嘉義 黑人滷熟肉 - East District

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Contact 嘉義 黑人滷熟肉

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Gonghe Rd, 84號嘉義 黑人滷熟肉

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/BlackSDcookedmeat/
城市 : Gonghe Rd

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Gonghe Rd, 84號嘉義 黑人滷熟肉
莊露露 on Google

種類很豐富、琳瑯滿目! 地瓜米血帶有甜味好吃,內臟也處理的很乾淨沒有腥味,嘉義人的下午茶。 要早點來品項才會齊全。 以前是沒有秩序需要用搶的很混亂,現在需要排隊選購,改善了,這一點非常棒。
The variety is very rich and dazzling! Sweet potato rice blood is sweet and delicious, the internal organs are also clean and there is no smell, afternoon tea of ​​Chiayi people. The items will be complete if you come early. In the past, there was no order, and it was chaotic to use grabbing. Now you need to line up to buy. This has been improved. This is great.
Edward Chen on Google

這次造訪嘉義,試著問了一下不少在地人,包括計程車司機、飯店櫃檯、咖啡店店員、7-11店員等等,嘉義哪一家滷熟肉最好吃?如果可以問到100個人,我估計大約有至少95位會說南門圓環的黑人。看到黑人滷熟肉受到如此普遍的肯定,大概心裡有譜了,這次專程造訪專程,果然不同凡響! 若要用幾句話概括描述黑人滷熟肉,或可是:店家有著對料理本身的堅持和用心(其源於對食材用料的講究,且製作的工序也有其專注和堅持),並因此成就如此的美味。 滷熟肉通常會附一些沾醬佐味,可能會有人覺得佐醬重要性不太高,但就是這些似乎比較不重要、比較微小的地方更可以彰顯黑人的不凡。黑人提供的醬料有兩種:蒜蓉醬和芥末,芥末是那種極辣的芥末,一不小心入口過多會辣到天靈蓋發麻的那種辣,這種芥末連台灣很多日料店都少見,通常只有在真正正宗的日料店或在日本才吃得到,想不到會在嘉義一個圓環吃攤吃到;蒜蓉醬則是蒜香味充份(店家說「比較酸」但對習慣吃酸的我來說吃不太出來酸味)。黑人所附的這種兩種醬料,充份表現了店家的用心。 食料部份更不用說。豬料的部份這次一口氣點了豬心、豬皮、豬肺,樣樣都是美味。黑人的豬料新鮮無腥味只是最基本,通常滷熟肉黑白切等因為放置時間會比較久所以吃到後來會比較冷掉,但黑人的肉料即便放冷之後一樣不會有腥味;除了料好新鮮,黑人的肉料滷得夠透,比方那豬心,滋味濃郁有香氣,如此美味的豬心實不常見。品嚐黑人滷熟肉的豬料時,腦中會不禁浮現一個聲音:的確好吃,果然不負盛名。 黑人的豬料名符其實,但最厲害、最可凸顯它和其他人的層次上的差異就是那些「手路菜」了,這次所點的所有品項如肉捲、蟳粿、旗魚腸、粉粿等等,都有著誘人的香氣,那是因為荸薺、蔥、芹菜等配料經過獨到工序和粿料等融合所產發的香氣,且這香味吃多了也不膩,我這次因為貪心+好奇不小心點了一堆,但吃到後來黑人手路菜的美味度的遞減程度很有限,真的棒。 據聞黑人滷熟肉的現今主事者出身總鋪師家庭和環境,我想黑人滷熟肉端出來的料理,有著總鋪師的誠意、用心、和技術,可以在某尋常日的下午品嚐到總鋪師「大菜小吃」的不尋常手藝,也算種幸運吧。 嘉義南門圓環的黑人滷熟肉是無庸置疑的五星,其滷熟肉放眼全台的類似料理肯定位居一甲,也是我心目中的「滷熟肉之王」。黑人滷熟肉不但是南門圓環的經典,更是我心目中嘉義、南台、甚至全台的經典,衷心期望店家可以將這經典代代傳承下去。 嘉義必訪,非常推薦 PS. 建議平日下午四點前造訪,比較可以避開人潮並有比較完整的品項種類可選買
During my visit to Chiayi this time, I tried to ask many local people, including taxi drivers, restaurant counters, coffee shop clerk, 7-11 clerk, etc. Which one of Chiayi’s braised cooked meat is the best? If you can ask 100 people, I estimate that there are at least 95 black people who can speak the South Gate Circle. Seeing that black stewed meat has been so widely recognized, I probably have something in my heart. This special visit to the special trip is really extraordinary! If you want to use a few sentences to describe the black stewed meat in general, it may be: the store has persistence and dedication to the cooking itself (which stems from the attention to the ingredients, and the production process also has its focus and persistence), and thus achieves So delicious. Braised meat usually comes with some sauce to taste. Some people may think that sauce is not very important, but these seem to be less important and small places that can show the extraordinaryness of black people. There are two kinds of sauces provided by black people: garlic sauce and mustard. Wasabi is the kind of extremely spicy mustard. If you accidentally consume too much, it will be so spicy that the sky is tingling. This kind of mustard is even available in many Japanese food stores in Taiwan. It’s rare. It’s usually only eaten in authentic Japanese food stores or in Japan. It’s unexpected to eat it at a food stall in Chiayi. The garlic sauce is full of garlic flavor (the store says it’s sour, but it’s not accustomed to eating. For me, it doesn’t taste sour.) The two sauces that the blacks attached fully express the store's intentions. Not to mention the food part. The part of the pig feed is a bit of pig heart, pig skin, and pig lung in one breath. Everything is delicious. The freshness and no smell of black pig meat is just the most basic. Usually, the cooked meat will be cooked in black and white and cut for a long time, so it will be colder after eating, but the black meat will not have a fishy smell even if it is left cold; In addition to the fresh ingredients, the black meat is thoroughly marinated. For example, the pork heart has a rich taste and aroma. Such a delicious pork heart is not common. When tasting black stewed pork meat, a voice can't help but come to mind: It is delicious, and it really lives up to its reputation. The black pork meat is worthy of its name, but the most powerful and most obvious difference in the level from others is the "hand road dishes." , Fen Kueh, etc., all have attractive aromas. That is because the water chestnuts, spring onions, celery and other ingredients are combined with the kueh ingredients through the unique process to produce the aroma, and the aroma is not greasy after eating too much. Greedy + curiosity accidentally ordered a bunch, but after eating it, the delicacy of black hand-guided dishes is very limited, which is really good. According to the knowledge that the current principals of black stewed meat came from the family and environment of the chief chef, I think the dishes served by the black stewed meat have the sincerity, dedication, and skill of the chief chef, which can be tasted in the afternoon of an ordinary day. The unusual craftsmanship of the shopkeeper's "big dishes and snacks" is also a lucky one. The black braised meat at Nanmen Circle in Chiayi is undoubtedly a five-star. Its braised meat is definitely ranked first in Taiwan, and it is also the "king of braised meat" in my mind. Black stewed meat is not only a classic of Nanmen Ring, but also a classic of Chiayi, Nantai, and even the whole of Taiwan in my mind. I sincerely hope that the store can pass on this classic from generation to generation. Chiayi must visit, highly recommended PS. It is recommended to visit before 4 pm on weekdays. It can avoid the crowds and has a relatively complete variety of items to buy.
早安 on Google

