5G男女快速設計剪髮$100 - West District

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Contact 5G男女快速設計剪髮$100

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Minsheng S Rd, 428號5G男女快速設計剪髮$100

電話 : 📞 +8898778
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/5g-%25E5%25BF%25AB%25E9%2580%259F%25E5%2589%25AA%25E9%25AB%25AE100%25E5%2585%2583-105441871617247/
城市 : Minsheng S Rd

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Minsheng S Rd, 428號5G男女快速設計剪髮$100
羅稦 on Google

After the cut, I feel that it is too short, but the service of the hair stylist is very good and kind. I will communicate in advance next time.
李小芸 on Google

The male designer is very stylish, patient with children, very kind, the key child will not have an itchy neck when they encounter a haircut for the first time?, very recommended ???
嘉義高工畢聯會 on Google

技術超讚很厲害,一下子就剪完了,重點是老闆知道你的想法,很好溝通,每次去都有剪到自己喜歡的點,100塊CP值真的很高,推推推?? 尤其是後面的部分,真的很厲害
The technology is amazing and very powerful, and it was cut all at once. The point is that the boss knows what you think and communicates well. Every time I go, I cut to the point I like. The CP value of 100 yuan is really high, push push push ?? Especially the latter part, it's really awesome
Lenka Chang on Google

老闆親切好溝通,對於學齡前兒童剪髮很有耐心, 不同於興業西路某家百元剪髮態度傲慢, 以後會固定光顧 讚
The boss is kind and communicative, very patient with haircuts for preschool children, Different from the arrogant attitude of a certain hundred-yuan haircut on Xingye West Road, Will be a regular patron in the future
雀俠雁初行 on Google

之前在上海路剪到跟狗啃的差不多,我今天抓狂了我決定換ㄧ家快剪店,使用谷哥搜尋居然在我家附近也有ㄧ家而且評價為5星的,就試試看了,剪了5分鐘~我發現店主聽的懂客人的心聲,而且技術高超,你的要求他都有辦法了解而且超出預期的好看,環境非常整潔乾淨,服務又很親切又只收100而已老闆還送我ㄧ罐洗髮精我真不好意思,坦白說我實在無法找出這家店的任何缺點……無奈星星只能最多給5顆星,我給予這家店最高之評價,以後就來這家了^ ^
I used to cut it on Shanghai Road and it was almost like a dog's bite. I was crazy today and decided to change to a fast cutting store. I used Google to search. There is also a home near my house and the evaluation is 5 stars, so I gave it a try. After 5 minutes~ I found that the owner understands the voice of the customer, and is highly skilled. He has a way to understand your request and it is beyond expectations. The environment is very clean and tidy, the service is very kind and only 100 yuan is charged. ㄧ I'm so embarrassed about the can of shampoo, and frankly, I really can't find any faults in this store... But the stars can only give a maximum of 5 stars, I give this store the highest rating, and I will come to this store in the future. ^ ^
台南美食瓦斯桶 on Google

住台中兩年都找不到好的設計師剪髮, 每個都剪不出我要的感覺, 結果這家竟然隨便給個要求就剪出來了, 真的有夠喜歡老闆剪的髮型?, 而且速度也很快,雖然只有一個人在剪, 但其實稍坐一下就輪到我了, 翻台率很高,我喜歡? 這家就算不是百元理髮我都願意用到老! 回嘉義定居最開心的就是遇見這家理髮店~
MILK on Google

只是想修掉枯黃髮尾,上網谷歌,意外發現這間離家走路3分鐘,網路評價很高的百元快剪。果真,如網路所說實在太超值,髮型師的技術讓我都想額外給小費了(真的不是因為他很有型?)。 難怪候位區一直呈現滿座???回家立馬推薦給家人,希望這店在社區長長久久。
I just wanted to get rid of withered and yellow hair. I googled it, and I accidentally found this one hundred-yuan quick cut which was highly rated on the Internet after a 3-minute walk from home. Really, as the Internet says, it's so worth it, the hair stylist's skills make me want to tip extra (really not because he's very stylish ?). No wonder the waiting area is always full ??? I will recommend it to my family immediately after returning home. I hope this shop will last in the community for a long time.
必馨陳 on Google

Designers are very good at communicating. Even if there are only general descriptions (such as male-female-neutral, or symmetrical and asymmetrical), the designer can come up with suitable hairstyles and give suggestions. The haircutting skills are also very good, and I won't chat hard, I can chat with you if I want to chat, and I can cut it quietly if I don't want to chat. The cp value of the haircut here is very high

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