季花鐵板燒 - East District

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Contact 季花鐵板燒

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Jinlong St, 107號季花鐵板燒號

電話 : 📞 +88787
網站 : http://www.rokujo.com.tw/
城市 : Jinlong St

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Jinlong St, 107號季花鐵板燒號
Celia on Google

藏身在小巷的中高價位鐵板燒餐廳 是一間擺盤很有特色的餐廳! 店內有一大片玻璃可以看到窗外叢林景色。 平日的關係,客人只有兩組, 座位雖全是繞著鐵板燒台坐,但每個人的間距剛剛好,並不會覺得擁擠 ?菲力海鮮全餐$880+10% ?美國肋眼海陸全餐$1670+10% Cp值: ???? 服務: ???? 美味: ???? 裝潢.景色:???? 再訪意願: ???? 前菜?: 懷石五品盛皿,很驚艷的擺盤!豐富卻不雜亂;臘肉、起司搭配茭白筍,這組合意外的好吃,旁邊那碟看起來像哇沙米的竟是毛豆泥!搭配魚子醬,鹹中帶點毛豆味,十分舒服;黃金奇異果配上鮭魚卵,也是甜甜鹹鹹的,好搭好搭!一切都很創新、很新奇。 湯品?: 時令海鮮魚湯(880套餐),比較喜歡這道!很清甜的湯頭,有口感的魚肉,份量也給的不少,醬汁是辣蘿蔔泥加蔥醬油,很去腥味,但真的蠻辣,我怕辣就沒辦法接受。 上湯大排翅(1680套餐),個人不愛羹類,這道羹比外面的偏稀一點,料沒話說還是多,然後紅醋千萬別全下,肯定會酸到爆炸! 最酷的是裝湯的容器!共有三層,最上層放醬油或紅醋,中層放醬料或配菜,最下層才是湯,三合一耶好喜歡這個湯碗啊!酷o(*゚▽゚*)o 海鮮??: 澎湖大明蝦(兩份套餐皆相同),蝦子十分Q彈、有嚼勁,蝦頭裹上麵粉煎過,變成像炸過一樣脆脆的口感,蜂蜜芥末醬吃起來是美乃滋的味道比較強烈,搭配蝦子別有一番風味。 北海道干貝(1680套餐),外酥內嫩,吃得到新鮮的海味!涼拌牛蒡絲脆脆甜甜,不會有牛蒡的臭味;搭配的海膽醬怎麼反而比蝦子的更蜂蜜芥末醬ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ(? 但這醬不吃光光不行啦~(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) 活鮑魚佐海藻醬(880套餐),整顆鮑魚也裹上麵粉去煎過,讓整顆並不會軟軟爛爛的,腥味也不重,不敢吃鮑魚的我可以勉強吃一口…(。・ω・。)ノ 蝦夷大活鮑(1680套餐),這道我沒吃,所以只能說豪大顆的鮑魚啊! 主菜???: 紐西蘭菲力牛排(880套餐),肉質帶點口感,但沒筋好咬,香味就是草飼牛的味道,以這價位來說算不錯 美國頂級肋眼(1680套餐),歐某!鮮嫩多汁就是這樣用的吧!咬下去那個汁炸出來,要多爽有多爽!!味道又超牛排香,很舒服,酷的是雖然師傅幫我們幫我們切好了,但卻也沒有過多的血水流出來! 御飯?: 今天只有玉子蓋飯,就是煎荷包蛋加飯啦,飯的份量少少的,不至於會讓人覺得太撐有負擔。 甜品?: 香煎香蕉尬瑞士巧克力冰火雙重奏(對 這我自己取的),這道甜點好吃又壯觀,香蕉表面沾上麵粉製造焦脆口感,配上冰淇淋,那味道我很喜歡!廚師還會表演大火燒冰淇淋,沒想到最後一道依舊那麼精彩呀! 總結?: 真是視覺、味蕾都享受到的一頓午餐,吃完全身舒暢。 餐點很多道,個人覺得豐富又超值!份量偏多,食量不大的朋友可能會太飽。 服務生帶位入座後,站在斜後方等我們決定好餐點,再上前點餐,服務生帶著親切的剛剛好的態度服務客人,並不會讓客人感到壓力。 平日的關係,客人只有兩組, 座位雖全是繞著鐵板燒台坐,但每個人的間距剛剛好,並不會覺得擁擠。 硬要說缺點了話,怪怪的地方是這價位的餐廳沒有開立發票,然後也不能刷卡,還有,餐墊為什麼是綠色的啦好搶眼?
A mid-to-high price teppanyaki restaurant hidden in the alley It is a very distinctive restaurant! There is a large piece of glass in the shop to see the jungle scenery outside the window. On weekdays, there are only two groups of guests. Although the seats are all around the teppanyaki table, the spacing between each person is just right, and it doesn’t feel crowded ?Fillet Seafood Full Meal $880+10% ?U.S. Rib Eye Sea and Land Full Meal $1670+10% Cp value: ???? Service: ???? Delicious: ???? Decoration. Scenery: ???? Willingness to revisit: ???? Appetizer ?: The five-grade kaiseki serving dish is very stunningly presented! Rich but not messy; bacon, cheese and bamboo shoots, this combination is unexpectedly delicious, the dish next to it that looks like wasa rice is actually edamame! Paired with caviar, the salty taste of edamame is very comfortable; the golden kiwifruit with salmon roe is also sweet and salty, so it's a good match! Everything is very innovative and novel. Soup?: Seasonal seafood fish soup (880 set meal), I like this one! The soup is very sweet, the fish has a good taste, and the portion is a lot. The sauce is spicy grated radish with green onion soy sauce, which is very smelly, but it is really spicy. I am afraid that I can’t accept it. I don’t like soup in the soup (1680 set meal). I don’t like soup. This soup is thinner than the outside. It’s still too much. Then don’t put all the red vinegar down, it will definitely explode! The coolest thing is the soup container! There are three layers, the top layer is soy sauce or red vinegar, the middle layer is sauce or side dishes, and the bottom layer is the soup. I love this three-in-one soup bowl! Cool o(*゚▽゚*)o Seafood??: Penghu king prawns (the two sets are the same), the shrimps are very chewy and chewy. The shrimp heads are wrapped in flour and fried, and they have a crunchy texture like fried ones. The honey mustard sauce tastes like mayonnaise with a stronger taste. , It has a special flavor with shrimps. Hokkaido scallops (1680 set meal), crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, you can eat fresh seafood! The cold burdock is crispy and sweet, without the smell of burdock; how can the sea urchin sauce with honey mustard sauce be more honey mustard sauce than the shrimp ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ(? But this sauce can’t be eaten up~(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) Live abalone with seaweed sauce (880 set meal), the whole abalone is also wrapped in flour and fried, so that the whole abalone will not be soft and rotten, and the smell is not strong. I can barely eat a bite if I don’t dare to eat abalone... (。・Ω・。)ノ Ezo live abalone (1680 set meal), I didn't eat this dish, so I can only say the big abalone! Main course???: New Zealand Filet Mignon (880 set meal), the meat has a bit of texture, but it is not strong enough to bite, the aroma is the taste of grass-fed beef, which is not bad at this price American top rib eye (1680 package), Oumou! That's how it is used for juicy and tenderness! Bite down the sauce and fry it out, how cool and refreshing it is!! The taste is super steak fragrant and very comfortable. What's cool is that although the master helped us cut it for us, there was not too much blood flowing out! Yufan?: Today there is only Yuzi rice bowl, which is fried poached egg and rice. The portion of rice is small, so that it will not make people feel too burdened. Dessert?: Pan-fried banana and Swiss chocolate duo (I took this myself). This dessert is delicious and spectacular. The banana surface is covered with flour to create a crunchy texture. When paired with ice cream, I like the taste! The chef will also perform a fire-boiled ice cream, but I didn’t expect the last one to be so exciting! Summary ?: It's a lunch that both the eyes and the taste buds can enjoy, and it is completely comfortable to eat. There are many dishes, and I personally feel that it is rich and value-for-money! If the portion is too large, a friend who has a small appetite may be too full. After taking a seat, the waiter stood obliquely behind and waited for us to decide the meal, and then stepped forward to order the meal. The waiter served the guests with a kind and just right attitude, and would not make the guests feel pressured. On weekdays, there are only two groups of guests. Although the seats are all around the teppanyaki table, the distance between each person is just right, and it does not feel crowded. I have to say the shortcomings. The strange thing is that the restaurant at this price does not issue an invoice, and then cannot swipe the card. Also, why the placemat is green is so eye-catching ?
哈哈哈 on Google

