東森寵物雲 彰化和美店 - Section 5

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 東森寵物雲 彰化和美店

地址 :

508, Taiwan, Changhua County, Hemei Township, Section 5, Zhangmei Rd, 247號東森寵物雲 彰化和美店

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 : http://www.etipets.com/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
城市 : Zhangmei Rd

508, Taiwan, Changhua County, Hemei Township, Section 5, Zhangmei Rd, 247號東森寵物雲 彰化和美店
J.C.K on Google

725 兩百五 兩個讀音差那麼多......。好吧....就當我真的聽錯了 但仔細想想當初結帳時店員也沒覆誦價格給我聽,這也挺奇怪的,雖然我自己也沒特別去想,只想趕快把事情弄完,還剛好沒帶錢只好用電子支付讓你刷,結果整個陰錯陽差,認為應該是3百多塊的東西 回家後才發覺買了8百多 如果知道是這價格,我當下會考慮一下 .....一定能發現有個東西價格我搞錯了 雖然整件事細數起來我理虧,但我一定要給你一顆星 真是不甘心 = =
725 Two hundred and five The two pronunciations are so different.... Well.... just pretend I really got it wrong But when I think about it, the clerk didn't recite the price to me at the time of checkout. I asked you to brush it, but it turned out that the whole thing was wrong. I thought it should be more than 300 yuan before I found out that I bought more than 800 yuan. If I know this price, I will think about it now... I will definitely find something with a price. i got it wrong Although the whole thing is counted down, I'm right, but I must give you one star. I'm really not reconciled = =
易岱霓 on Google

店員很有耐心跟他講說家裡的狗狗品種跟年紀就會很認真的推薦商品 不會讓人很有壓力 然後也不會因為不清楚不知道該怎麼買
陳盈穎 on Google

從留言就能看出來店裡的狗狗跟貓貓一定超可愛 店員一定很都很愛護他們 他們才能這麼乖❤️ 上次看到店裡那隻超乖的狗狗被攻擊? 不知道攻擊他的那隻是不是過的不太幸福 所以才攻擊人家?心疼阿包?????? 店員也人超好?都很保護寵物們❤️
From the message, it can be seen that the dogs and cats in the store must be super cute The clerk must love them very much. They can be so good ❤️ Last time I saw the super obedient dog in the store being attacked? I don't know if the one who attacked him was just not having a good time That's why I attacked people? I feel sorry for A Bao The clerks are also super nice ? They are very protective of pets ❤️
Archer Huang on Google

一包3kg飼料和網路價差100多元就算了, 發票還被塞贈品明細卻沒實給。 以後還是網購比較實在。
The price difference between a pack of 3kg feed and the Internet is more than 100 yuan. The invoice was also stuffed with the details of the gift but it was not actually given. In the future, online shopping is more realistic.
聖女小蕃茄 on Google

