顏牙醫 - Section 1

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 顏牙醫

地址 :

500, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Section 1, Zhangmei Rd, 153號顏牙醫500

電話 : 📞 +8879
城市 : Zhangmei Rd

500, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Section 1, Zhangmei Rd, 153號顏牙醫500
蔡絜瀅 on Google

來到彰化就只會找顏牙醫 夫婦兩人都很好 每次洗完牙都會送護牙齦的小牙膏給我 非常貼心☺️☺️☺️
When you come to Changhua, you will only find a Yan dentist Both of the couple are fine Every time I wash my teeth, I will give me a small toothpaste that protects my gums. Very caring☺️☺️☺️
Yi-Fang WU on Google

I finally met a dentist who wanted to keep seeing me! Dr. Cai is very gentle and attentive. She will tell you what she is going to do step by step, and will ask you to look in the mirror to confirm after she finishes it, which makes people feel no fear. And it’s very professional, even if it’s just filling the teeth with decayed teeth, I take care of it, and I can't tell that it is a filled tooth at all! Good medical skills and gentle, recommended
嘉峻張 on Google

評論被刪除了,好像很怕人說 我印象很深刻,當時在貴牙醫診所拔智齒,隔天睡一覺起床血流不止,吐了好大一灘血,滿臉盆都是(有圖證明) 當時很緊張,血一直流一直流不停,牙齒也很痛,趕緊去貴牙醫診所掛號,當時情況緊急,所以距離營業時間還有20分鐘,就趕緊到了貴診所,但是貴診所很堅持一定要等到營業時間才要看診 問題是我在您這邊拔牙,似乎出了大問題,我都痛到蹲在地上抖了,血也是吐了一杯接著一杯,但貴方一定要堅持到營業時間才要處理,當時每分每秒,對我來說都是地獄般的煎熬。 假設我開便當店讓客人吃到食物中毒,客人來反應,我是不是可以跟夾菜的員工說:跟他(食物中毒客人)說,我很高貴,現在店還沒營業,我不能下樓,請他在這邊等到營業時間,我再下樓幫他看是怎麼回事。 看似很合理,但是否有那麼一點高高在上,是否有那麼一點不近人情。 結論:不把病患當人看
The comment has been deleted, it seems to be scared I was very impressed. At that time, I had my wisdom teeth extracted at your dentist's clinic. I woke up the next day and had a lot of blood. I vomited a puddle of blood, and my washbasin was full (pictured proof) I was very nervous at the time. The blood kept flowing and my teeth were so painful. I hurried to register at your dentist's clinic. The situation was urgent. So there were still 20 minutes before the opening hours, so I hurried to your clinic, but your clinic insisted on it. Wait until business hours to see the doctor The problem is that I was pulling my teeth on your side. It seemed that something went wrong. I was so painful that I squatted on the ground and trembled. I vomited a cup of blood after a cup, but you must insist on handling it until business hours. , For me, it's all hellish suffering. Suppose I open a bento restaurant to let customers eat food poisoning, and the customers respond. Can I tell the staff who picked up the dish: Tell him (the food poisoning customer) that I am very noble, and the store is not open yet, so I can’t go downstairs. , Ask him to wait here until business hours, and I will go downstairs to help him see what's going on. It seems reasonable, but is there such a high point and whether it is so unkind? Conclusion: Don’t treat patients as human beings
Hedy Yang on Google

從小到大也看了不少間牙醫診所 似乎沒有遇過不靠關係 就很細心替你看診的醫生 總是有差別待遇⋯? 但這裡的醫生太溫暖了? 好像大家都自己人~ 你的?就是我的? 能真心感受到 ??‍⚕️醫生很認真且仔細處理患者的問題 所以醫生建議怎麼處理比較好 我也都很放心~~~??
I have seen many dentists since I was young I don’t seem to have ever met without relying on relationships The doctor who is very attentive to see you There is always a difference...? But the doctors here are too warm? Everyone seems to be their own~ Your ? is mine ? Can really feel ??‍⚕️The doctor is very serious and carefully handles the patient’s problems So what the doctor recommends is better I am also very relieved~~~??
Yen志樺(首席工程師) on Google

After cleaning my teeth today, I am very grateful for the doctor's technique. I will not feel sore at all. It is my responsibility to maintain my teeth.
Rong-Guang Wu on Google

The doctor is kind, because the person in the back will help me to wash my teeth by the way.
黃嵩嵐 on Google

我上次跟小兒子去用牙齒,覺得您們倆位醫師還不錯.. 今天聽我老婆說男醫師服務態度有夠差… 請問您是心情很不好出氣在別人身上嘛!? 下次不會再去給您們用了~ 我們去別家服務態度都比你們好太多!!!
The last time I went to use the teeth with my younger son, I think you two doctors are not bad.. Today I heard from my wife that the male doctor's service attitude is bad enough... Excuse me, are you in a bad mood and take your anger out on others? ? I won't use it for you next time~ Our service attitude is much better than yours when we go to other homes! ! !
Shan Shan on Google

爛爆 男醫生超級粗魯 還直接壓頭 是怎樣? 然後已經喊痛了 還不停止動作 還越用越大力 去別家 人家醫生都會注意病人的狀況 這裡完全不理 害怕看牙醫的陰影就是小時候在這裡產生的 要不是疼痛難忍 原本的牙醫預約滿了 我也不會再來這 就是牙齒有問題 才會來看醫生 一整個療程都在碎念 機器聲音 非常尖銳的在耳邊 還不能閃 直接被壓回去 整個就是莫名其妙的療程 明明是看牙痛 結果變洗牙?洗到滿嘴血 還戳到牙齦腫起來? 真的是好棒棒
What's up with the rotten male doctor being super rude and pressing his head directly? Then I already cried out in pain, I didn't stop moving, I used more and more force If you go to another house, the doctor will pay attention to the patient's condition. Totally ignored here The fear of going to the dentist was born here as a child I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the unbearable pain and my original dentist appointment is full. I only see a doctor when I have a problem with my teeth The machine sound is very sharp in the ear, can't flash, is directly pressed back The whole thing is an inexplicable treatment It's obviously a toothache, but it turns out to be a tooth cleaning? I washed until my mouth was full of blood and even poked my gums to swell up ? It's really good

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