祥太醫院復健中心 - West District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 祥太醫院復健中心

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Yonghe St, 號 No. 102祥太醫院復健中心

電話 : 📞 +8898
城市 : Yonghe St

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, West District, Yonghe St, 號 No. 102祥太醫院復健中心
陳姵臻 on Google

謝謝祥太醫院復健團隊的細心照顧 透過羅嘉元醫師精準「超音波導引定位注射」 讓父母腰、膝關節疼痛問題得以改善 真心推薦若有退化關節疼痛問題 可找祥太醫院羅嘉元醫師治療???
Thank you for your careful care from the rehabilitation team of Xiangtai Hospital Accurate "Ultrasonic Guided Positioning Injection" by Dr. Luo Jiayuan Improve parents' waist and knee joint pain Really recommend if you have degenerative joint pain You can ask for treatment by Dr. Luo Jiayuan from Xiangtai Hospital???
Chiang Pin Chen on Google

Physician Rehabilitation Keluo of Xiangtai Hospital is very kind and has superb medical skills. It is highly recommended! In addition, the therapists are professional and friendly, and the questions raised by the patients will be explained in detail. This rehabilitation department is great! Thumbs up! Thumbs up!
吳庭甄 on Google

痛了1年多肩膀 ,也看了好幾家不管中醫針灸推拿都沒什麼差 直到看了網路介紹 來試著打葡萄糖 結果打了幾次 現手可以勾到後面也可勾到內衣了 ??
I have had shoulder pain for more than a year, and I have seen several Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage, and it is not bad until I read the introduction on the Internet and tried to use glucose. I tried a few times and now I can hook it to the back and my underwear ??
裕輝廖 on Google

Hsu Hsu on Google

I twisted my foot while playing a ball. I saw 1 or 2 hospitals that only prescribed medicine for rehabilitation. I heard from a friend that I came here to consult the possibility of taking glucose. After the doctor asked me in detail with ultrasound and checked the ligament injury, it was estimated that the treatment could be given for a week. It has improved a lot, and reminded me a lot of precautions. It is also recommended that I buy insoles to improve the arch of my foot. Thanks to the doctor for the careful diagnosis!
YS Weng on Google

My mother's elbow suddenly had severe pain, and she couldn't move. She took it to the Rehabilitation Department of Xiangtai Hospital. Dr. Luo immediately found the cause. The explanation was very detailed and easy to understand. He used ultrasound-guided injection for treatment, and the symptoms disappeared the next day. Immediately improved a lot, really amazing!
yan Chino on Google

十多年的肩關節夾擠, 看了許多醫院都只開止痛藥和作無效的復健動作,終於在這裡治好, 醫生超級專業看就知道問題在哪, 雖然是自費療程但價格不高而且十分有效
李昌周 on Google

祥太醫院復健中心在醫院旁,有獨立的出入口。門診時間分早上、下午及晚上,每週有固定看診時段,只接受現場掛號,每天早上8:00開門時拿健保卡排號碼,在時段內依序看診。醫師、復健師和服務人員都非常親切與细心。 半年多前罹患五十肩,屬於頑固型疼痛難忍,連穿衣服也很困難。在台南某敎學醫院接受一般復健兩個多月(電療、熱敷等)效果仍不明顯,在網路上看了羅嘉元主任的相關資料後(可搜尋到不少資訊),至祥太加入肩關節囊擴張術治療。羅醫師清楚介紹超音波引導下看到的關節狀況,並建議自費進行增生注射治療。經過注射葡萄糖水(打針)後關節活動度立刻改善許多,至今打針己超過七次,持續輔以醫師建議的手部運動、一般復健(電療、紅外線等)、徒手治療(在别處由物理治療師進行肩關節囊鬆動術),目前肩部雖然還有輕微疼痛,但活動度己幾乎回後到患病前狀況。若您有類似困擾,非常建議您至此看診。
The Rehabilitation Center of Xiangtai Hospital is next to the hospital and has an independent entrance and exit. The clinic hours are divided into morning, afternoon and evening. There are fixed consultation hours every week. Only on-site registration is accepted. Every morning, when the door opens at 8:00, take the health insurance card to arrange the number, and see the patients in sequence within the time slot. Physicians, rehabilitators and service staff are very kind and attentive. More than half a year ago, I suffered from fifty shoulders, which is an intractable pain, and it is difficult to even wear clothes. After receiving general rehabilitation (electrotherapy, hot compress, etc.) for more than two months in a teaching hospital in Tainan, the effect is still not obvious. After reading the relevant information of Director Luo Jiayuan on the Internet (a lot of information can be found), Zhi Xiangtai joined the shoulders. Capsule dilatation treatment. Dr. Luo clearly introduced the joint condition seen under the guidance of ultrasound, and suggested to perform hyperplasia injection treatment at his own expense. After the injection of glucose water (injection), the range of motion of the joints improved a lot immediately. Up to now, the injection has been given more than seven times. It is continuously supplemented by hand exercises recommended by doctors, general rehabilitation (electrotherapy, infrared rays, etc.), and manual therapy (by physical therapy elsewhere). The therapist performed shoulder joint capsular mobilization), although there is still slight pain in the shoulder, but the range of motion has almost returned to the state before the disease. If you have similar troubles, it is highly recommended that you visit here.

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