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佛塔裝臟聖物紀錄 第一、來自各方的聖物 1、為尊者達賴喇嘛賜給空行母「丹增耶西嘉措」的釋迦牟尼佛佛像。 2、尊者賜給仁珍千寶的蓮花生大士佛像。 3、大圓滿導師康薩仁波切丹必旺旭賜給仁珍千寶的燃燈佛舍利子。 4、頂果欽哲法王給予白雅仁波切,白雅仁波切賜給仁珍千寶的佛陀舍利子。 5、印度,斯里蘭卡、泰國等各地方來的釋迦牟尼佛、目鍵連、舍利弗、大迦葉等佛菩薩、阿羅漢的舍利子。 6、空行母丹增耶西嘉措給的曾供奉在大昭寺自生、自生五德觀世音菩薩佛像身上的碎片。 7、多傑札仁增千莫給(噶陀)仁珍千寶的自生五德觀世音菩薩佛像身上的碎片。 8、宗薩寺作的各種舍利子綜合丸(此為白雅仁波切給仁珍千寶) 第二、前譯寧瑪派的加持物 1、多傑札法王仁增千莫給仁珍千寶的大持明例丹多傑取藏的蓮花生大士的聖像。 2、佐欽寺老的蓮師替身像。 3、敦珠法王以甘露丸作的大樂蓮師。 4、宗薩寺作的蓮師替身像。 5、一世索甲仁波切作的甘露丸。 6、一世及二世敦珠法王作的甘露丸。 7、阿邦伏藏大師、虹光身成就者貝瑪敦督、康倉大師、邱商仁波切等所作甘露丸。 8、邱商法主給仁珍千寶的咕丁巴大師取藏的七世婆羅門的肉舍利。 9、噶當巴德夏的頭蓋骨舍利、噶當巴德夏的意(心臟)舍利。 10、仁珍隆薩寧波的骨灰舍利丸。 11、仁珍才旺諾布的骨灰舍利丸和法衣一片。 12、各大寧瑪巴寺院作的甘露丸等。 第三、吉祥薩迦派的加持物 1、薩迦度母宮41任薩迦崔津給的甘露丸。 2、薩迦圓滿宮達欽法王給予的甘露丸。 3、甘肅涼州薩迦法王舍利塔裡出來的骨灰舍利丸和薩迦班禪的骨灰,薩迦旺丁寧波大師法衣一片,薩迦貝瑪敦督的法衣、察欽羅薩迦措的法衣一片、俄欽更嘎桑波法衣一片、俄欽根秋倫珠的骨灰舍利等。 4、薩迦、察巴、俄巴、德格更欽寺、宗薩寺的各種甘露丸。 第四、噶舉派的加持物 1、密勒日巴的禪帶一片 2、岡波巴大師的法衣一片 3、止貢法王覺巴吉天頌的意(心臟)舍利 4、第三世大寶法王的舍利丸。 5、來自羊八井寺院第四世夏瑪巴的骨灰舍利。 6、16世噶瑪巴的大黑丸等各種噶舉派的甘露丸。 第五、覺囊派的加持物 1、多伯巴大師的帽子ㄧ片 2、覺囊大覺塔出來的擦擦 3、多羅納塔大師的法帽ㄧ片 4、龐達大班禪格勒嘉措的法衣一片 5、嚷唐寺等覺囊派大寺院作的時輪金剛沙壇城的金剛沙、甘露丸。 6、色格寺的普巴金剛甘露丸 第六、黃教格魯派加持物 1、宗喀巴大師法帽一片 2、宗喀巴大師骨舍利 3、克珠傑大師的法衣一片 4、班禪羅桑曲堅的法衣一片 5、西藏甘丹寺宗喀巴大師的金塔貢塘大師重建時,格魯派聖物綜合的甘露丸(來自朗加仁波切給予。 6、林仁波切(達賴喇嘛親教師)的甘露丸。 7、色拉寺、甘單寺、哲蚌寺、札什倫布寺、上密院、下密院、納唐寺等所修各種續部沙壇城的金剛沙和甘露丸。 第七、新的裝臟物有: 一、身所依物 1、不動佛3尊 2、金剛薩埵25尊 3、大樂蓮師 227尊 4、蓮師8變擦擦 127尊 5、白、綠度母 各 108尊 6、獅面空行母 115尊 7、財寶天王 118尊 8、長壽3尊 115尊 二、語所依物 1、大藏經(甘珠、丹珠、十萬密續)等以膠卷方式保存。 2、各種配解脫、繫解脫。 3、諸佛遺教 4、憤怒蓮師智慧熾燃密續 5、大圓滿意通透全集 6、雪域八部修派的教法[口訣藏]全集 7、隆欽巴大師的七寶藏 8、吉美林巴大師的.....,五部陀羅尼、長壽三尊、觀音菩薩、白度母、綠度母、六道解脫金剛咒等各種咒語。 三、意所依物 1、噶當佛塔 2、各種五方佛的法器 3、佛塔擦擦 3000多尊 4、小寶瓶 118個、大寶瓶 1個 為了尊者長久住世、台海和平等各種目的,依空行母丹增耶西嘉措指示、十方大德江長華等,邀請仁珍千寶仁波切作地觀察、地加持、鎮壓、裝臟、開光等法行圓滿。 (2020年藏曆9月22日佛陀天降吉祥日書)
Record of Dirty Relics in Stupa First, sacred objects from all sides 1. The statue of Sakyamuni Buddha given to the Dakini "Tenzin Yeshi Gyatso" by the Dalai Lama. 2. The statue of Guru Rinpoche given to Renzhen Thousand Treasures. 3. Dzogchen teacher Khangsar Rinpoche Danbi Wangxu gave Rinzhen Thousand Treasures the Relic of the Burning Buddha. 4. His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse gave Bai Ya Rinpoche, and Bai Ya Rinpoche bestowed the Buddha's relics of Thousand Treasures. 5. The relics of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, such as Sakyamuni, Mujianlian, Sariputra, and Great Kassapa from India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other places. 6. Fragments given to the dakini Tenzin Yeshi Gyatso that were once enshrined in the Buddha statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of the Five Virtues of the Jokhang Temple. 7. Fragments on the body of the Buddha statue of the Five Virtues Guanyin Bodhisattva of Dorje Zarzinzeng Thousand Moggi (Kathor) Renzhen Thousand Treasures. 8. Various relic pills made by Dzongsar Monastery (this is Baiyar Rinpoche’s Thousand Treasures for Renzhen) Second, the former translation of the Nyingma school blessings 1. The icon of Padmasambhava collected by Dorje Dharph King Renzeng Qianmo to Renzhen Thousand Treasures. 2. The old master Guru Rinpoche in Zuoqin Monastery. 3. Dalak Padmasambhava who made Ganlu pills by His Holiness Dunjoo. 4. The stand-in of Guru Rinpoche made by Dzongsar Monastery. 5. Nectar pills made by the first Sogyal Rinpoche. 6. The nectar pill made by the first and second King Dunzhu. 7. Nectar pills made by Master Abang Termzo, Achiever Pema Tunto, Master Kangcang, Qiu Shang Rinpoche, etc. 8. The meat relics of the Seventh Brahmin that the Lord Qiu Shang gave to Master Gudingba, who is benevolent and treasured. 9. Kadampa Desha's skull relic, Kadampa Desha's mind (heart) relic. 