一位母親放任他的孩子逛大街,影響了交通,然後還要路上的行車都必須禮讓他的孩子,這本身就是一件極其荒謬的事情!但是我卻碰上了! 連鎖店體系給店員的福利就是能夠帶寵物上班,這出發點非常好!但是店員本身並沒有考慮到客人的寵物可能一點都不親切!客人按照法規上了牽引繩進店,但是店員放任自己的愛寵整間店遊蕩,當客人預備結帳面對櫃台背向賣場時,店員的寵物靠近了客人的那位一點都不親切的寵物!下場就是被咬了一口!流血! 於是店員姑娘她老大不高興了!對著遵守法規上牽引繩的消費者暴怒狂瞪大吼大叫!然後一下要求消費者要去動物醫院負責!一下又說不用了她要自己去!然後...這位店員姑娘就帥氣的背上包包帶著她的愛寵扭頭走了!留下空無一人的賣場及空無一人的櫃台跟我預備要結帳的罐頭!簡直荒涼的讓人發笑!沒有任何人來幫我結帳?還被怒瞪還被大吼大叫?我就想問...我何錯之有?這整件事情跟我開頭所敘述母親的故事有什麼差別? 不得不說店長來電的態度非常好!但是,我不認為我必須承受一個陌生人無理的大吼大叫!如果貴公司要開放員工帶寵物上班!請也做出規定,不是每一位客人的寵物都可以隨意靠近,我的狗已經上了牽引繩一直跟在我身邊,您的寵物非要靠近結果被攻擊,我敢說,這樣的事情再不改善絕對還會有下一次!只是不知道那位倒楣會被店員怒瞪大吼大叫的客人何時會出現罷了! 寵物店很多網路消費也很方便,而貴店我是不會再踏進去了!誰知道又會有什麼倒楣事發生在我身上呢? 2022/03/04更新: 今日再來看看評論 很明顯在同一天及短時間內 店家或是店員很明顯的動用親友網軍來衝5星評論 (大家都知道店員的寵物名這點還真妙!) 不過這對我來說無任何意義也不構成影響 當天的狗咬狗事件因為受到女店員的言語叫囂以及擅離櫃台跟賣場留下我這位消費者無人幫我進行結帳動作 因為自覺不平等對待因此捍衛自身而向店長及總公司進行投訴 電話裡我也都有明確要求對方調閱監視器 總公司客服也告知我會請區域經理調查 但到今天暫無任何回應 店家或是店員可以對外敘述自己的委屈 但只用嘴巴說的有無扭曲事實誰會知道呢? 而我在尋求各方意見後 也確定自身沒有任何疏失 而我力求店長及總公司調閱監視器內容判定雙方行為及犬隻放任遊蕩動作 想請問他們做了嗎? (笑) 店員及店家有網軍支持 而我在對外尋求意見時也沒有人覺得我有疏失 現在社會看戲的人多我很清楚 但公道自在人心 我勇敢的為我自己發言就很足夠! 2022/03/05再更: 昨晚接到區經理來電致歉 確定已經調閱監視器完整資料證明我所有敘事不假 當初客服我主訴就由區經理來判定當日影像內容 若是我有錯我絕對上門道歉 反之,我則要求一個道歉! 區經理調閱當日影像資料證明我並沒有任何疏失 而且也清楚說明我在櫃檯有明顯拉繩動作 對於店家跟區經理所解釋的常客在google評論根本不清楚當日狀況而發起攻擊的言論我不在乎 能夠透過監視器資料還原一切還我清白這樣就好 非常感謝區經理的處理及小禮物(已婉拒不收) 這幾日與店家及總公司的電聯內容皆已錄音保存 會繼續在這體系他店消費 從今之後!各自安好! 同日再更: 因為各路水軍護航 看到發言那我也來發表一下我的感想 此件事情讓我聯想到屏東索爾比特咬死人事件 狗在那邊好好的偏要去逗弄打擾結果被咬死 請問怪誰呢? 如果還是很不服總公司的判定 我完全不介意走司法程序處理此事件 另外我也很好奇業主 看您每則留言都在感謝回覆支持 怎麼就沒有回覆一下我呢? 我老公也是持續在您店面購買貓罐頭 對支付店租及店員薪資也是有貢獻呢! 怎麼就不謝謝我?(笑) 2022/03/22再更: 此篇留言來指名回覆評論非常激動的黃楓雪先生(女士) 關於您的最後一句話:都幾歲了!禮義廉恥! 很抱歉.....我真的大笑了!!! 看來您已經不是普通的水軍 而是了解不少細節喔! 既然如此那我就來講一下我的想法吧! 我不認為幾歲年紀就能夠扯到禮義廉恥這件事 如果您硬要這樣形容 不就代表年紀越輕就可以越猖狂 年紀越輕就可以越不要臉 年紀越輕就可以越不分事理 如果是這樣的話 我實在是為這個社會未來而感到堪憂 請您要了解一件事 我從頭到尾都不是躲藏著的 而是透過影像紀錄還原所有真相的 當然我也會繼續持續關注貴店 畢竟 我可是經過認證不是亂說話的那個人喔!(笑)
It is absurd in itself for a mother to allow her child to go out on the street, disrupting traffic, and then requiring all traffic on the road to yield to her child! But I ran into it! The benefit of the chain store system to the clerk is the ability to bring pets to work, which is a very good starting point! But the clerk himself did not take into account that the guest's pet may not be friendly at all! The customer entered the store on a leash according to the regulations, but the clerk allowed his pet to roam the whole store. When the customer was ready to checkout and faced the counter with his back to the store, the clerk's pet approached the customer's pet that was not friendly at all. ! It ended up being bitten! bleed! So the clerk girl and her boss are not happy! Shouting furiously at consumers who comply with the regulations on the leash! Then ask consumers to go to the animal hospital to be responsible! She said again that she had to go by herself! Then. . . The clerk girl put on the bag and took her pet pet back to her handsomely and turned away! Leave empty stores and empty counters with me to prepare cans for checkout! Simply desolate makes people laugh! Don't have anyone to checkout for me? Being glared and yelled at? I just want to ask. . . What am I doing wrong? How is this whole thing different from my mother's story at the beginning? I have to say that the attitude of the store manager to call is very good! However, I don't think I have to endure the unreasonable yelling of a stranger! If your company wants to allow employees to bring pets to work! Please also make regulations. Not every guest's pet can approach at will. My dog ​​has been on a leash and has been following me. Your pet must be attacked if you insist on approaching. I dare to say that such a thing will never happen again. Improvement will definitely come next time! I just don't know when the unfortunate customer who will be yelled at by the clerk will appear! Many online purchases in pet stores are also very convenient, and I will not step into your store again! Who knows what will happen to me? 2022/03/04 Update: Check out the comments today Apparently on the same day and within a short period of time The store or the clerk obviously used the army of relatives and friends to rush 5-star reviews (It's cool that