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514, Taiwan, Changhua County, Xihu Township, Lane 466, Section 1, Daxi Rd, 澤民宮

城市 : Daxi Rd

514, Taiwan, Changhua County, Xihu Township, Lane 466, Section 1, Daxi Rd, 澤民宮
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There is immortal spirit, someone Zemin
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Because of "the elder's nagging"
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Sincerity is spirit, worship and bless!
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Congratulations to Zemin Palace Xiao Mansion for thousands of years, Christmas and prosperity
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「澤民宮沿革」石碑 本宮奉祀主神為「蕭府千歲」,神農大帝、文武尊王、馬府千歲、太保元帥等為輔。於清朝嘉慶三年由福建泉州府舜後什尾港恭放王船,同年三月二十日靠台中縣大安鄉五甲港,其中連、李、池、朱、馬及孫等六千歲,即在該鄉永安村環海宮駐錫,庇祐該村村民。蕭府千歲是本庄中先祖輩在鹿港迎請回至本村,由里民恭塑金身奉祀,護佑本里黎民。 蕭府千歲,姓蕭諱瑀,為隋煬帝之國舅。唐高祖李淵即帝位時,拜他為內史令。唐太宗李世民時,聘為太子的老師──太子少師,及尚書右僕射,貞觀二年再次拜他為相,貞觀七年及九年四度為「相」。蕭府千歲因個性耿直、善惡分明,協助唐高祖建立唐朝,又協助唐太宗李世民建立史上最有名之太平盛世──貞觀之治,後人感其對國家社會之貢獻,建祠奉祀。早期常傳瘟疫流行,千歲展現其神威,指示眾弟子服用草藥,治好瘟疫。經常顯靈巡視全境,為百姓醫病或排解陰陽糾纏,拯救黎民無數,尊封為「陰陽宰相」。 文武尊王,姓雷名萬春。唐玄宗天寶十四年(公元七五五年),安史之亂時,兩京淪陷,當時張巡與太守許遠,率大將雷萬春,南霽雲等死守睢陽,多次擊敗叛軍。雷萬春立城上守衛時,敵軍伏弩六矢著面,而將軍不為所動。叛軍圍城數月,糧盡援絕,張巡與雷萬春等三十六將同時殉難,其忠烈參天,天地同感。宋徽宗時,諡雷萬春為「忠勇侯」。先民自福建泉州府南安縣恭迎「忠勇侯」至本村供奉。於清朝時,曾身穿盔甲顯靈,協助村民擒賊,後人為感其恩德,恭塑金身,並尊封為文武尊王,以庇祐里民。 馬府千歲,唐太宗時人,曾協助唐太宗李世民平亂有功。原駐錫台中縣大安鄉環海宮,曾數次神遊至本村,並協助蕭府千歲護佑里民,村民為感其恩德,遂恭塑金身供奉,尊封為馬府千歲。 神農大帝,為前古三皇五帝之炎帝,世稱五穀大帝。教民耕作,作耒耙,種五穀,嚐百草,為民醫病,著「神農百草」藥書傳世。但本尊是後三皇五帝(軒轅氏)皇帝教民造溝圳、種五穀,也稱神農大帝。里民恭塑聖像朝拜,祈求風調雨順、國泰民安、五穀豐登、閣家平安、納福益壽。 太保元帥──姓爐名瑞應。宋神宗時楊文廣掛帥,平定南蠻十八洞時,當時爐太保公年十三歲,擔任後眷部隊元帥,平定南蠻後,落居現在福建省廈門市同安區新店鎮楊厝庄,卒後奉為神,建廟供奉,封為通天大元帥。先民自福建恭迎金身至本村奉祀,後世尊為太保元帥。
Stone Stele "Evolution of Zemin Palace" The main deity in this palace is "Xiaofu Chitose", supplemented by Emperor Shennong, King Wenwu Zun, Mafu Chitose, and Marshal of Taibao. In the third year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, the king ship was released from Shiwei Port, Shunhou, Quanzhou, Fujian. , that is, the Huanhai Palace in Yongan Village of the township is stationed in tin to bless the villagers. Xiaofu Qiansui was the ancestors of the village who were invited back to the village in Lukang, where Limin respectfully sculpted a golden body to enshrine and protect the people of this village. Xiao's residence is a thousand years old, his surname is Xiao Yayu, and he is the uncle of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. When Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty, became the emperor, he worshipped him as the decree of the internal history. When Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, he hired as the teacher of the prince, the young master of the prince, and the minister of the book, You Pushe. Because of his upright personality and clear distinction between good and evil, Xiaofu Qiansui assisted Tang Gaozu to establish the Tang Dynasty, and also assisted Tang Taizong and Li Shimin to establish the most famous peaceful and prosperous era in history, the rule of Zhenguan. In the early days, plagues were often spread, and Chitose showed his power and instructed his disciples to take herbs to cure the plague. He often manifested spirits to patrol the whole territory, healed the common people or resolved the entanglement of Yin and Yang, and saved countless people in Li. Wenwu Zunwang, surnamed Lei and given name Wanchun. In the 14th year of Emperor Xuanzong's Tianbao reign (755 AD), during the Anshi Rebellion, the two capitals fell. At that time, Zhang Xun and the prefect Xu Yuan led the generals Lei Wanchun and Nan Jiyun to defend Suiyang and defeated the rebels many times. When Lei Wanchun stood up to guard the city, the enemy army was ambushed with six arrows in the face, but the general was unmoved. The rebels had been besieging the city for several months, and the food was exhausted. Thirty-six generals including Zhang Xun and Lei Wanchun were martyred at the same time. During the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, Lei Wanchun was posthumously named "Marquis of Zhongyong". The ancestors welcomed the "Marquis of Zhongyong" from Nan'an County, Quanzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province to the village to worship. In the Qing Dynasty, he once wore armor to help the villagers catch thieves. In order to thank him for his kindness, his descendants sculpted a golden body and honored him as King Wen Wu Zun to protect the people. Thousands of years of Mafu, a man of Tang Taizong's time, who assisted Tang Taizong Li Shimin in pacifying the chaos. Formerly stationed in Huanhaigong, Daan Township, Xitaichung County, he visited the village several times, and assisted Xiaofu Chitose to protect the people in the village. The villagers, in gratitude for his kindness, sculpted a golden body to worship him, and honored him as Mafu Chitose. Shennong the Great, the Yan Emperor of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in ancient times, is known as the Great Emperor of Wugu in the world. Teach the people to farm, make rakes, plant grains, taste all kinds of herbs, and treat diseases for the people. But the deity is the emperor of the latter three emperors and five emperors (Xuanyuan clan) who taught the people to build ditches and plant grains, also known as Shennong the Great. Limin worshipped the holy statues, praying for good weather, peace and prosperity for the country, abundant crops, peace for the pavilion, and happiness and longevity. Marshal of Taibao——surnamed Lu and given name Ruiying. During Song Shenzong’s reign, Yang Wenguang was in command, and when he pacified Nanman’s 18th Cave, Lu Taibao was thirteen years old and served as the marshal of the army. After pacifying Nanman, he settled in Yangcuozhuang, Xindian Town, Tong’an District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province. After his death He was worshipped as a god, built a temple for worship, and was named the Grand Marshal of Tongtian. The ancestors welcomed the golden body from Fujian to the village to worship, and later the world was honored as the Marshal of Taibao.

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