木馬影像工作室 - Lane 731

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 木馬影像工作室

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Lane 731, Yijiao St, 57號木馬影像工作室

電話 : 📞 +8898779
網站 : https://sites.google.com/view/muma57/
城市 : Yijiao St

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Lane 731, Yijiao St, 57號木馬影像工作室
Rou on Google

攝影師&化妝師都非常專業 拍攝過程也是非常的歡樂 拍攝前做好功課告訴他們我喜歡的樣子和感覺 毛片出來真的是美哭自己完全就是我要的樣子 (照片真的美到很難選) 推推CP值爆高的木馬團隊??
The photographer and makeup artist are very professional The filming process was also very enjoyable Do your homework before shooting and tell them how I like the look and feel It's really beautiful to cry when the porn comes out, I'm exactly what I want (The photo is so beautiful that it is hard to choose) Push the Trojan team with high CP value??
孟靜靜 on Google

從決定要拍婚紗的時候第一個念頭就是要很自然不做作的那種,看到老公表姐拍的婚紗照風格超級喜歡於是她推薦給我們木馬團隊。 Eason 從一開始討論給了我們很多想法跟意見,在整個討論過程中Eason 很快能抓到我們的重點跟想要的感覺,所以很有效率的馬上就決定好。 在拍攝當天Dora 的妝髮技巧自然又精緻,拍照起來真的360度無死角,整個團隊在一邊玩樂一邊拍攝,雖然已經拍了一整天但卻覺得時間過好快。 甚至為了怕我們台北嘉義來回跑好幾趟太累,從挑選婚紗到給毛片整個過程簡直超級迅速,效率100分。 總之很謝謝木馬團隊的每個人,每張婚紗照都美到難以選擇,讓我們覺得從台北到嘉義拍婚紗真的很值得。☺️
When I decided to shoot a wedding dress, my first thought was to be natural and unpretentious. Seeing that my husband and cousin took a wedding photo, she liked it very much, so she recommended it to our Trojan horse team. Eason gave us a lot of ideas and opinions from the beginning of the discussion. During the whole discussion process, Eason was able to quickly grasp our key points and desired feelings, so it was very efficient to decide immediately. On the day of the shooting, Dora's makeup and hair skills were natural and exquisite. The photo was really 360 degrees without dead ends. The whole team was having fun while shooting. Even in order to be afraid that we would be too tired to run back and forth in Taipei and Chiayi, the whole process from selecting the wedding dress to giving the hair piece was super fast, and the efficiency was 100 points. In short, thank you very much to everyone in the Trojan team. Every wedding photo is so beautiful that it is difficult to choose. It makes us feel that it is really worthwhile to travel from Taipei to Chiayi for wedding photography. ☺️
賴柏潔 on Google

環境舒服漂亮! 老師們都專業又健談! 嘉義婚紗首選!
The environment is comfortable and beautiful! The teachers are professional and chatty! Chiayi wedding first choice!
EvaHsu on Google

當初查了嘉義的婚紗工作室時 就很喜歡木馬的照片反映出有溫度的感覺 果然毛片出來的時候 真的超美!我們超喜歡 不管是化妝師、攝影師以及助手 都很貼心也很會引導 拍婚紗找木馬真的很值得!
When I checked the wedding dress studio in Chiayi I really like the photos of the Trojan horse, reflecting the feeling of warmth Sure enough, when the flakes came out Really beautiful! we love it Whether it's a makeup artist, photographer, or assistant Very caring and very guiding Looking for a Trojan horse for a wedding dress is really worth it!
江佳綺 on Google

從一開始資詢到挑婚紗再到拍照當天都讓我們很放心 只要準備好去玩的心 拍照當天很會營造氣氛 也一直逗我們兩個笑 真的是個很難忘的回憶~~真的很喜歡木馬團隊 而且團隊的新秘Dora很細心也會一直跟我溝通想要的妝髮 大推~~真的會有很難忘的回憶❤️❤️
From the initial inquiry to choosing the wedding dress to the day of the photo shoot, we were very relieved, as long as we are ready to play On the day of the photo shoot, it was very good at creating an atmosphere and it kept us both laughing. It was really an unforgettable memory~~ I really like the Trojan team. And the team's new secretary, Dora, is very attentive and will always communicate with me about the makeup and hair I want. Big push~~ really will have unforgettable memories ❤️❤️
毛檬 on Google

(Translated by Google) Trojan Studio is professional and cute~ Let the nervous new people take pictures with a happy and relaxed mood, And every piece of the film is so beautiful, the whole selection is difficult>/// ///< 真的好幸運能遇見木馬的各位~❤️?
郭秋子 on Google

收到毛片一打開太讓我驚艷了 每一張都好美 好難抉擇? 木馬團隊真的很專業也很敬業 當天遇到下雨天 大家淋的一身濕也要給我們拍出漂亮的照片 很喜歡拍攝的氣氛 嘉義婚攝首選 木馬推推?
When I opened it, I was amazed Each one is so beautiful, so hard to choose ? The Trojan team is really professional and dedicated When it rained that day, everyone got wet and took beautiful pictures for us I like the atmosphere of the shoot The first choice for wedding photography in Chiayi ?
吳岳霖 on Google

木馬攝影團隊非常厲害 從一開始進去,沒有過度推銷也會提出中肯的建議,挑選禮服時也會細心的先挑選適合新人的款式,Eason老師也依照新人個性引導笑容?拍照時團隊夥伴們都很細心、貼心注意所有細節,讓我們備感溫馨。 新秘朵拉老師化妝動作輕柔、細心,也會不斷溝通,畫出最美的妝容。 團隊們還會幫忙照顧狗狗,讓我們可以放心拍攝!!! 最後在畫面的構圖與氣氛的拿捏都恰到好處, 拍出來很自然不做作超有質感。
Trojan photography team is very powerful From the very beginning, I will make pertinent suggestions without over-selling. When choosing a dress, I will carefully choose the style that is suitable for the newcomer. Teacher Eason also guides the smile according to the personality of the newcomer. The teammates are very careful and considerate when taking pictures. Details make us feel warm. Teacher Xin Mi Dora's makeup movements are gentle and careful, and she will continue to communicate to draw the most beautiful makeup. The team will also help take care of the dogs so we can shoot with confidence! ! ! In the end, the composition and atmosphere of the picture are just right, and the shot is very natural, not artificial, and super textured.

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