金海釣蝦場 - Yuanlin City

3.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 金海釣蝦場

地址 :

510, Taiwan, Changhua County, Yuanlin City, Guangfu St, 11號金海釣蝦場

電話 : 📞 +88887
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E9%2587%2591%25E6%25B5%25B7%25E9%2587%25A3%25E8%259D%25A6%25E5%25A0%25B4-187995271727091/
城市 : Guangfu St

510, Taiwan, Changhua County, Yuanlin City, Guangfu St, 11號金海釣蝦場
Angela Chuang on Google

池底深 不太適合用天秤...
The bottom of the pool is not suitable for use with Libra...
梁國清 on Google

. 服務態度良好 蝦蠻大隻的
Good service attitude, shrimp is quite big
賴靜亭靜亭 on Google

平價 胡椒蝦好吃
Cheap pepper shrimp is delicious
陳泓銘 on Google

Shrimp body is large, the volume is average, the price is cheap, and the practice is good.
青堤 on Google

After chatting with shrimp friends, I realized that we are not the only ones who think so, the counter of the night shift........
阿志 on Google

人多蝦量半籠 人少蝦量也差不多半籠 唉總之不敢放蝦就是了
There are too many people and half a cage for shrimp, and there are almost half a cage if there are fewer shrimps.
張松柏 on Google

Nice environment, convenient parking, large shrimp body, insufficient quantity, good fishing shrimp.
糖堂Candy on Google

蝦子肉很 Q 彈 蝦膏也很鮮甜這是我在彰化吃過最好吃的 已經成為老顧客了 哈哈
The prawn meat is very good and the prawn paste is also very sweet. This is the best I have eaten in Changhua. I have become a regular customer haha

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