Instagram:Ludybaal 南部獨有下午茶 也是常聽到的黑白切 除了各式內臟類 粉腸等常客以外 這邊滿多特別的切料 像是旗魚腸、蟳糕 三絲捲都是獨有的招牌 價格也還算實惠 味道算是清淡終於原味 可以搭配蒜蓉醬以及芥末一起吃 據說兩點開賣五點就沒了喔!要買請早 旁邊的香腸糯米腸攤很多人說也是必買 不過大概快四點才開始 可以抓一下時間 不過個人吃覺得~~~還好 比較普通 如果沒人加減吃就好
Instagram: Ludybaal The unique afternoon tea in the south is also often heard in black and white. In addition to regular customers such as all kinds of offal There are so many special cuts here, like swordfish intestines and rice cakes Three silk rolls are unique signs The price is quite affordable and the taste is light and finally original Can be eaten with garlic sauce and mustard It is said that it will be sold out at two o'clock and five o'clock! Please buy early Many people say that the sausage and sticky rice intestine stall next to it is also a must buy But it’s about four o’clock. You can catch the time. But personally, I think it’s ok~~~ If no one adds or subtracts to eat
shuang chang on Google

大腸長的一副就是自己灌的樣子,要吃多少可以直接跟老闆點,沒想到裡面除了包花生之外還有肉,滿好吃的。可惜因為烤香腸還要等10分鐘,這次無緣吃到。 黑白切跟烤攤要分開點,黑白切吃起來冷冷的,如果有燙過再上菜美味度應該會加分。(沾醬的芥末真的蠻嗆的) 店家服務態度滿親切的,感覺很有人情味,人潮絡繹不絕,平均客單120元。
The large intestine looks like it's filled by myself. You can order how much you want to eat directly with the boss. I didn't expect that there is meat in it besides peanuts, which is full of delicious food. It's a pity that because the grilled sausage has to wait for 10 minutes, I didn't have the chance to eat it this time. The black and white cuts should be separated from the roasting stall. (The mustard dipped in sauce is really choking) The store's service attitude is full of cordiality, and it feels very human. There is an endless stream of people, and the average customer order is 120 yuan.
Alex Chang on Google

