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Contact 群欣牙醫診所

地址 :

50044, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Section 1, Zhongzheng Rd, 217號群欣牙醫診所

電話 : 📞 +8877888
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/starsdentalclinic
城市 : Zhongzheng Rd

50044, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Section 1, Zhongzheng Rd, 217號群欣牙醫診所
王修名 on Google

Very uncomfortable experience in seeing a doctor. I asked Dr. Xiao *ting about her teeth. As a result, she looked impatient, and was ridiculed by her. She was full of anger during the consultation!! I don't know why she treats patients like this, we The respectful doctor asked her politely and it turned out that she was treated like this!??
張棋雯 on Google

在其他地方要矯正,矯正前被介紹來這邊處理臨時假牙和根管治療,約2個月,每次預約的感受都很好! 櫃檯服務人員態度不錯,不會莫名就兇病人,遇到的三個醫師都是預約時間到準時開始,不會延誤!過程中也不會因為急著接下一位病人而很趕的感覺,每次治療一定是有頭有尾,大約半小時到一小時,不會草率結束! 牙助也很認真,不會一直跟醫師聊天! 周醫師很細心,而且動作不會太粗魯,會仔細解說! 還有我自費顯微鏡根管治療,給連醫師做,覺得很專業,3-4次都快睡著,注射麻藥時會先壓嘴巴其他地方減少痛感,然後每次麻藥劑量打的剛剛好,回家後過一段時間就可以吃飯,不會因為施打太多而餓很久! 總之這次我在台北、彰化看過很多家牙醫診所裡面很滿意、推薦的一家!
I need to be corrected in other places. I was introduced here to deal with temporary dentures and root canal treatments before correction. About 2 months, I feel very good every time I make an appointment! The service staff at the counter are good, and they don’t want to kill the patient inexplicably. The three doctors I met all started on time when the appointment time was on time, and there was no delay! In the process, there will be no feeling of rushing because of the rush to pick up the next patient. Each treatment must have its beginnings and ends, about half an hour to an hour, and it will not end hastily! The dental assistant is also very serious and will not always chat with the doctor! Dr. Zhou is very attentive, and will not be too rude, and will explain carefully! In addition, I paid my own microscope root canal treatment. I gave it to a doctor. I felt very professional. I fell asleep 3-4 times. When injecting the anesthetic, I would first press the other parts of the mouth to reduce the pain. You can eat after a while, and you won’t be hungry for a long time because of too much beating! In short, I have seen many dental clinics in Taipei and Changhua this time and I am very satisfied and recommended one!
Monk Buddhist on Google

我一直很感恩,感恩周醫師治療我媽媽的牙齒,我媽媽的牙齦炎在周醫師的細心與專業的治療下,已恢復原有的健康! 我也感謝林承俊醫師,牙周病困擾我好久,多虧林醫師的診療與指導,讓我遠離牙周病的折磨! 感恩群欣牙科診所所有醫護人員!
I have always been grateful. I am grateful to Dr. Zhou for treating my mother's teeth. My mother's gingivitis has been restored to its original health under the careful and professional treatment of Dr. Zhou! I am also grateful to Dr. Lin Chengjun, periodontal disease has troubled me for a long time, thanks to Dr. Lin's diagnosis and treatment and guidance, it has kept me away from the torment of periodontal disease! Thanks to all the medical staff of Qunxin Dental Clinic!
吳冠儀 on Google

請問下排第二小臼齒目前缺牙,要做傳統三顆假牙(牙橋,前後牙齒均健在),費用大約在哪? 需要進行幾次回診呢?(因路程約半小,納入考量一下) 另外有特約優惠是傳統假牙能9折嗎? 謝謝回覆
Excuse me, the second molar in the lower row is currently missing teeth, and I need to do traditional three dentures (dental bridges, both front and back teeth are still alive), what is the cost? How many visits are required? (Because the distance is about half an hour, take it into consideration) In addition, there is a special discount is that traditional dentures can be 10% off? thanks for reply
ayaka moriyama on Google

醫生做任何動作前都會先說,會刺痛或是酸也都會先預告,鑽牙的時候也會數秒數讓你知道還有幾秒可以稍微停歇~動作和聲音都很溫柔~~不會一直狂鑽猛鑽 可以補的牙不會一下子會先補起來的不會馬上就抽掉神經讓牙齒壞掉!!救了我好幾顆爛牙。 小時候遇到無良牙醫一蛀牙痛就全部抽神經,搞的沒啥好牙了
The doctor will tell you before doing any action, it will be tingling or sore, and it will also be announced first. When drilling the teeth, it will also count a few seconds to let you know that there are still a few seconds to stop for a while~ The movements and sounds are very gentle~ It will not last. Crazy drill The tooth that can be filled will not be filled first, and the nerve will not be pulled out immediately and the tooth will be broken! ! Saved me several rotten teeth. When I was a child, when I met an unscrupulous dentist, all the nerves were pumped as soon as the tooth decayed, and there was no good tooth.
irene T on Google

