北斗奠安宮 東螺開基祖廟

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Contact 北斗奠安宮 東螺開基祖廟

地址 :

521, Taiwan, Changhua County, Beidou Township, 斗苑路一段120號北斗奠安宮 東螺開基祖廟

電話 : 📞 +888887
網站 : https://www.dianangong.org.tw/
城市 : Beidou Township
Description : Elaborate, reconstructed Qing dynasty-era place of worship with carved lions & a colorful shrine.

521, Taiwan, Changhua County, Beidou Township, 斗苑路一段120號北斗奠安宮 東螺開基祖廟
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宮的招牌好像精品店,真是特別耶!一樓是美食區,都是排隊人群。 台灣民俗村營運情況良好,北斗奠安宮舊殿也接受參觀人士敬拜及電視劇拍攝,曾經幫彰化縣內數個鄉鎮撰寫地方志的謝瑞隆表示,北斗奠安宮舊殿為戲劇《戲說台灣》中曝光率最高的廟宇。 地震後遊客銳減,協調將舊廟身遷回北斗鎮七星里展示事。 後殿供奉的觀世音菩薩像高十四台尺三寸、寬四台尺二寸,重量達六千五百台斤。 雕刻材料為取自台灣巒大林區深山的紅檜,其原木高度十四尺台尺五寸、直徑九台尺三寸,約取三分之一進行雕刻,耗時一百多日工作天刻成。 # 北斗奠安宮
The signboard of the palace looks like a boutique, which is really special! The first floor is the food area, and there are people queuing up. The Taiwan Folk Village is operating well, and the old Beidou Dian'an Palace is also accepted for worship by visitors and filming of TV dramas. Xie Ruilong, who once helped several townships in Changhua County write local chronicles, said that the old Beidou Dian'an Palace is the drama "Talking about Taiwan" The most exposed temple in China. After the earthquake, the number of tourists dropped sharply, and we coordinated to move the old temple back to Qixingli, Beidou Town to display the event. The Guanyin Bodhisattva statue enshrined in the rear hall is fourteen feet three inches high, four feet two inches wide, and weighs 6,500 kilograms. The carving material is the red cypress taken from the deep mountains of Luanda Forest District, Taiwan. The log height is 14 feet and 5 inches, and the diameter is 9 feet and 3 inches. About one-third of the wood is used for carving, which takes more than 100 working days to carve. become. # Beidou Dien An Palace
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北斗奠安宮為當地的信仰中心,早期北斗街以媽祖廟為中心向外發展,奠安宮的歷史悠久,與彰化南瑤宮、鹿港天后宮並稱彰化三大媽祖廟,奠安宮的舊廟也是「戲說台灣」最常出現的場景之一。每年大甲媽進香回駕時,也會於奠安宮駐駕一晚,隔日在北上至員林福寧宮用膳。 【歷史沿革】 清朝初期,先民渡海來台,為求航海順利,乃至湄洲媽祖廟分靈聖母金身一同渡海。到台灣後,先民選於東螺溪(舊濁水溪)南岸,即為今日溪州舊眉村一帶落腳,開墾荒地,發展有成,逐漸形成熱鬧的庄街,先民感念媽祖的庇佑,倡議建廟,於康熙年間興建東螺街天后宮。 嘉慶11年(1806年)由於民變、彰泉械鬥,再加上水患,導致東螺溪氾濫成災,洪水摧毀東螺街,村民流離失所,彰泉兩族群分開。武舉陳聯登、文舉楊啟元勘查東螺溪與清水溪之間的高亢河州地「寶斗」,卜示媽祖後,選定今日現址,跟平地原住民購地重建街坊與廟宇,並以媽祖廟為中心,擴展北斗街,取廟名為奠安宮,有祈求「奠安厥居、安集乎民」之意。 民國63年奠安宮興建後殿,並於十年後完工,民國72年奠安宮前殿,被國家列為三級古蹟,然而經歷歲月的侵蝕,年久失修,廟方有興建新廟之意,乃請內政部解除古蹟認定,並將舊廟遷往他處,民國78年前殿興建,於民國92年完工,入火安座。 【廟內文物】 北斗奠安宮供奉著從清朝保留至今的5尊軟身媽祖,其中一尊為開基媽,其餘都為清朝奠安宮回湄洲祖廟在迎請回廟奉祀的媽祖。後殿觀音殿還有一尊超過4公尺,由千年神木雕刻的觀音佛像,號稱東南亞最大的觀音神像,由台灣樹齡約1700年的檜木所雕刻而成。 廟內還收藏著許多清朝保留至今的古匾,與 <建北斗街記本>、<東螺西堡北斗街記>、<嚴禁筏夫勒索示碑>、<買補倉糧示禁碑>、<里人貢生章喜充香資齋糧碑記>等等的古碑,其具有相當的歷史價值。 北斗奠安宮殿前還有一對日式石獅,為台灣光復後,北斗神社廢除所保留下的日本狛犬,成為北斗奠安宮廟前的特色。 【媽祖神蹟】 光緒22年發生戊戌大水災,據傳前一天晚上武秀才陳作舟曾夢見媽祖來示警,大水將淹至三角湧,隔日濁水溪上游潰堤,洪水暴漲,眼看大水即將淹進北斗街街坊,武秀才想起昨日的夢境,卻不知三角湧為何處,眼看水位越來越高,情急之下隨手拿香(一說是拿寶劍)插在地上說:這裡就是三角湧,洪水果然只淹到此處,位於兩溪間的北斗盡然不受大水所害,大家都認為是媽祖的神蹟。 二戰期間,有許多媽祖廟都流傳著媽祖接炸彈的故事,傳說當年美軍轟炸北斗地區時,看見北斗上空有一名穿著紅色衣裙的女子,每每炸彈落下時便用衣裙接住炸彈,空襲解除後,北斗安然無恙,當地信眾前往廟裡感謝媽祖保佑,卻發現穿着紅色龍袍的媽祖,裙擺處有著燒焦的痕跡。 2019年大甲媽進香駐駕北斗奠安宮時,廟內人山人海、香火鼎盛,廟裡的香爐出現冒泡的神蹟。 【舊殿媽祖託夢回家】 北斗奠安宮因年久失修重建前殿,將舊殿整座遷至台灣民俗村,並恭請鎮殿媽隨舊廟奉祀,民俗村因經營不善關閉,鎮殿媽孤守在外多年,2019年媽祖多次託夢想回奠安宮,經由奠安宮主委及信眾擲筊得到三個聖筊確認後,決定於11月2日恭請媽祖回奠安宮,並協助將舊殿遷回北斗奠安宮的停車場,希望能將古蹟重現北斗。
