33:00 to 10:00? ????? I won't order anything from your house in the future, it sucks
陳昱智 on Google

人手多但出餐的速度真的慢到想取消單 餐點都弄好沒出,放在點餐檯面 要等餐點涼了才要送嗎 不知道有沒有人也有這樣感受 建議:分工合作 一下
There are many staff but the speed of meal delivery is so slow that I want to cancel the order The meals are all ready, put on the ordering countertop Do you have to wait until the food is cold before delivering it? I don't know if anyone feels the same way Suggestion: work together
鄭婉萍 on Google

想問店家看到這樣焦黑的食物 還能這樣假裝沒看到直接包裝 如果今天換成你是客人 有何感受 吐司厚片 焦黑硬邦邦 如何給小孩吃? (第一次電話先預約購買 感覺很差)
I want to ask the store to see such scorched food I can pretend that I didn't see the direct packaging How would you feel if you were a guest today Thick slices of toast, scorched and hard. How to give it to children? (The first time I call to make an appointment to buy, I feel very bad)
洪婕綺 on Google

叫熊貓等了一個多小時就算了,蛋包飯的飯整個是硬的…這就是等了一個多小時的成果。下次不會叫了 連一顆星都不想給
I asked the panda to wait for more than an hour. The whole omelet rice was hard...this is the result of waiting for more than an hour. Won't call next time Don't even want to give a star
Ludovic Lu on Google

Fresh, plenty of veggies, satisfying

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