挑水古道員草路運動廣場 - Changhua County

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Contact 挑水古道員草路運動廣場

地址 :

502, Taiwan, Changhua County, Fenyuan Township, 挑水古道挑水古道員草路運動廣場

城市 : Fenyuan Township

502, Taiwan, Changhua County, Fenyuan Township, 挑水古道挑水古道員草路運動廣場
陳怡君 on Google

非常靜謐的一條古道, 很喜歡竹子互相敲擊的聲音, 讓人暫時遠離塵囂, 與大自然共處。 重點是, 步道的規劃完整, 路線清楚, 適合親子同樂。 一路的上坡, 非常適合訓練腳力。
A very quiet old road, I really like the sound of bamboo striking each other, Let people stay away from the crowd temporarily, Live with nature. The point is, The planning of the trail is complete, The route is clear, Suitable for parent-child fun. All the way uphill, Very suitable for training foot strength.
台中市豐原住商不動產尤阿甘0913655385 on Google

?One star, there are few chats with oil tung flowers, and there are not many vendors in the environment, just like hiking.
May Ya on Google

Blossom blooming season, walking on the trail winding gentle slope, sports and sightseeing, a good choice is really double benefit of ~
吳尚原 on Google

油桐花漂亮 順便走一下古道 路好走 無廁所喔要到入口處旁的中油加油站
The oil tung flowers are beautiful. By the way, walk along the ancient road. The road is easy. There is no toilet.
KENKEN Chen on Google

建設完整,維護良好,相當輕鬆寫意的健行古道。 整條挑水古道都已建設完善,全線平面斜坡 沒有泥巴路也無階梯,途中留有古時取水處,可汲水洗去汗水。 挑水古道旁還有條碧山古道,建議可上山走碧山,下山走挑水。
Construction complete, well maintained, very relaxing hiking trail. The whole building have been fetching water and trail improvement across the board plane slope is not dirt roads and no ladder, leaving the way ancient water area, which could draw water to wash away the sweat. Fetching water beside the trail there are bars Bishan Road, it is recommended to go up the mountain Bishan, go down the mountain carrying water.
ivi v on Google

✫型態:全長約2公里,步道類型前半段為產業型道路較無遮蔭有點曬,後半段皆鋪設透水磚,樹蔭較濃密有遮蔭,全程緩坡,老少咸宜適合闔家出遊。 ✫特色:此步道四、五月時可見滿地桐花雪,挺漂亮的,走至終點可走139縣道往文德國小方向接碧山古道成為一個O型迴路回到挑水古道,碧山古道樹蔭較濃密前段柏油後段泥土山徑,但沒有view也較少油桐花,下山後附近有隆江老甕豬腳可簡餐或蔡氏釀酒廠可喝啤酒休息拍照。 ✫設施:沿途皆有涼亭平台可供休憩,中間運動廣場有小籃球場,也有不少攤販擺設農產品或小吃可供挑選購買,後半段龍鳳湧井可汲水洗手洗臉很是涼快,步道中間跟終點處都有簡易流動型洗手間。 ✫注意:有兩個入口,第一入口在芬園鄉溪頭村員草路一段159號,第二入口在139縣道大彰路672巷。 ✫停車:第一入口處鳥居旁邊有停車場及路邊可停車,第二入口139縣道路邊或是東龍宮(小小的不好停)
✫Type: The total length is about 2 kilometers. The first half of the trail type is an industrial road with less shade and a little sun. The second half is covered with permeable bricks. The trees are densely shaded and shaded. The whole slope is gentle. It is suitable for families. ✫Features: The trail is covered with snow in Tonghua in April and May. It is very beautiful. When you reach the end, you can take the 139 county road to the small direction of Wende Germany and then join the Bishan Ancient Road. The mountain trail is densely shaded with muddy trails in the front section and in the back section, but there are no views and less tung flowers. There is a Longjiang old urn pig's foot near the mountain for a light meal or a beer at Cai's brewery to take a break and take pictures. ✫Facilities: There are pavilion platforms for rest along the way, there are small basketball courts in the middle sports square, and there are many vendors selling agricultural products or snacks for selection and purchase. The second half of the Longfeng Yongjing can draw water to wash hands and wash the face. It is cool, the middle of the trail is at the end There are simple mobile toilets everywhere. ✫Note: There are two entrances. The first entrance is at No. 159, Section 1, Yuancao Road, Xitou Village, Fenyuan Township, and the second entrance is at Lane 672, Dazhang Road, 139 County Road. ✫Parking: There is a parking lot and roadside parking next to the torii gate at the first entrance, and the 139 county road or Donglong Palace at the second entrance (small parking is not easy)
Tzuchiu Huang on Google

There is a missing basketball hoop and a resting pavilion. The grounds are flat and clean.
taco桑 on Google

Mid-April is when the tung flowers are in full bloom!

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