嘴大王魷魚焿(嘉義民生店) - West District

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 嘴大王魷魚焿(嘉義民生店)

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Minsheng S Rd, 523號嘴大王魷魚焿(嘉義民生店)

電話 : 📞 +88877
城市 : Minsheng S Rd

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Minsheng S Rd, 523號嘴大王魷魚焿(嘉義民生店)
hanna chen on Google

本來抱著愉悅心情來用餐,送來的豬耳朵吃起來感覺就是冰很久,味道有點奇怪,老闆娘說因為有加麻油跟香油所以味道這樣,但完全沒有吃到任何麻油香油的味道,不過也算了,可能個人口味因人而異。 但最生氣的是!我們點餐時就已經完成結帳,而且當時客人只有我們一組,我們離開時,客人也只有我們一組,還問我們先生小姐你們結帳了嗎?這也太扯了吧!已經覺得吃的不太愉快就算了,這種事情非常令人傻眼,感覺非常非常的差!
I used to have a pleasant mood to dine. The pig ears that I sent came to feel like ice for a long time. The taste was a bit strange. The proprietress said that because of the addition of sesame oil and sesame oil, it tasted like this, but it did not taste any sesame oil, but it was counted. However, personal tastes may vary from person to person. But the most angry is! We had already completed the checkout when we ordered the meal, and at the time the guests only had one of us. When we left, the guests only had one of us. We asked Miss Mr., did you check out? This is too much! I already feel that I am not too happy to eat. This kind of thing is very dumbfounding and it feels very bad!
李恒川 on Google

Unique taste of squid soup. The squid is thick. It's a huge squid. The taste is good.
吳孟澤 on Google

Delicious squid soup, I don't know if it's from Argentina, the asking price is not scary
劉家宏 on Google

The store is clean and hygienic, the side dishes are very good, and the squid rice noodle soup is delicious
Daphne Wang on Google

下午1點多,沒客人帶著一家老小尋找美食 可惜羹是溫的不熱 有些許失望
After 1:00 p.m., no guests took a family to find food Too bad the soup is not hot a little disappointed
郭俊鞍 on Google

.............各位鄉親父老兄弟姊妹們 驚天動地 號外獨家報導 ?新開幕 ?嘉義在地祖傳秘方60年銅板美食小吃「斗六嘴大王魷魚羹 嘉義市民生分店」,店家食材料理 :湯頭甘甜、物超所值、真材實料、古法製作、道地美味、美食佳餚、?嚼勁十足、?肉質Q彈、?鮮美多汁、黯然銷魂、思鄉念舊,歡迎在地鄉親、市井小民、莘莘學子、男女老幼、善男信女、五湖四海、士農工商軍警法醫特服務等十二大行業界們揪揪來甲在地美食小吃?........... 「斗六嘴大王魷魚羹 嘉義市民生分店」? ................念念難忘家鄉味, 用心經營固原味。 千里難尋銷魂味, 始終如一人情味!?...............
............. Dear brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters, the exclusive report outside the earth-shattering ?new opening ? Chiayi ’s secret recipe for 60 years of copper plate gourmet snacks in the local ancestors, "Dou Liuzui King Squid Soup Chiayi Minsheng Branch", Store food ingredients: sweet soup, good value for money, real materials, ancient methods, authentic taste, delicious food, ? chewy, ? meaty Q bombs, ? delicious and juicy, ecstasy, nostalgia, welcome In the twelve major industry circles such as local folks, city people, students, men and women, old and young, good men and women, five lakes and four seas, and the medical, military, police, and forensic special services of the farmers, farmers, and other people, they are grabbing local food snacks ......... .. "Dou Liuzui King Squid Soup Chiayi Minsheng Branch" ? ........... I miss my hometown, Attentively operating the original flavor. It's hard to find the soul of a thousand miles, Always be human! ? ...............
吳抹茶 on Google

The noodle soup is very fragrant and delicious, and the speed of the meal is very fast. It is almost sent long after sitting down. It is a store that people want to visit again.
謝智鳴 on Google

This is the first time to eat squid mouth. It feels very smooth and delicious. The soup is full of flavor. The meat soup recommended by the boss is refreshing and tender, and the price is very affordable. .

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