everyone knows the clerk's pet name!) But it doesn't make any sense and doesn't affect me The dog bites a dog incident that day because I was yelled at by the female clerk and left the counter and the store without permission. No one helped me to checkout. Complain to the store manager and the head office for defending oneself because of self-consciously unequal treatment On the phone, I also explicitly asked the other party to access the monitor. The head office customer service also told me that I would ask the regional manager to investigate But so far no response The store owner or clerk can describe their grievances to the outside world But who will know if the truth is distorted by speaking only with the mouth? And after I seek opinions from all sides Make sure that you have not made any mistakes And I do my best to ask the store manager and the head office to review the content of the monitor to determine the behavior of both parties and the dog's laissez-faire behavior Want to ask if they did it? (laughs) The clerk and the store have the support of the network army And no one thinks I'm negligent when I seek external advice Now there are a lot of people watching dramas in society, I know very well But justice is in the heart It is enough for me to be brave enough to speak for myself! Update on 2022/03/05: Received a call from the district manager last night to apologize Make sure I have consulted the complete information of the monitor to prove that all my narratives are true At the beginning of the customer service, I complained that the district manager would determine the video content of the day. If I am wrong, I will definitely come to apologize Instead, I ask for an apology! The district manager reviewed the video data of the day to prove that I did not have any negligence And it also makes it clear that I have obvious rope pulling action at the counter. I don't care about the comments made by the store and the district manager that the frequent customers in the google comment did not know the situation of the day and attacked It's good to be able to restore everything through the monitor data and I'm innocent Thank you very much for the handling of the district manager and the small gift (which has been declined) The communication with the store and the head office in the past few days has been recorded and saved Will continue to spend in other stores in this system From now on! Be well to each! Update on the same day: Because of the escort of various naval forces When I see the speech, I will also express my thoughts This incident reminds me of the Pingtung Solbite killing incident The dog was going to tease and disturb the dog over there, but it was bitten to death Who is to blame? If you are still very dissatisfied with the head office's judgment I don't mind going through the judicial process at all Also I'm curious about the owner Looking at your every message, thank you for replying and supporting Why didn't you reply to me? My husband also continues to buy canned cat food from your store It also contributes to the payment of store rent and salaries of store staff! Why don't you thank me? (laughs) Update on 2022/03/22: This message is to name and reply to the very excited Mr. Huang Fengxue (Ms.) About your last word: how old are you! Properity, righteousness and shame! I'm sorry.....I really laughed!!! It seems that you are no longer an ordinary sailor But know a lot of details! If so, let me share my thoughts! I don't think you can talk about etiquette, righteousness and shame at a few years old. If you insist on describing it this way It doesn't mean that the younger you are, the more rampant you can be The younger you are, the more shameless you can be The younger you are, the more indifferent you can be if it is like this I am really worried about the future of this society please know one thing I didn't hide from beginning to end Rather, it restores all the truth through video records. Of course, I will continue to pay attention to your store after all I'm certified not to talk nonsense! (laughs)
黃惠君 on Google

