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Contact 白雲寺

地址 :

500, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Longxian N Rd, 292號白雲寺

電話 : 📞 +8877
城市 : Longxian N Rd

500, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Longxian N Rd, 292號白雲寺
張喬輔 on Google

From small to large, every year, I will go to Baiyun Temple to worship my ancestors. There are still many people in the New Year, but I don’t feel much before. There is a small garden on the top floor that can go up and walk in the sun. It feels very comfortable. Master is very polite to see from a young age. Big, will add fragrant oil money, hard master's contribution throughout the year
LSC on Google

It’s been a long time since I came back here. I’m passing by today to take a photo of my memories
chinming cai on Google

Three rounds of body, I am always happy, I am a green branch, I see you because of color.
Penny Wu on Google

Every year on the first day of the new year, I will pay homage to the temple and pray for a safe and smooth year, and my family members will come to visit regularly.
善哉童子 on Google

白雲寺位於彰化市八卦山麓,肇建於民國四十四年,發起人為上善下智法師、上一下慈法師及王玉霜女居士。草創之初,上善下智法師因故未能參與創寺工作,由上一下慈法師設法先購下現今大雄寶殿所在之山坡地及幾間茅屋,取名為白雲寺。寺務由上一下慈法師主持,王玉霜女居士從旁協助,出錢出力,大力護法,始得法運日隆。 民國四十七年,由王居士邀同地方善信捐集鉅資,親自設計建造,工程歷時三載,至民國四十九年大雄寶殿始告落成。不久,藏經樓亦相繼完成。民國五十二年,敦請上天下一法師晉山就任第一代住持。此後,遠近信眾前來禮佛者絡繹不絕,寺譽自是日隆,香火隨之日盛。 民國五十九年七月十七日,王玉霜女居士往生,享年七十有六。上一下慈法師感於王居士生前護法之誠與倡建白雲寺之功,特闢建王玉霜居士紀念室,且營墓立碑於紀念室旁,以為紀念。同時宣布,自是日起禁足,不出寺外,誓願精進修持,期能上報佛恩,早證菩提。 民國六十九年,住持上天下一法師圓寂。翌年(七十年)上一下慈法師晉任第二代住持。是年農曆十一月舉辦首次佛七。之後,除了每年十一月舉辦佛七外,且訂定每月初五及二十日為念佛日,以求精進。更於民國七十三年農曆閏十月初十日,完成興建念佛堂及塑造西方三聖像。民國七十五年底建造完成寺右之圖書館。 基於種種因緣成熟,自民國七十七年元月起,集各方善信之捐資,開始重建大雄寶殿,至民國七十九年十一月止,主體工程大體完成。遂擇於民國七十九年農曆十月初九日,舉行佛像開光及安座典禮。 民國八十年八月至次年十月止,為弘揚正信佛教,特舉辦佛學研習班,於每周六開課,學習正信理念,日常生活儀軌,俾使落實佛教生活化。 民國八十一年,兒童學佛夏令營開營,本著百年樹人的精神,以期佛教教育文化往下紮根。 民國五十九年七月十七日,王玉霜女居士往生,享年七十有六。上一下慈法師感於王居士生前護法之誠與倡建白雲寺之功,特闢建王玉霜居士紀念室,且營墓立碑於紀念室旁,以為紀念。同時宣布,自是日起禁足,不出寺外,誓願精進修持,期能上報佛恩,早證菩提。 基於種種因緣成熟,自民國七十七年元月起,集各方善信之捐資,開始重建大雄寶殿,至民國七十九年十一月止,主體工程大體完成。遂擇於民國七十九年農曆十月初九日,舉行佛像開光及安座典禮。 民國八十年八月至次年十月止,為弘揚正信佛教,特舉辦佛學研習班,於每周六開課,學習正信理念,日常生活儀軌,俾使落實佛教生活化。 民國八十一年,兒童學佛夏令營開營,本著百年樹人的精神,以期佛教教育文化往下紮根。因建築年久失修,改建開山老師—王玉霜女居士紀念室為三方寶殿。於民國八十一年農曆十月初九日安座,是月十九日起更舉行在家五戒菩薩戒傳戒大典。務使生活戒律化,化導世人信仰佛教,入於佛道。基「毘尼藏住,佛法久住」,故自民國八十二年起,於每年四月十六日至七月十五日「結夏安居」。同年九月二十三日起,每年舉行兩次八關齋戒(農曆三月及九月),令正法久住。
Baiyun Temple is located at the foothills of Bagua Mountain in Changhua City. It was built in 1949. The initiators were Master Shangshan Xiazhi, Master Shangxiaci and female layperson Wang Yushuang. At the beginning of the creation, Master Shang Shan Xia Zhi Zhi was unable to participate in the work of building the temple for some reason. Master Shang Xia Ci tried to purchase the hillside and several thatched huts where the current Daxiong Hall is located, and named it Baiyun Temple. The temple affairs were presided over by the Master Ci, and the female layman Wang Yushuang assisted her. She provided money and effort to protect the Dharma, so that the Dharma fortune was prosperous. In 1949, Wang Jushi invited the local charity to donate huge amounts of money and personally designed and built the project. The project lasted three years, and the Daxiong Hall was completed in 1949. Soon, the Tibetan Scripture Building was also completed one after another. In the fifty-second year of the Republic of China, the Supreme Master Jin Shan was urged to be the first generation abbot. Since then, believers from far and near have come to worship the Buddha in an endless stream. The reputation of the temple is prospering, and the incense continues to flourish. On July 17th in the 59th year of the Republic of China, the female layman Wang Yushuang passed away at the age of seventy to six. On the next page, Master Ci was impressed by the sincerity of Wang Jushi and his merits in advocating the construction of Baiyun Temple. He specially built a memorial room for Wang Yushuang, and the tomb was erected next to the memorial room as a memorial. At the same time, he announced that he would not go out of the temple from now on, and vowed to practice diligently, and hope to report the grace of Buddha