10. The ashes relic pill of Renzhen Longsa Ningbo. 11. Renzhen Caiwang Norbu's ashes relic pill and a piece of vestments. 12. Ganlu pills made by Nyingmapa monasteries. Third, the blessings of the Auspicious Sakya Sect 1. Sakya Tara Palace 41 is the nectar pill given by Sakya Cuijin. 2. The nectar pill given by King Daqin of Sakya Perfection Palace. 3. The ashes relics and ashes of the Sakya Panchen Lama from the stupa of the Sakya King in Liangzhou, Gansu, a piece of the vestment of Sakya Wangding Ningpo, a vestment of Sakya Pema Tundu, and a vestment of Chachen Rosa Gyatso, Okhingenga Sangpo vestments, Okhingen Qiulunzhu's ashes relics and so on. 4. Various nectar pills from Sakya, Chaba, Oba, Dege Gengchen Monastery, and Dzongsar Monastery. Fourth, the blessings of the Kagyupa 1. A piece of the Zen Belt of Milarepa 2. A piece of Gampopa’s vestments 3. The meaning (heart) relics of Dharma King Juebaji Tiansong 4. The relic pill of the third Karmapa. 5. The ashes of the fourth Shamapa from the Yangbajing Monastery. 6. The big black pill of the 16th Karmapa and the nectar pill of various Kagyupas. Fifth, the blessings of the Jonang Sect 1. Master Doberba’s hat piece 2. Wipe from the Great Jue Tower 3. A piece of the hat of Master Dorona 4. A piece of Pangda Panchen Gyatso's vestments 5. The Kalachakra mandala made by the great monasteries of the Jonang School such as the Tang Temple, the Vajra and Ganlu pills. 6. Puba Vajra Nectar Pills in Sege Temple Sixth, Huangjiao Gelugpa blessings 1. A piece of Tsongkhapa's hat 2. Master Tsongkhapa's bone relic 3. A piece of the vestments of Master Kezhujie 4. A piece of vestment of the Panchen Laosang Qujian 5. When the golden pagoda of Guru Tsongkhapa of the Ganden Monastery in Tibet was rebuilt, the Gelug Sect's sacred comprehensive nectar pill (given by Langa Rinpoche. 6. Lin Rinpoche (Pro-teacher of the Dalai Lama)'s nectar pills. 7. Sera Monastery, Gandan Monastery, Drepung Monastery, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Upper Tantric Monastery, Lower Tantric Monastery, Natang Monastery and so on. Seventh, the new dirt loading includes: 1. What the body depends on 1. 3 Fudo Buddhas 2. 25 pieces of King Kong Xuan 3. 227 Lotus Masters 4. Padmasambhava 8 changes 127 pieces 5. 108 white and green Tara each 6. 115 lion face dakinis 7. 118 treasures 8. Longevity 3 pieces 115 pieces Second, the language depends on 1. Tripitaka (Ganzhu, Danzhu, One Hundred Thousand Tantra), etc. are preserved in film. 2. All kinds of relief and system relief. 3. The legacy of the Buddhas 4. Angry Guru Rinpoche's Wisdom Burning Tantra 5. The complete works of Da Yuan's satisfaction and transparency 6. The complete works of the teaching method of the eight-part repair school in the snowy area [Quie Jue Zang] 7. The Seven Treasures of Master Longchenpa 8. Master Jimei Lingpa's..., five Dharani, Three Longevity, Guanyin Bodhisattva, White Tara, Green Tara, Six Vajra Mantras, etc. Three, the mind depends on 1. Kadam Stupa 2. Various five-party Buddha's ritual tools 3. More than 3000 pagodas 4. Small treasure bottle 118, big treasure bottle 1 For the purposes of His Holiness’ long-term residence, Taiwan Strait and equality, according to the instructions of the dakini Tenzin Yesi Gyatso, and the ten directions of Dade Jiang Changhua, Rinzhen Qianbao Rinpoche was invited to observe, bless, suppress and pretend to be dirty. , Consecration and other practices were completed. (September 22, 2020 Tibetan calendar, the Buddha's auspicious day book)

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