桃米河岸小棧 - Nantou County

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 桃米河岸小棧

地址 :

545, Taiwan, Nantou County, Puli Township, 桃米巷29-38號桃米河岸小棧

電話 : 📞 +889998
網站 : http://0492914968.okgo.tw/
城市 : Puli Township

545, Taiwan, Nantou County, Puli Township, 桃米巷29-38號桃米河岸小棧
hsinyu chiu on Google

好吃的庄腳菜,烤魚肉質很嫩,鹹豬肉好吃不油膩,白斬雞肉質適中,很好入口,還有地瓜葉、赤蔥煎蛋、炒筍片,每一樣都讓人意猶未盡,老闆老闆娘很親切,還有飯後水果-香蕉? 值得走10幾分鐘的路程過來?
Delicious Zhuangjiao dishes, the grilled fish is very tender, the salted pork is delicious and not greasy, the pork chops are moderate in quality and easy to eat, as well as sweet potato leaves, red onion fried eggs, fried bamboo shoots, everything is unsatisfactory, boss The proprietress is very kind, and there is fruit after dinner - banana ? Worth the 10 minute walk ?
C KC on Google

Solid and delicious traditional Taiwanese cuisine, after eating one dish, I will look forward to the next one. The pheasant, Jiaobai bamboo shoots, duck with bamboo shoots and wild vegetables I ordered today are highly recommended. I look forward to trying other dishes during the second visit.
Caroline Chu on Google

醬筍鴨、古早雞非常好吃,大家來一定要點,下飯!肥的皎白筍也很讚,沒在菜單上。 老闆衛生習慣一般,一進門有淡淡二手菸味。不過因為很好吃,願意二訪!
The bamboo shoots and duck with sauce and the ancient chicken are very delicious. The fat Jiaobai bamboo shoots are also very good, not on the menu. The owner's hygiene habits are average, and there is a slight smell of second-hand smoke as soon as he enters the door. But because it is delicious, I am willing to visit again!
Joyce Lin on Google

沒有華麗的裝飾不管是環境或菜色~但古早味就是讚!!!!!!!!!!! 會令人回味多次的餐廳 少一顆星是因為環境真的很古早味(純樸鄉村風 老板也很熱情 前往記得一定要預訂 可以縮短等待美食的時間 老板說河堤旁就是免費停車場~照片是已開動過才拍的醬筍鴨.還點了鹹豬肉.炒筍片.龍鬚菜.烤魚~若不在意華麗的裝潢CP值是高的喔
There is no gorgeous decoration, whether it is the environment or the dishes~ but the ancient taste is amazing! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Restaurant that will be remembered many times One less star is because the environment is really ancient (plain country style The boss is also very enthusiastic Remember to make a reservation Shorten the waiting time for food The boss said that there is a free parking lot next to the river bank~ The photo is the duck with bamboo shoots that was taken before it has been opened. I also ordered salted pork, fried bamboo shoots, long mustard vegetables, grilled fish~ If you don’t care about the gorgeous decoration, the CP value is high.
Chris Wu on Google

平日人少,要前往的人務必要預約,免得撲空 老闆記錯日期,好險及時趕到,要不差點錯過 在沒其他廚師幫手,變出一桌好菜的速度算快了 第一次吃刺蔥豆腐~好吃,茭白筍聽說自種現拔的 素菜在老闆未預先準備下稍嫌不夠 但魚肉各樣菜沒來得及拍照,就都迅速掃空了 是前往紙教堂、日月潭或埔里等地,可考慮的合菜小店
There are few people on weekdays, and those who want to go must make an appointment, so as not to be empty The boss remembered the wrong date, so I was in danger of arriving in time, or I almost missed it Without the help of other chefs, the speed of conjuring up a good table is fast. This is my first time to eat thorn onion tofu~ It's delicious. I heard that the water bamboo shoots are self-planted and pulled out. The vegetarian dishes are not enough without the boss's pre-preparation But all kinds of fish and meat dishes were quickly swept away before taking pictures. It is a small restaurant that can be considered when going to Paper Church, Sun Moon Lake or Puli.
Ming-Hsia Hu on Google

The grilled fish is really good, and the scallion tofu is a wild vegetable with preserved egg tofu but with a special fragrance. These two dishes are heavy flavors. If you don't want to order drinks, you'd better bring your own boiled water so that it won't be too salty. Google Navigation was first directed to the wrong place on the other side, pay attention⚠️
Yenhan Huang on Google

Super good!
George Kao on Google

Very tasty traditional food and the position is amazing

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