三民市場咖哩飯 老店 - Changhua City

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 三民市場咖哩飯 老店

地址 :

500, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Yong'an St, 79號旁攤位三民市場咖哩飯 老店

電話 : 📞 +889
城市 : Yong'an St

500, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Yong'an St, 79號旁攤位三民市場咖哩飯 老店
CHI on Google

Tonight, I ordered the pot roasted pasta. The whole bowl of soup is full of sand. The noodles and eggs have a slight sandy feeling. The bottom of the box makes a rustling sound with a spoon. I guess that the clams spit out the sand and did not spit out a lot of sand... Visited many times , I hope that the old store can improve, and the business is good, but the quality is still important.
Derrr Jhou on Google

外帶先劃單(在攤子前、粉紅色的)後拿號碼單等叫號,叫到號碼拿餐時再付錢。 晚餐時間人蠻多的,大約等10~15分鐘。 台式咖喱飯有附湯,胡蘿蔔、馬鈴薯、肉料給很多,可以選擇分開或放一起; 壽司捲切6個,吃起來會飽。
Take out the order (in front of the stall, pink) and then take the number list and call the number, and then pay when the number is called for the meal. There are quite a lot of people during dinner time, and the wait is about 10-15 minutes. Taiwanese curry rice comes with soup, carrots, potatoes, and meat are many, you can choose to separate or put them together; The sushi roll is cut into 6 pieces, and it will be full.
13王沛瑄 on Google

Super delicious! The extra sauce is reheated the next day and served with rice, which is equally delicious!
江雅鈴 on Google

壽司、鍋燒意麵、咖哩飯都好吃,等待的人總是滿滿的。 點餐只需要拿單子填寫交給老闆娘,會有號碼等候,退到旁邊等候叫號碼就可以,鍋燒意麵是現場煮,請耐心等候一下。 今天讓國三的女兒自己買晚餐,有告訴她拿單子填寫有號碼等候,結果她站到滿滿人群外圍,我問她她回答不知道從哪裡排隊。要她往前拿單子填,結果她直接向老闆娘說點餐4份壽司??在她後面有客人來,也是直接填單拿號碼等候。媽媽是生氣她沒在聽人家教,一副不會、不知道就都不用學、不用做,我覺得她這樣也是插隊,要她拿單子填等候,不是站在那裡事不關己,我該陪她傻傻等到什麼時後,她一副不關她的事要我去處理,媽媽超生氣,客人都在看很丟臉,今天不好意思打擾客人和老闆娘了,是針對小孩本身個性,和店家沒關係喔。
Sushi, hot pot pasta, curry rice are all delicious, and the waiting people are always full. To order, you only need to fill in the list and give it to the proprietress, there will be a number waiting, return to the side and wait for the number to be called. The pot roast pasta is cooked on the spot, please wait patiently. Today, I asked my third-year daughter to buy dinner by herself. She was told to take the list and fill in the number and wait. But she stood outside the crowd. I asked her that she didn't know where to line up. She was asked to fill in the list, but she directly told the proprietress to order 4 pieces of sushi ?? There are customers behind her, and she also fills in the list and waits for the number. Mom is angry that she is not listening to other people’s tutors. If she doesn’t know it, she doesn’t have to learn or do it. I think she’s jumping in the queue like this, asking her to fill in the list and wait. It’s not about standing there. I should After waiting with her stupidly until what time, she asked me to take care of her affairs. My mother was very angry, and the guests were embarrassed. Today I am sorry to disturb the guests and the proprietress. It is aimed at the personality of the child and the store. It's okay.

排隊美食 不管外帶或內用 店面小 位子少 只有風扇 夏天時其實很熱 店員大多是瘖啞人士 只有一位能溝通的 請有耐心 咖哩飯鍋燒麵跟壽司都好吃
Line up for food, no matter the take-away or internal use, the store is small, the seat is small, only the fan is very hot in summer. Most of the staff are deaf and dumb. Only one can communicate. Please be patient. Curry rice cooker and sushi are delicious.
懷特ㄅ卡 on Google

生意興隆~還好我們來的時候還有位置!! 內用只有四、五小桌,附近不太好挺車,建議騎機車比較方便。 咖哩份量蠻多的,還附味噌湯唷!可惜味道我覺得普通。 鍋燒烏龍麵的湯頭是柴魚湯!!看起來小小鍋的,但是也吃很飽。 唯獨壽司沒吃到覺得很可惜,因為怕吃不完,所以沒有點壽司,結果發現壽司好像是最搶手的!!(殘念 只能下次二訪了~~
Business is booming~ Fortunately, we still have a place when we come! ! There are only four or five small tables for internal use, and the car is not very good in the vicinity. It is recommended to ride the locomotive more conveniently. The amount of curry is quite large, and it is also accompanied by miso soup! Unfortunately, I feel ordinary. The soup head of the wok-flavored udon noodles is a bonito soup! ! It looks like a small pot, but it is also full. It’s a pity that sushi is not eaten. Because I’m afraid I can’t finish it, I didn’t have sushi. I found that sushi seems to be the most sought-after! ! (remember Only the next visit is ~~
Bosen Chen (Bo) on Google

在菜市場裡,下午才開門 很基本簡單的台式咖喱飯,跟現在流行的厚重咖喱不一樣,沒有花樣,沒有噱頭,只有讓你吃飽吃舒服!很溫和,很實在,搭配很多料的味增湯,很棒! 對我來說,這是回憶的味道 小學時爺爺騎著偉士牌載我來吃,到現在我出了社會許久一個人來吃,味道還是一樣,希望這份味道到能繼續傳承下去⋯⋯
In the vegetable market, it opens only in the afternoon Very basic and simple table-style curry rice, unlike the heavy curry that is popular nowadays, there are no tricks, no gimmicks, only you can eat and eat comfortably! Very mild and real, with a lot of miso soup, great! For me, this is the taste of memories In elementary school, my grandfather drove me to eat with a Weishi card, and now I have come out to eat alone for a long time. The taste is still the same. I hope this taste will continue to be passed on.
宇宙蝦米 on Google

在地人才知道的美食,選項很簡單,只有咖喱飯、鍋燒麵和基本款壽司。 每一種都是基本到無法更基本的基本款,沒有變化型,但就是好吃? 從聾啞人士的爸爸時代吃到第二代,味道都沒變?
The food that the local people know, the options are very simple, only curry rice, hot pot noodles and basic sushi. Each is a basic model that cannot be more basic, there is no variation, but it is delicious ? From the time of the deaf-mute's father to the second generation, the taste has not changed?

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