唯(天婦羅飯·蛋包飯·日式小食) - East District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 唯(天婦羅飯·蛋包飯·日式小食)

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Fangan Rd, 53號唯(天婦羅飯·蛋包飯·日式小食)

電話 : 📞 +888877
網站 : http://instagram.com/wei7_food
城市 : Fangan Rd

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Fangan Rd, 53號唯(天婦羅飯·蛋包飯·日式小食)
亮亮妤 on Google

好吃~而且很飽! 這個是經典的蛋包飯,番茄醬感覺是自己煮的,很好吃 拿學生證還有99元優惠 附湯 還可以續 但真的會吃很飽 有自助飲料 今天的是麥茶 不知道會不會換 體驗很佳,老闆娘人很親切 不過因為廚房只有兩位,所以餐點可能會等比較久喔~
Delicious ~ and very filling! This is a classic omelette rice, the tomato sauce feels like it's cooked by itself, it's delicious Get a student ID and get a discount of 99 yuan With soup, you can continue But it will be really full There are self-service drinks, today's barley tea I don't know if it will be replaced The experience is very good, the boss is very kind However, because there are only two people in the kitchen, it may take a long time to wait for the meal~
不在乎天長地久只在乎一次多久 on Google

 前情提要:在PTT看到這家,21/10/11原本中午要吃,結果1400店家就休息剛好壓線...(殘念),只好今日準時1130打電話預約 交通:店家對面有整排機車停車格,對機車族來說是超級方便,汽車族群也可以停在聖馬醫院前面的停車格,走過來也不用五分鐘。PS:整排店家前面有通道(與道路平行),有看到居民的小孩(幼稚園年齡)在那邊活動,如果路過可能要多加注意小鵬油 防疫:店門是大片玻璃櫥窗,入口處很清楚的有QR&紙本登記簿&酒精,有外帶與內用,店內桌椅也有隔板隔開,確實遵循政府防疫措施。 食物:外帶取餐時餐點放在保溫箱內,還有附贈一袋飲料&一碗湯(可惜被家人幹走,無緣品嚐)。 原先以為蛋皮經過外帶路途的關係,會因為食物本身熱度繼續悶熟,會變成有硬硬口感的蛋皮,但咬下後內部還是軟軟糊糊,與記憶中在日本吃到的口感相差不遠。 這次餐點的飯體是奶油飯,裡面看得到洋蔥蘑菇火腿(培根?)。洋蔥明顯炒過吃起來就是甜甜地,培根帶點鹹味,再搭配魚肉(多麗魚)跟花枝真的蠻不錯的,單吃飯並不會太乾,配點醬汁味道濃郁也更下飯。蛋包飯有花椰菜很正常,只是熊熊看到韓國年糕我覺得蠻奇妙的斯密塔。 一間小小間的餐館,空間並不大,建議可以提早到達,電話外帶,或是問看看有沒有預約服務。這次外帶給85分,整體CP值算是蠻不錯的店家,從飯體的處理,到蛋包的功夫,看得出來花了不少功夫。看來今日過後,蛋包飯口袋名單 +1值得再訪
 Preliminary summary: I saw this at PTT. On 21/10/11, I originally wanted to eat at noon. As a result, the 1400 store just took a break and just pressed the line... (Cannian), I had to call 1130 to make an appointment today. Transportation: There is a whole row of motorcycle parking spaces opposite the store, which is super convenient for the locomotives. The car groups can also park in the parking spaces in front of the St. Mark's Hospital, and it takes less than five minutes to walk over. PS: There is a passage (parallel to the road) in front of the entire row of shops, and there are children (kindergarten age) who see residents moving there. If you pass by, you may need to pay more attention to Xiaopeng oil. Epidemic prevention: The store door is a large glass window. The entrance clearly has QR & paper registration book & alcohol. It has both external and internal use. The tables and chairs in the store are also separated by partitions. They do follow the government's anti-epidemic measures. Food: When taking out the meal, the meal is placed in an incubator, and a bag of beverages & a bowl of soup are also included (unfortunately, the family members took it away and did not have the chance to taste it). I originally thought that the egg crust would continue to be stuffy due to the heat of the food itself when it was taken out, and it would turn into a hard and hard egg crust, but after biting it, the inside is still soft and squishy, ​​which is not different from the taste that I remembered in Japan. Far. The meal of this meal is creamy rice, and onion mushroom ham (bacon?) can be seen in it. The onion is obviously sweet after being fried, and the bacon has a bit of salty taste. It is really good with fish (dori fish) and sashimi. It is not too dry when you eat alone, and it is more flavorful with some sauce. It's normal for omelet rice to have cauliflower, but I think it's a wonderful Smitta when I see Korean rice cakes. A small restaurant, the space is not large, it is recommended to arrive early, call to take out, or ask to see if there is an appointment service. This time I brought 85 points, and the overall CP value is quite good. From the processing of the rice to the egg buns, I can see that it took a lot of effort. It seems that after today, the list of omelet rice pockets +1 is worth visiting again
黃郁琁 on Google

Delicious, usually only tomato omelette rice, but there is also custard omelette rice, which provides another option ???
Sanna Tsai on Google