嘉義美食-20 黑人魯熟肉 黑人魯熟肉位於共和街和民族路口的圓環這,是嘉義市區的魯熟肉名店之一。到訪的時候是下午三點左右,客人多到爆炸。 內用跟外帶一樣要拿盤子夾自己想吃的東西,只認識名字不太認識長相的話,有點苦手。 夾了網紗三絲卷,炸排骨,粉腸,米血,脆骨肉,以及肥腸。 內用的話都會給你一碗醬料可以搭配芥末來使用。其中三絲卷和炸排骨算是非常美味;其他的食材雖然不到驚為天人,但是也是十分的好吃。 不難理解為何生意那麼好,值得推薦。 #嘉義美食 #嘉義美食推薦 #嘉義美食地圖 #嘉義美食分享 #嘉義魯熟肉 #黑人魯熟肉 #嘉義グルメ #嘉義グルメ巡り #グルメ巡り #グルメ #グルメ男子 #グルメ好きな人と繋がりたい #chiayifood #chiayifoodie #food #foodie
Chiayi Food-20 Black Lu cooked meat Black Lu Cooked Meat is located at the ring of Gonghe Street and Minzu intersection. It is one of the famous Lu Cooked Meat restaurants in downtown Chiayi. When we visited, it was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and there were so many guests that it exploded. For internal use, just like takeout, you need to take a plate to hold what you want to eat. If you only know the name and don’t know the appearance, it will be a bit difficult. Sandwiched with mesh rolls, fried pork ribs, powder sausage, rice blood, crispy meat, and fat sausage. If you use it inside, it will give you a bowl of sauce to use with mustard. Among them, the three-wire roll and fried pork ribs are very delicious; although the other ingredients are not amazing, they are also very delicious. It is not difficult to understand why the business is so good and it is worth recommending. #chiayi food #chiayi food recommendation #ChiayiFoodMap #ChiayiFoodShare #ChiayiLu cooked meat #BlackLu cooked meat #Chiayiグルメ #Chiayiグルメ行り #グルメ行り #グルメ #グルメMan #グルメ好きな人とがりたい #chiayifood #chiayifoodie #food #foodie
Birdie Chang on Google

若搭公車前來可在民族國小下車,民族國小西側有收費停車場,步行約3分鐘。 表訂14:00開始營業,大約13:50顧客就形成隊伍,販售的魯熟肉是以車子載運過來上架,故可能延遲。 內用仍須派代表排隊夾取點餐,排隊後自行取盤子夾子、夾取自己想要的切料,皆以份計價,有些品項例如三絲捲可以半份。 三絲捲: 北部叫雞捲、南部叫"Genna",內含豬絞肉及荸薺等蔬菜,外皮有分油網紗及豆皮兩種。 粉腸(粉紅色):南部常見的小吃切料,口感緊實、口味較台南的稍重。 旗魚粉腸:口感較一般粉腸稍軟,沒有海鮮的腥味。 地瓜糯米血:相較於一般米血,整體多了地瓜的香甜氣息,比預期的更特別。 豬舌、管、肝等內臟:豬肝全熟略有嚼進,口味上無特別之處,但都很新鮮。 沾醬是摻了大蒜的醬油膏,氣味厚重外放,個人比較喜歡不搶味的沾醬,可索取綠芥末增加嗆味。
If you come by bus, you can get off at Minzu Elementary School. There is a paid parking lot on the west side of Minzu Elementary School. It takes about 3 minutes to walk. Scheduled to start business at 14:00, customers will form a team around 13:50. The cooked meat from Shandong is transported to the shelves by car, so it may be delayed. For internal use, you still have to send a representative to queue up to pick up the order. After queuing, you can pick up the plates and clamps and pick up the cut materials you want. They are all priced in portions. Some items, such as three-wire rolls, can be half-served. Three wire rolls: It is called chicken roll in the north and "Genna" in the south. It contains ground pork and water chestnuts and other vegetables. Fungus (pink): A common snack cut in the south, with a firmer taste and slightly heavier taste than Tainan's. Swordfish Intestine: The taste is slightly softer than the general powder intestine, without the fishy smell of seafood. Sweet potato glutinous rice blood: Compared with ordinary rice blood, the whole has more sweet smell of sweet potato, which is more special than expected. Tongue, tube, liver and other internal organs: The whole cooked liver is slightly chewed, and there is no special taste in it, but they are all fresh. The dipping sauce is a soy sauce cream mixed with garlic. It has a strong smell and is put on the outside. I personally prefer a dipping sauce that does not grab the taste. You can ask for green mustard to increase the choking taste.
朱祥泰 on Google

Frederick Huang on Google


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