小半天南屏湖民宿 - Nantou County

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 小半天南屏湖民宿

地址 :

558005, Taiwan, Nantou County, Lugu Township, 中湖巷28之3號小半天南屏湖民宿

電話 : 📞 +8897799
網站 : http://www.halfsky.com.tw/
城市 : Lugu Township

558005, Taiwan, Nantou County, Lugu Township, 中湖巷28之3號小半天南屏湖民宿
吳雯雅 on Google

The environment is extremely relaxing and empty, and the atmosphere of the homestay is amazing, just like returning to your own home. The owner of the homestay and the proprietress are funny and cute. When friends leave, they will immediately book the accommodation barbecue party for the Mid-Autumn Festival in September ???~
carry Tsai on Google

The second time I visited the camping area and homestay in the package area, this time it rained for 2 consecutive days, but the drainage in the camp was good, and the sun was dry on the third day. , There is also a big brother on the side, ready to assist at any time, great camp area, bathroom and toilet are super clean, homestay rooms are large and comfortable, all on the first floor are easy to access, adults and children are very happy to play ?, a few people think A place to come again; highly recommended?
紀涵筠 on Google

營主夫妻人蠻好,環境設備應有盡有,不用帶太多東西就可以簡單露營,沒有帳篷也可以住民宿,民宿裡面也很乾淨,適合初露的露友來喔! 營主泡的茶很好喝,一定要喝看看,茶葉也是他們自己種的呦
The host and his wife are very nice, and they have all the environmental equipment. You can simply camp without bringing too many things. You can live in a homestay without a tent. The tea brewed by the host is very delicious, be sure to drink it, the tea is also grown by themselves.
丁浚哲的媽 on Google

露營區內有檜木造成的小木屋,還有柳木造成的亭子;提供給渴望沉浸於大自然,又不願意放棄精緻舒服的享受,只要帶著簡單行囊和玩樂的心,便能輕鬆享受露營樂趣。 初春櫻花盛開,4至6月則有螢火蟲來訪。走上竹林環繞的半山腰、登高遠眺將山林美景盡收眼底,露營區的後山除了有一片梯田景觀,還有一片湖;可讓大人釣魚,感受截然不同生活樂趣,是難得放鬆的理想去處。
There are cabins made of cypress and pavilions made of willow in the camping area; it is provided for those who are eager to immerse themselves in nature, but are not willing to give up the exquisite and comfortable enjoyment. As long as you bring a simple luggage and a playful heart, you can easily enjoy the fun of camping . Cherry blossoms bloom in early spring, and fireflies visit from April to June. Walking up the mountainside surrounded by bamboo forests, climbing up the mountain and overlooking the beautiful scenery of the mountains and forests, the back mountain of the camping area has a terraced landscape and a lake; it can allow adults to fish and experience a completely different life pleasure, which is an ideal place to relax. .
涂慧敏 on Google

很棒的民宿?有自己的小湖泊和步道 中午的特色竹筒飯,豐盛好吃又有趣~ 主人很熱情的帶著我們繞著後山走一圈,穿過竹林到他們家的茶園拍照,那是個像拍廣告一樣美的地方,天空中還有幾隻老鷹在盤旋。最後再沿著長滿杉樹和台灣肖楠的樹林下山回來。 接著主人帶我們到德興瀑布去玩水,回程的時候還去假日市集吃了古早味豆花以及臭豆腐,真的很加分? 我們是住民宿內的房間,是個大通鋪,房間和浴室很乾淨。 晚上我們在民宿內烤肉,這邊很適合社團聚餐活動,很棒的地方?
Great homestay? with its own little lake and trail The special bamboo tube rice at noon is rich, delicious and interesting~ The host was very enthusiastic and took us around the back mountain, through the bamboo forest to their tea garden to take pictures. It was a place as beautiful as an advertisement, and there were a few eagles circling in the sky. Finally, go back down the mountain along the woods overgrown with cedar trees and Taiwan Xiao Nan. Then the host took us to Dexing Waterfall to play in the water. On the way back, we also went to the holiday market to eat ancient bean curd and stinky tofu, which was really a bonus? We are staying in a room in a homestay, it is a big shop, and the room and bathroom are very clean. In the evening, we barbecued at the homestay. It is very suitable for social gatherings. It is a great place. ?
Stephen Wu on Google

jackie Yang on Google

I love this place, really close to nature
Spencer Chew on Google

Room is clean Place is peacefully and quiet

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