希臘風情 - Longjing District

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 希臘風情

地址 :

434, Taiwan, Taichung City, Longjing District, Sangang Rd, 65號希臘風情

網站 : https://travel.taichung.gov.tw/zh-tw/Attractions/Intro/1070/%25E9%25BA%2597%25E6%25B0%25B4%25E6%25BC%2581%25E6%25B8%25AF
城市 : Sangang Rd

434, Taiwan, Taichung City, Longjing District, Sangang Rd, 65號希臘風情
YuChen Chiang on Google

只有一個建築物可以看, 特別跑來這, 只有失望而已, 卻有少數網美來拍照, 附近就沒有什麼東西, 如果要看海景, 不需要跑到這裡, 汽車只能停路邊, 有公廁可以使用。
Only one building can be seen, Especially came here, Only disappointment, However, a few online beauty came to take pictures, There is nothing nearby, If you want to see the sea view, Don't need to run here, The car can only park on the side of the road, There are public toilets available.
Alexander on Google

Although autumn is coming at noon, the weather is very good. There is a new attraction when driving towards the chimney of the thermal power plant. The Greek architecture is more beautiful. There is a small parking lot on the side of the road.
游善文 on Google

I saw Lishui Fishing Port from the map, and by the way, I turned in to have a look. There are only some bamboo rafts parked, Greek-style buildings, public toilets at the sea patrol inspection station next to it, and bicycle paths on the embankment.
明興陳 on Google

Very mediterranean; weekdays are the most relaxing time...the two attractions are a short distance away...
Andrew Huang on Google

這裡只有一間像希臘的藍白建築 專程去的可能會失望 堤防旁停車很方便 有廁所
There is only one blue and white building like Greece here, you may be disappointed if you make a special trip Parking by the embankment is very convenient and there are toilets
熊國榮 on Google

要評論這地方很為難,因為站在觀景平台看前方是海景,看左邊是長長的鐵馬走道,看右邊有一棟剛粉刷成藍白色的希臘式建築,形成了所謂的異國風情? 這兒的诲口風很強勁,假如你被兵變來此吹吹東北季風,思慮會清晰,頭腦會清醒。 假如妳和愛人剛分手來這兒走走看海景,心胸會豁達,也會覺得分手的男人不識貨,認識下一個對妳會更好。 長輩常教誨予我凡事要向前看的啟示錄是很有哲理的~在觀景平台向後看是整排的高壓電塔.電線桿和火力發電廠,這些情境和《希臘風情》4個字連接顯然很突兀。 平台下面很多廢置的膠筏,沒有漂亮的沙灘也没有豪華的遊艇。 如果你有剛買的羽絨衣可以穿在身上在寒冬時來此站在堤防上測試是否能保暖或者有無防風的效果。 到希臘建築的前方200公尺向右轉會看到遊客服務站。 ?裡面的化室也採用藍白色設計令人十分討喜,若說會令人流連忘返實在太誇張,可是它內部非常非常非常的潔淨完全没異味,值得給它101分。? 龍井區除了宮廟多其實也没什麽公園和風景,台中市政府目前在各區改造旅遊園區,努力發展觀光景點,雖說命名《希臘風情》有點牽強,但市政府投下不少經費整理各地的百年古績大家都有看到,這也是盧秀燕市長的施政成績。(2O2I.11.10)
It is very difficult to comment on this place, because standing on the viewing platform and looking at the ocean ahead, looking at the long iron horse walkway on the left, and looking at the Greek-style building that has just been painted in blue and white on the right, forming the so-called exotic style? The talk here is very strong. If you are brought here by a mutiny to blow the northeast monsoon, your thoughts will be clear and your mind will be clear. If you and your lover just broke up and come here to watch the sea view, you will be open-minded, and you will feel that the man who broke up doesn't know the goods, and it will be better for you to know the next one. The apocalypse that my elders often taught me to look forward in everything is very philosophical~ Looking back on the viewing platform is a row of high-voltage electric towers, telephone poles and thermal power plants. These scenarios are the same as 4 in "Greek Style". The word connection is obviously abrupt. There are many abandoned rubber rafts under the platform, no beautiful beaches and no luxurious yachts. If you have just bought a down jacket, you can wear it on your body in the cold winter and stand on the embankment to test whether it can keep warm or whether it has the effect of preventing wind. 200 meters in front of the Greek building, turn right and you will see the tourist service station. ?The blue and white design of the chemical room inside is very pleasing. It is too exaggerated to say that it will make you linger, but its interior is very, very clean and completely odorless. It is worthy of 101 points. ? In addition to palaces and temples, Longjing District actually has no parks and scenery. Taichung City Government is currently transforming tourist parks in various districts and working hard to develop tourist attractions. Although the name "Greek Customs" is a bit far-fetched, the city government has invested a lot of money to organize the centuries. Everyone has seen the ancient achievements, and this is also the administrative achievement of Mayor Lu Xiuyan. (2O2I.11.10)
紀祥傑(RJ) on Google

位在臺中最西南端龍井區的麗水漁港,原為一座發展有百年歷史的老漁港,因受到鄰近的火力發電廠興建的影響之下,致使漁業發展日漸沒落乏人問津,幾乎不再有船隻來此捕魚,僅剩少數的膠筏停靠,後來巧妙地利用堤岸上已荒廢的海巡檢哨站改建為希臘風情藍白基調的觀景平台,再加上附近設有自行車步道,成為台中適合新人婚紗取景、觀夕照賞鳥、騎單車看海的絕佳勝地。在往前不久的距離還有一處希臘景點能拍(一般人大多錯過這一個,切記 切記)
Lishui Fishing Port, located in Longjing District, the most southwestern tip of Taichung, was originally an old fishing port with a history of more than 100 years. Due to the influence of the construction of the adjacent thermal power plant, the development of the fishing industry has gradually declined, and there are almost no boats. Came here to fish, only a few rubber rafts were left to dock, and then cleverly used the abandoned sea patrol post on the embankment to transform it into a viewing platform with a Greek style blue and white tone, plus there are bicycle trails nearby, it became Taichung. It is an excellent resort for newlyweds to take pictures of wedding dresses, watch the sunset and watch birds, and ride a bicycle to see the sea. There is also a Greek scenic spot that can be photographed not long ago (most people miss this one, remember, remember)
Enal Abidin on Google


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