很少吃到純賣蛋包飯的店家! 上餐速度也很快 味道也非常好吃~ 有點酸甜的美乃滋配上蛋 還有飯裡面有炒滿滿的蘑菇、洋蔥 很好吃? 湯也可以續湯 非常棒✨會再回訪??
Rarely eat omelet rice stores! The serving speed is also very fast It tastes very delicious too~ Sweet and sour mayonnaise with egg There are fried mushrooms and onions in the rice It's delicious ? The soup can also be refilled. It’s great ✨ will visit again ??
Yin Nam on Google

這家蛋包飯的蛋真的很厲害!!!! 超滑嫩~番茄醬也恰到好處! 而且最普通的雞肉蛋包飯,原本以為可能雞肉會只有一點點,結果吃下發現,給的雞肉都算很大塊的那種,一口都是雞肉而不是肉絲那種!!!很值得給五顆星 店家外帶的部分也蠻細心的,都會晚點做然後放進保溫袋裡,讓餐點維持溫熱給客人! 停車不論是機車或是汽車都蠻好停車的~缺點是偶爾人多要等15-30分鐘,但點餐時都會先告知,蠻不錯的! (p.s:湯跟飲料內用都可以一直續喔~紅茶很好喝!!!)
The eggs in this omelette are really good! ! ! ! Super smooth and tender ~ tomato sauce is just right! And the most common chicken omurice, I thought that there might be only a little chicken, but after eating it, I found that the chicken that was given was a big piece, and a bite was chicken instead of shredded pork! ! ! Well worth five stars The store's take-out part is also very careful, and they will be made later and put in a thermal bag to keep the meal warm to the guests! Parking is good for both locomotives and cars~ The disadvantage is that occasionally people have to wait for 15-30 minutes, but they will inform you first when ordering, which is pretty good! (p.s: It can be used in soups and beverages for a long time~ Black tea is delicious!!!)
Jimmy (Breeze) on Google

5/24 (二)中午12:30-14:00 橫須賀港風咖喱蛋包飯 190 大阪燒醬豬肉蛋包飯 165 唐揚雞(3塊) 55 湯隨餐附,飲料紅茶自取 店內約14個座位 要內用的話有可能要等 店家為兩人經營,餐點需要等待製作 當天12:30入座 約等待30分鐘左右 適合不趕時間的人用餐 餐點部分我們為三人用餐一人一份 飯量算多不加飯就能吃得很飽 若要加飯請確保食量夠大 蛋包飯為不等同口味炒飯 當天用餐時炒飯內有起司味道非常不錯 唐揚雞55元有三大塊非常推薦 當天下大雨,雖然店家中午只開到14:00 但依然非常客氣說可以在店內多等一下等雨停,從服務態度到餐點都值得推薦的店家
5/24 (Tue) 12:30-14:00 noon Yokosuka Port Style Curry Omelette 190 Okonomiyaki Sauce Pork Omelette 165 Tang Yang Chicken (3 pieces) 55 Soup comes with meal, drink black tea There are about 14 seats in the store. If you want to use it inside, you may have to wait. The store is run by two people, and the meal needs to wait for the preparation Be seated at 12:30 on the day and wait for about 30 minutes Good for those who are not in a hurry For the meal part, we have one meal for three people You can eat a lot without adding rice If you want to add meals, make sure you eat enough Omurice is fried rice with different flavors The fried rice tastes very good with cheese in the meal that day There are three pieces of Tang Yang chicken for 55 yuan, which is highly recommended It rained heavily that day, although the store was only open until 14:00 at noon But it is still very polite to say that you can wait a little longer in the store and wait for the rain to stop. The store is worth recommending from the service attitude to the meal
WANYU on Google

吃了好幾次終於來補食記。每次幾乎都是點▪️QP蛋黃醬雞肉蛋包飯——Q比蛋黃醬搭上起司能難吃嗎?不能! 於是乎每次饞這味道就不忍吃別樣。 蛋黃醬蛋包飯內層的飯應該有用番茄炒過,紅通通的,配料有雞肉塊、蘑菇、洋蔥等,口感適中,不會太乾,因此一口下來有蛋濕軟的蛋香、有蛋黃醬甜奶油味、有起司的奶香口感、有番茄與洋蔥焦焦的甜味,豐富但不突兀,一整個人生和諧又美好! 再來仔細說說上面那層蛋不同於外面賣的是淡黃色,而是漂亮的金黃色,又香又軟又嫩又甜,稍微有一點Q彈,很是好吃,並且一整個完美的蛋表面,狠狠地滿足了我強迫症!內用可以看看在牆上老闆寫的小小作文,便知道這層蛋大有學問,以至於覺得150元左右的餐點價格十分划算。 再來印象比較深刻的是▪️大阪燒醬豬肉蛋包飯,最上層會灑上柴魚片,立刻就有吃大阪燒的儀式感,飯體不同於蛋黃醬,並沒有用番茄炒過,一口下來也十分美味(但由於胃口太小只吃友人一兩口,所以沒法細細回味) 現場有紅茶,甜度大約微糖多一點,紫菜蛋花湯皆可續。冷氣溫度也是宜人的23°C,夏天來吃,沒有遺憾! 至於外帶的部分,沒想到除了蛋包飯本體外還會附飲料和湯這一點就給讚。也十分貼心地會放進保溫袋中保溫。 另外就是現在實在太難吃到這家店,撲空好幾次,內用18:00不到就賣完,外帶至少前一天要先訂! 最後就是闆娘的防疫很到位!不管外面多熱全副武裝忍不住想拍手鼓掌??
Ya Tsai on Google

I finished the whole plate for $180. The price is much higher than its value

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