很喜歡在這裡看診的氛圍,每一位牙醫師跟護理師都非常和藹親切。特別喜歡蕭醫師! 技術一流,不論是拔牙還是手術,都可以感受到蕭醫師的專業跟對病人的用心! 之前在別的診所拔牙經驗都很差,但是在群欣很不一樣!
I really like the atmosphere of the consultation here, every dentist and nurse are very kind and friendly. I especially like Dr. Xiao! The technique is top-notch. Whether it is tooth extraction or surgery, you can feel Dr. Xiao's professionalism and care for the patient! I have poor experience in tooth extraction in other clinics before, but Qunxin is very different!
游小猴 on Google

今日帶小朋友來看牙齒 陳醫師對小朋友很有耐心也非常親切 對於第一次看牙齒的小朋友來說是一個很棒的經驗 媽媽也一起掛號檢查牙齒 謝醫師詳細的解說牙齒狀況 會給患者一些建議 最重要的還是要定期檢查牙齒喲 初診的人客啊~~ 看完牙齒之後會送你牙刷組,還會送小朋友小玩具喲!!! 也太好了吧~~~~~~!
Bring the kids to see the teeth today Dr. Chen is very patient and kind to the children It is a great experience for children who are seeing teeth for the first time Mom also registered for dental checkup together Dr. Xie explained the tooth condition in detail Will give some advice to patients The most important thing is to check your teeth regularly New visitor~~ After reading the teeth, I will give you a toothbrush set and children's toys! ! ! That’s great too~~~~~~!
林俞蓁 on Google

如果可以給負星,我一定會給負5顆星,超爛的體驗,以下文長!絕對不會再去的一間牙醫診所! 因為有人推薦,所以預約洗牙,洗牙後女醫生說有蛀牙,所以第一次去是洗牙加治療左上ㄧ顆蛀牙,治療過程中一直覺得超級痛,比以往蛀牙去讓別家牙醫治療還痛,結束後順便預約了下一次治療右上蛀牙一顆,結果回家左上治療的地方隱隱作痛了一個禮拜(期間有打電話回去問,牙醫師說因為蛀牙比較大,所以是正常的,如果有慢慢沒那麼痛就還好,但如果一直還是很痛就要回去重看)因為有漸漸的減緩疼痛感,所以就照預定時間又回去處理第二顆蛀牙,其實期間真的有想要取消,但想說都治療到一半了,所以還是讓他治療完畢,第二次看診,讓我下定決心絕對不會再到這一家看診,該牙醫師從診療開始到結束從頭到尾都在跟牙助聊天,期間還有人來問牙醫師要訂什麼便當…然後牙醫師還一度跟牙助聊天到忘記補完要照燈,牙助問牙醫師剛剛有照燈嗎?牙醫師才回說難怪我覺得好像忘了什麼⋯原來是忘記照燈!!!當下真的有氣到想要請他們專業一點,不要一直顧聊天,很不尊重我,但最後還是忍住了,結束後我就問醫師這是最後一次不用再來了吧,他回之後只需要定期檢查就好,其實當天就很想來評論他們的不專業,但想想還是算了,結果從三月到現在只要喝室溫或者是冰涼的水或飲料治療蛀牙的地方都會痛,只有喝溫熱水才不會痛,連咬比較有嚼勁的珍珠牙齒也會痛,真的很誇張!以前看蛀牙從來沒有這樣過,就只有這一間治療結束那麼久了,吃東西喝東西都還會痛,所以氣到一定要來給一顆星,也讓看到我這篇評論的人可以好好考慮清楚再決定!
If I can give negative stars, I will definitely give negative 5 stars, super bad experience, the following article is long! A dentist office I will never visit again! Because someone recommended it, I made an appointment for a tooth cleaning. After the cleaning, the female doctor said that there was tooth decay, so the first time I went to it was cleaning and treating the upper left tooth decay. During the treatment, I always felt super painful. It still hurts. After the end, I made an appointment for the next treatment of a cavity on the upper right side. As a result, I went home and the treatment place on the upper left side had a dull pain for a week. It’s fine if it doesn’t hurt that much, but if it’s still very painful, you should go back and watch it again.) Because the pain gradually eased, I went back to deal with the second tooth decay as scheduled. In fact, I really wanted to Cancelled, but I want to say that the treatment is halfway through, so I still let him finish the treatment. The second visit made me make up my mind that I will never visit this clinic again. During the chat with the dental assistant, some people came to ask the dentist what kind of bento to order... Then the dentist once chatted with the dental assistant until he forgot to turn on the light after the filling, and the dental assistant asked if the dentist just had the light on? The dentist replied that no wonder I felt as if I forgot something... It turned out that I forgot to turn on the light! ! ! I was really angry at the moment and wanted to ask them to be professional, don't keep talking, I'm very disrespectful, but I finally held back. After the end, I asked the doctor that this is the last time I don't need to come again. After he comes back, he only needs to Regular inspections are good. In fact, I really wanted to comment on their unprofessionalism that day, but I thought about it. As a result, from March to now, as long as you drink room temperature or cold water or beverages to treat tooth decay, the place will hurt, only drinking warm Hot water will not hurt, even biting the chewy pearl teeth will hurt, really exaggerated! I have never seen tooth decay like this before, only this one room has been treated for so long, and it still hurts to eat and drink, so I am so angry that I must come and give a star, so that people who read my review can Think carefully before deciding!

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