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Contact 陳媽媽紅豆餅

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Xingda Rd, 92號陳媽媽紅豆餅

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Wednesday 12:30–5:45PM
Thursday 12:30–5:45PM
Friday 12:30–5:45PM
Saturday 12:30–5:45PM
Sunday 12:30–5:45PM
Monday 12:30–5:45PM
Tuesday 12:30–5:45PM
城市 : Xingda Rd

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Xingda Rd, 92號陳媽媽紅豆餅
嘉義萬泰當鋪 on Google

It is delicious and cheap, regardless of taste. It costs only 8 yuan for one piece. The ingredients are more realistic. It will not happen that you only eat the pie crust. It is very old and very recommended. Chiayi cuisine ????
艾瑪 on Google

Super delicious and cheap red bean cake, must eat when you come to Chiayi!
周酸梅 on Google

原本安排到花磚博物館,但遍尋不著,等發現了才知無法停車,命運的安排,因緣際會之下,讓我看到「網紅陳媽媽紅豆餅」,立刻要求老公停車。 陳媽媽是一個熱情開朗的媽媽,個性好客親切,我好奇東拍拍、西拍拍,問了許多製作車輪餅的過程。陳媽媽總誠懇和藹回答我問題,一點都不會覺得厭煩,甚至開心地與我聊了起來,像自己的阿嬤傳授獨家秘訣。 三十年老字號的陳媽媽紅豆餅,所有的餡料都是自己做的,難怪餡好量多,價錢又便宜,一顆才7元真是佛心價。 在鐵牛車頭上,還標示著另一攤在斜對角興達路上,鮮魚湯隔壁的隔壁。方便左右街坊鄰居,不用排長隊,立馬選擇人潮少的車輪餅。 我曾經吃過一顆二、三十元的車輪餅,口感一般般,不知道是在貴什麼的。來陳媽媽紅豆餅「高關」的客人都是識貨人,難怪生意相當好,客人來了一個又一個,絡繹不絕,沒有冷場。 我還發現了一張武林秘笈,有關於7的乘法表方便算帳,哇~這真是太神奇啦!物價飛漲的時代,10元在便利超商也買不到什麼東西,陳媽媽的紅豆餅1個7元真是lucky seven。 架上標示許多口味,任君選購任君夾,每個都是熱騰騰現做的。每一顆車輪餅咬下去,讓人開心的爆漿,足以見得陳媽媽的霸氣,七塊錢的小點心,充滿陳媽媽的大愛心。 看著陳媽媽俐落的手腳,認真地對待每一顆車輪餅,賦予他們新生命,每一顆香濃餅皮口感豐富,加上花生、巧克力、地瓜、芋頭、紅豆、牛奶、素菜.....等,每一種味道都有它的獨特風味。 鄉下味道的花生,甜蜜的巧克力,飽足感的地瓜,紫色玉貴人的芋頭,相思老朋友紅豆,牧場般的牛奶,養生的青菜,就算每一顆都買來吃,都有它獨特的魅力與味道。 各位朋友們,走過路過千萬不要錯過陳媽媽紅豆餅喔!
I was originally arranged to go to the Tile Museum, but I couldn't find it. I found out that I couldn't park until I found it. The arrangement of fate, due to fate, made me see "net celebrity Chen's red bean cake" and immediately asked her husband to stop. Mother Chen is an enthusiastic and cheerful mother with a hospitable and cordial personality. I am curious about the east pat and the west pat, and asked a lot about the process of making wheel pie. Mother Chen always answered my questions sincerely and kindly, and didn't feel bored at all, and even chatted with me happily, like her grandmother taught her exclusive secrets. For the thirty-year-old mother Chen's red bean cake, all the fillings are made by himself. No wonder the filling is large and the price is cheap. Only 7 yuan per piece is really the price of Buddha. On the head of the iron ox cart, there is also another stall on Xingda Road diagonally, next to the fresh fish soup. It is convenient for neighbors in the neighborhood, without long lines, and immediately choose wheel cakes with less crowds. I once ate a wheel cake for two or thirty yuan. The taste was so average, I don't know what it was expensive. The customers who came to the "Gaoguan" of Ms. Chen's red bean cake are all people who know the goods. No wonder the business is quite good. The customers come one after another, and there is a constant stream of people. I also found a martial arts secret. There is a multiplication table of 7 for easy calculation. Wow~ this is really amazing! In the era of soaring prices, 10 yuan can not buy anything at convenience stores. Chen's red bean cake for 7 yuan is really lucky seven. There are many flavors on the shelf, and you can choose and choose any folder, each of which is made hot. Every bite of the wheel of the cake makes people happy and bursting, which is enough to see Mother Chen's domineering, seven-dollar snacks, full of Mother Chen's love. Looking at Mother Chen’s neat hands and feet, she took every wheel of the cake seriously and gave them new life. Each fragrant cake has a rich taste, plus peanuts, chocolate, sweet potatoes, taro, red beans, milk, vegetable... ...And so on, every taste has its own unique flavor. Country-flavored peanuts, sweet chocolate, satiating sweet potatoes, purple jade nobleman’s taro, Acacia old friend red beans, pasture-like milk, healthy green vegetables, even if every one is bought and eaten, it has its unique charm And taste. Dear friends, don't miss Mama Chen's red bean cake when you pass by!
BEYAOU LUI on Google

料多味道棒 煎的脆脆的,售價也很便宜1個8元
Lots of ingredients and great taste. Fried and crispy, the price is also very cheap at 8 yuan per piece.
織田裕二 on Google

There are a few wheel cakes in Taiwan that are still priced below 10 yuan. In 2021, they will increase by 1 yuan...but one is still 8 yuan. It tastes crunchy when eaten hot or cold, and it brings a little bit of Q-jin after it is cold. The business is very good. There are two stalls, and the taste is sweeter! You can try the sweet ones. I suggest buying them together with the salty ones. It's less greasy to eat sweet and then salty. On the contrary, if you eat sweet and then salty, you will tremble. Because I don't like sweets, I gave four stars. I am from Beipiao, Chiayi. When I return to my hometown, I will buy a few sweet and savory sweets and eat them slowly in the car. The CP is very high...Even if you buy five flavors for only 40 yuan, it is still very supportive.
Edward Tian on Google

強到沒朋友的紅豆餅。 我就問⋯ 一顆八塊是要賺什麼? #自助式 #隱藏版 #嘉義 #銅板美食 #脆皮 #爆漿 #素菜
Red bean cake that is too strong to have friends. I will ask... What are you going to earn for eight yuan? #self-service #hidden version #chiayi #copper plate food #crispy skin #explosive pulp #vegetarian dish
雅雯張 on Google

A piece of 8 yuan is ordinary, the sweetness is not high, the difference between green vegetables and vegetarian vegetables seems to be whether they are mixed with shallots, the milk flavor is not custard sauce, but I like sweet potatoes without processing.
Dimas Oke on Google

Very cheap n delicious

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