I just went to the store to buy canned dog food. The clerk greeted me very warmly. I also met the store dog. It is really a very stable dog. I am really distressed when I see the wound. I hope to get better soon~
王亭頤 on Google

麵包很乖 不會亂欺負其他狗跟客人 服務人員態度也超好的 希望麵包快快好起來 看傷口好大 一定痛死了 而且某小姐都知道自己的狗不親切了 更加要注意才是 唉….. 萬一今天咬傷的是人 我想事情可能不是只有這樣 阿包實在太可憐了?
Bread is very good and will not bully other dogs and guests The attitude of the staff is also very good Hope the bread gets better soon Look how big the wound is, it must hurt to death And a certain lady knows that her dog is not friendly anymore more attention is Ugh….. In case the bite is a human being today I think it might not be the only way A Bao is so pathetic ?
王秋子 on Google

看完那位水果小姐在東森寵物的遭遇。 我只能說(傻眼)兩字。 今天是水果小姐的愛犬咬了別人的愛犬餒! 還用小孩在路上亂跑來形容。真的很好笑? 難到小孩在路上亂跑。撞到就不用負責嗎? 我相信店員把愛犬帶去上班。也不是ㄧ天兩天了! 我也去過寵物店也認識被咬傷的毛孩子! 那是ㄧ隻很穩定的毛孩子! 水果小姐說店員對她大吼大叫! 天啊!如果我的毛小孩被咬的血流如注! 我可能會抓狂了吧! 總之~ 犯了錯並不可恥,可恥的是犯了錯還不承認錯誤 愛犬咬傷人或別的動物 縱使有千百個理由 有時候也許只要一句抱歉、對不起 事情就可以圓滿的解決了! 相信有養寵物會養寵物的人 都是有愛❤️的人 希望大家都可以和寵物們平安幸福快樂的生活ㄧ輩子~^_^
After reading the encounter of the fruit lady in Dongsen pet. I can only say (dumbfounded) two words. Today is Miss Fruit's dog biting someone else's dog! It is also described as a child running around on the road. Really funny ? It is difficult for children to run around on the road. Aren't you responsible for hitting it? I believe the clerk takes the dog to work. It's not a day or two! I have also been to the pet store and met the bitten furry child! That's a very stable furry boy! Miss Fruit said the clerk yelled at her! Omg! If my furry child is bitten and bleeds! I might be going crazy! Anyway~ It's not shameful to make a mistake, it's shameful to make a mistake and not admit it Dog bites people or other animals Even if there are a thousand reasons Sometimes maybe just say sorry, sorry Things can be settled satisfactorily! People who believe that there are pets who will keep pets All people with love ❤️ I hope everyone can live a safe and happy life with pets ㄧ a lifetime~^_^

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