第一次吃鮑魚就獻給季花了~~~處理的超好完全沒有腥味,也非常新鮮!超好吃?念念不忘 干貝搭配白醬絕配?龍蝦超鮮很美味 魚湯也好好喝耶捨不得喝完 最後還有鐵板香蕉,廚師會秀一波猛的,超驚艷哈哈哈 廚師人很好會一直跟你聊天~過程很輕鬆
The first time I ate abalone, I gave it to Ji Hua~~ The processing was super good, there was no fishy smell at all, and it was very fresh! Super delicious ? I will never forget Dried scallops pair well with white sauce? The lobster is super fresh and delicious The fish soup is also delicious, I can't bear to finish it Finally, there are sizzling bananas, the chef will show a wave of fierce, super amazing hahaha The chef is very good and will chat with you all the time ~ the process is very easy
X_5 Jin on Google

Pay attention if you can't swipe the card. The ingredients are fresh and seasoned properly. The chef is very kind. The dessert tableware is in the shape of cherry blossoms.
Kevin on Google

一星給食材 另一星給環境 多樣料理都過焦 尤其是干貝及煎蛋 都有嚴重的焦黑邊 這和完美梅納反應有落差 菜式的搭配除了主菜外 都有很大的進步空間
One star for food Another star for the environment Various dishes are overcooked Especially scallops and fried eggs have severe burnt edges This is a far cry from the perfect Mena reaction. Dishes with the exception of the main course There is a lot of room for improvement
Ida Y on Google

第一次在嘉義吃鐵板燒,cp值很高,廚師還有現場表演,非常有趣又特別的用餐經驗,跟男友一起來吃的很開心,不到一千的價格居然可以吃到活鮑魚、鮪魚下巴、松阪豬、還有許多特色料理? 非常喜歡這次的用餐體驗跟服務!
This is the first time I ate Teppanyaki in Chiayi. The cp value is very high. The chef also has live performances. It is a very interesting and special dining experience. , tuna chin, Matsusaka pork, and many other special dishes? I really like this dining experience and service!
Jennifer Yu on Google

Fresh food but small portion
Mik3 on Google

Fantastic food, professionally prepared and presented. One of the best in Taiwan.
黃佳弘 on Google

Astonishing tapenyakki! The seafood are very fresh, lobster, shrimps, scallops... Can't wait to visit again!

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