Beidou Dian'an Temple is the local belief center. In the early days, Beidou Street developed outward with the Mazu Temple as the center. Dian'an Temple has a long history. The old temple is also one of the most frequent scenes in "Talking about Taiwan". Every year, when Da Jia Ma returns to drive in Hong Kong, she will stay at Dian An Palace for one night, and then go north to Yuanlin Funing Palace for dinner the next day. 【Historical Evolution】 In the early Qing Dynasty, ancestors crossed the sea to Taiwan, in order to make the navigation smooth, and even crossed the sea with the golden body of the Virgin Mary in the Mazu Temple of Meizhou. After arriving in Taiwan, the ancestors chose to settle on the south bank of Dongluo River (Old Zhuoshui River), which is the area of ​​Jiumei Village in Xizhou today. They reclaimed wasteland, developed successfully, and gradually formed a lively Zhuang Street. Temple, the Tianhou Temple on Dongluo Street was built during the Kangxi period. In the 11th year of Jiaqing (1806), due to the civil uprising, the fighting in Zhangquan, and the flood, the Dongluo River flooded, the flood destroyed Dongluo Street, the villagers were displaced, and the two ethnic groups in Zhangquan were separated. Wu Ju Chen Liandeng and Wen Ju Yang Qiyuan surveyed the "Baodou" in the high-pitched river state between Dongluo River and Qingshui River. After giving Mazu a fortune, they selected the current site and purchased land with the aborigines of the flat land to rebuild neighborhoods and temples. With the temple as the center, Beidou Street is extended, and the temple is named Dian An Palace, which means "Dian An Juejue, and the people gather in peace". In 1963, the apse of Dian'an Palace was built, and it was completed ten years later. In 1972, the front hall of Dian'an Palace was listed as a third-class historic site by the state. The intention is to ask the Ministry of the Interior to lift the designation of historic sites and move the old temple to another place. 【Relics in the temple】 Beidou Dian'an Palace enshrines 5 soft-bodied Mazu preserved from the Qing Dynasty to the present, one of which is Kaiji Ma, and the rest are Mazu enshrined in the Qing Dynasty Dian'an Palace back to Meizhou Ancestral Temple. There is also a Guanyin Buddha statue more than 4 meters in the rear hall, which is carved from a thousand-year-old sacred wood. It is known as the largest Guanyin statue in Southeast Asia. There are also many ancient plaques preserved in the Qing Dynasty in the temple, such as , , , , The ancient steles such as "The Monument of Liren Gongsheng Zhangxi Filling Incense and Fast Food", etc., have considerable historical value. There is also a pair of Japanese-style stone lions in front of Beidou Dian'an Palace. After Taiwan's recovery, the abolition of Beidou Shrine retained the Japanese komaji, which became the feature of Beidou Dian'an Palace. 