and realize Bodhi early. In 1969, the abbot, the master of the world, passed away. The following year (70 years), Master Ci was promoted to the second generation abbot. This is the first time that Buddha Seven will be held in November of the lunar calendar. After that, in addition to holding the seventh day of the Buddha in November each year, the fifth and 20th day of each month are set as the day of reciting the Buddha for refinement. On the tenth day of the tenth day of the leap month in the lunar calendar in the year of the Republic of China, the construction of the chanting hall and the shaping of the Western Three Holy Statues were completed. The Temple Right Library was completed at the end of 1985. Based on the maturity of various factors, since January 1977, the donations from all parties have been collected to rebuild the Daxiong Hall. By November 1979, the main project was largely completed. Therefore, it was chosen on the 9th day of the tenth day of the lunar calendar in the Republic of China to hold the consecration and seating ceremony of the Buddha statue. From August of the 1980s to October of the following year, in order to promote orthodox Buddhism, Buddhist seminars were held every Saturday to learn orthodox ideas and daily rituals, so as to realize Buddhist life. In 1981, a summer camp for children to learn Buddhism opened. In line with the spirit of fostering people for a hundred years, it hoped that Buddhism education and culture would take root. On July 17th in the 59th year of the Republic of China, the female layman Wang Yushuang passed away at the age of seventy to six. On the next page, Master Ci was impressed by the sincerity of Wang Jushi and his merits in advocating the construction of Baiyun Temple. He specially built a memorial room for Wang Yushuang, and the tomb was erected next to the memorial room as a memorial. At the same time, he announced that he would not go out of the temple from now on, and vowed to practice diligently, and hope to report the grace of Buddha and realize Bodhi early. Based on the maturity of various factors, since January 1977, the donations from all parties have been collected to rebuild the Daxiong Hall. By November 1979, the main project was largely completed. Therefore, it was chosen on the 9th day of the tenth day of the lunar calendar in 1949 to hold the consecration and seating ceremony of the Buddha statue. From August of the 1980s to October of the following year, in order to promote orthodox Buddhism, Buddhist seminars were held every Saturday to learn orthodox ideas and daily rituals, so as to realize Buddhist life. In 1981, a summer camp for children to learn Buddhism opened. In line with the spirit of fostering people for a hundred years, it hoped that Buddhism education and culture would take root. Due to the long disrepair of the building, the memorial room of Kaishan teacher-Wang Yushuang female layman was rebuilt into the Sanfang Hall. He was seated on the ninth day of the tenth lunar month in the Republic of China in 1981. From the 19th of the month, the ceremony of passing the precepts of the five precepts of the Bodhisattva at home will be held. Be sure to make life disciplined and guide the world to believe in Buddhism and learn from Buddhism. Ji "Pini lived in hiding, and Dharma stayed for a long time." Therefore, starting from the Republic of China in 1992, he has "set up summer residence" from April 16th to July 15th every year. Starting from September 23 of the same year, eight fasts will be held twice a year (March and September of the lunar calendar) to make the Dhamma live for a long time.
葉Yeh on Google

The Baiyun Temple, which is more than one piece, has been expanded three times to its current scale. The main hall is now a good place for souls, the main gods Sakyamuni Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Garan Bodhisattva, Weiying Bodhisattva, etc. Fa conferences, disaster relief and other services
Chen Joan on Google

Nice &peace
Alex Kung on Google

Quiet temple with hospitable nuns.

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