紫微宮 - West District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 紫微宮

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Daxi Rd, 593號紫微宮

電話 : 📞 +8877
城市 : Daxi Rd

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Daxi Rd, 593號紫微宮
Hauer Lai on Google

主神-玄天上帝。 流傳眾多神蹟傳說故事。 廟宇內裝飾堂皇、龍柱雕工細膩。
Lord God-Xuantian God. Many legends and tales have been circulated. The decoration in the temple is majestic and the carving of dragon columns is delicate.
Han Lai on Google

心誠則靈 祈求平安健康 鴻圖大展 萬事如意
Sincerity is spirit, pray for peace and health
Arthur on Google

Xuantian God, the power to calm people's hearts, efficacious
張哲 on Google

Very quiet, beautifully carved temple
王新福 on Google

Japan ’s Fukui Prefecture Takeo Commercial College Wind Orchestra was invited by the Chiayi International Wind Festival to participate in a community tour and came to Ziwei Palace
ch H on Google

在高鐵大道看到石猴雕像,上刻有大溪厝之歌,繞進來看看。 看到又是膜拜神農大帝,好感頓生,和我祖母娘家一樣。 因是小農村,各自忙自己生活,因此看不到香火,奉祀神明不多,但建築宏觀,代表農民虔敬之心。
See the stone monkey statue on the high-speed railway, engraved with the song of Daxiyu, and walk around to see. Seeing that I was worshipping the Shennong Emperor, I feel like a living, just like my grandmother’s family. Because they are small villages, they are busy with their own lives, so they can't see the incense, and there are not many gods, but the architectural macro represents the devout heart of the peasants.
Chiu Liao on Google

廟宇建築宏偉神跡顯赫 並且有停車場可供停車, 但美中不足的是 廟祝態度不佳 ,尤其最不能忍受的是廁所很髒 ,都沒人在整理 ,莊嚴華麗外表下的缺點!
The temple buildings are magnificent and magnificent, and there are parking lots available for parking, but the flaw is the poor attitude of the temple, especially the most unbearable is the dirty toilet, no one is tidying up, the shortcomings under the solemn and gorgeous appearance!
挑剔選物概念店picky digger select space on Google

故鄉的廟,從爺爺外公那一代甚至往前推好幾代的信仰中心,過去不懂為何老一輩如此虔誠,在父親發生意外後才明白,原來神一直都在,因為父母都是在地的村名從出生到現在老了,他們對於帝爺公的虔誠也是親眼所見,而我也看見了 夜晚燈光下的廟宇更顯得溫暖與安心 即便深夜在此都不令人感到害怕反倒有一種獨處的清靜與安心 周邊停車位相當方便,信徒趨前前往不用擔心
The temple in my hometown, from the generation of grandfather and grandfather’s generation, even pushed forward several generations of belief centers. In the past, I didn’t understand why the older generation was so pious. I realized after my father’s accident that God has always been there because my parents are on the ground. The name of the village has grown old from birth to now, and they have seen their devotion to the Emperor Grandpa with their own eyes, and I have also seen it The temple under the lights at night is more warm and at ease Even if you are here late at night, it doesn’t make you feel scared. On the contrary, there is a peace and peace of solitude. The surrounding parking spaces are quite convenient, so believers don’t have to worry about going forward

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