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Contact 蓮華池藥用植物標本園

地址 :

555, Taiwan, Nantou County, Yuchi Township, 蓮華池藥用植物標本園

電話 : 📞 +88989
城市 : Yuchi Township

555, Taiwan, Nantou County, Yuchi Township, 蓮華池藥用植物標本園
杜庭棻 on Google

風景很漂亮 晚上可以看到星星還有螢火蟲 但看螢火蟲的時候不要用燈照喔!保護螢火蟲生態!
scenery is very beatiful You can see stars and fireflies at night But don’t use lights when watching fireflies! Protect the firefly ecology!
林金松 on Google

The firefly viewing trail is equipped with two large street lamps, and there are many fewer fireflies!
Fay 子 on Google

It’s not a special sightseeing spot, and there are no interesting facilities. In this unspoiled natural environment, picking up small fruits and looking at small creatures is also a very satisfying second half of the day.
YUZUKI Hs on Google

開到這麼深山的地方,結果荒廢感十足 什麼都沒有還做一堆曖昧不明的指示牌 指引人家到這裡卻又到處插著非公務禁止進入 不是民眾可以來的地方 牌子左右二邊小路是往民宅 右邊往民宅的路絕對不能過去 會一次被三支沒有鍊子的惡犬圍攻
Driving to such a deep mountain place, the result is full of desertion Nothing and a bunch of ambiguous signs Directing people to come here, but there are non-official bans everywhere Not a place where people can come The road on the left and right sides of the sign is to the house The road to the house on the right must not pass Will be besieged by three vicious dogs without chains at once
Lun on Google

多了2嶄爆亮路燈,要來拍照的三思 螢火蟲還是很多,但沒有好拍的景了
There are 2 more bright street lights, think twice about taking pictures There are still many fireflies, but there is no good scene to take pictures
莊芸榕 on Google

如果是要拍古厝當背景的螢火蟲 就不用來了 古厝正對面現在有路燈 根本沒辦法拍
If you want to shoot the fireflies in the background of the ancient house don't use it There are street lights right across from the old house Can't shoot at all
Kevin Chang on Google

It was originally a secret place for viewing fireflies. The surrounding area is much cleaner than before, but there is no intention to maintain the firefly viewing environment. The street lights are too bright and the hut has been destroyed, which is a pity.
Alan YC Yang on Google

南投縣魚池鄉的蓮華池是林業試驗所分所的研究中心,佔地面積達到四百六十公頃。原本是日本藥用植物栽培實驗地,為中部中低海拔地區僅存最完整之天然闊葉樹林,生物多樣性高居全省第二,僅次於恆春半島之南仁山地區。 這裡有許多低窪的池塘及沼澤,孕育著豐富的動植物,蓮華池試驗所裡共有16個景點,其中蓮華池森林賞螢步道,是賞螢秘境,欣賞螢火蟲最佳時間是四月中旬至五月下旬左,欣賞螢火蟲一閃一閃亮晶晶,很能療癒人心,各種蛙鳴蟲叫,大自然的交響協奏曲,讓人可以深層體驗森林中無與倫比的美麗。 欣賞螢火蟲應遵守不捕捉、不喧嘩,手電筒應避免使用,除非必要請用紅色玻璃紙包著燈光處,也不能使用燈光設備照射棲地,並關閉閃光燈、對焦燈,愛護這美麗的大自然環境。 交通資訊:國道六號→下愛蘭交流道→左轉埔霧公路/台14線→靠右行駛台21線→右轉桃米巷→左轉桃米巷→水上巷/投64鄉道→抵達與投66鄉道交接口→ 蓮華池藥用植物標本園(停車處)→旁邊小徑看到紅磚小屋,沿途兩旁走就可以看到閃閃發亮的螢火小精靈了?‍♀️
Lianhua Pond in Yuchi Township, Nantou County is the research center of the branch of the Forestry Laboratory, covering an area of ​​460 hectares. Originally a Japanese medicinal plant cultivation experimental site, it is the only remaining natural broad-leaved forest in the middle and low altitudes of the central region. There are many low-lying ponds and swamps, which are rich in animals and plants. There are 16 scenic spots in the Lianhuachi Laboratory. Among them, the Lianhuachi Forest Firefly Trail is a secret place for viewing fireflies. The best time to appreciate fireflies is from mid-April to May. At the end of the last ten days, you can enjoy the twinkling of fireflies, which can heal people's hearts, the calls of various frogs and insects, and the symphony concerto of nature. People can deeply experience the unparalleled beauty in the forest. When admiring fireflies, you should observe not to catch or make noise. Flashlights should be avoided. Unless necessary, please wrap the lighted place with red cellophane. Do not use lighting equipment to illuminate the habitat, and turn off the flash and focus light to protect this beautiful natural environment. Traffic information: National Highway No. 6 → get off at Ailan Interchange → turn left on Puwu Highway/Taiwan Line 14 → keep to the right driving platform Line 21 → turn right at Taomi Alley → turn left on Taomi Alley → Shuixiang / 64 Township Road → Arrival Intersection with Tou 66 Township Road → Lianhuachi Medicinal Herbarium Garden (parking place) → You can see the red brick hut on the side path, and you can see the shining firefly elf along the way ?‍♀️

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