【The miracle of Mazu】 In the 22nd year of Guangxu, there was a flood in the 1980s. It is said that Wu Xiucai, Chen Zuozhou, dreamed that Mazu came to warn him the night before that the flood would flood to Sanjiao Chung. The next day, the upper reaches of the Zhuoshui River broke the embankment, and the flood surged. Seeing that the flood was about to flood into Beidou Street, Wu Xiucai remembered yesterday's dream, but did not know where the triangle surge was. Seeing that the water level was getting higher and higher, in a hurry, he took the incense (or a sword) and stuck it on the ground, saying: This is the triangle surge, and the flood really only drowned here. At this place, the Beidou, which is located between the two streams, is not harmed by the flood, and everyone thinks it is a miracle of Mazu. During World War II, there were many stories of Mazu receiving bombs in many Mazu temples. It is said that when the US military bombed the Beidou area, a woman in a red dress was seen over the Beidou. Every time the bomb fell, she used her dress to catch the bomb, and the air strike was lifted. Later, Beidou was safe and sound, and local believers went to the temple to thank Mazu for her blessing, but found Mazu wearing a red dragon robe with burnt marks on the skirt. In 2019, when Dajia Ma entered the incense station to drive Beidou Dian'an Palace, the temple was crowded with people and the incense was flourishing. The incense burner in the temple had a miracle of bubbling. [Old Temple Mazu returned home from a dream] Beidou Dian'an Palace rebuilt the front hall due to long-term disrepair, and moved the entire old hall to Taiwan Folk Village, and respectfully invited the town hall mother to worship with the old temple. The folk custom village was closed due to poor management, and the town hall mother stayed away for many years, 2019 Mazu has dreamed of returning to Dian'an Palace for many times. After receiving the confirmation of three holy swords by the chairman of Dian'an Palace and the believers, he decided to invite Mazu to return to Dian'an Palace on November 2, and assist in moving the old temple back to Beidou Dian. The parking lot of Angong Palace, hoping to reproduce the historic site of Beidou.
Deden Fachmi Ridwan on Google

Good looking
林文龍 on Google

f 讚!
J “The Engineer” C on Google

You can only see temples like this in Taiwan
Huang YuShan on Google

Beautiful temple.
Michael Wann on Google

Historical local religious center since Qin dynasty.

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