くら寿司 藏壽司 嘉義耐斯店

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact くら寿司 藏壽司 嘉義耐斯店

地址 :

600052, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Zhongxiao Rd, 600號くら寿司 藏壽司 嘉義耐斯店號3樓

電話 : 📞 +88789
網站 : https://www.kurasushi.tw/
城市 : Zhongxiao Rd

600052, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Zhongxiao Rd, 600號くら寿司 藏壽司 嘉義耐斯店號3樓
YiSian Chen on Google

2022/06/15 6點左右用餐 平均每兩週來一次,每次都會點薯條,每次的口感都不一樣,好吃的時候好吃,不好吃的時候軟趴趴的;今天整盆整個炸的很酥都是油耗味跟焦味,但是最上面那個送來就斷頭的竟然是顏色不同而且是冷的(就那一小段),是去哪邊撿起來放上去的?不能每次都炸的一樣嗎? 還有這個廣告很礙事,餐都停在廣告後面是要凹多大拿餐? 可以請師傅把機器調整過嗎? 另外就是花椰菜,忘記退冰就先下架好嗎?不要把剛從冰箱拿出來的擺一擺就送過來,整個都是碎冰,是在吃花椰菜冰嗎 ::::::::::::::::::: 2022/05 第二次了…師傅把杯子放上輸送帶前應該多看一下
Yipei on Google

?️摩托車♥︎♥︎♥︎ 耐斯百貨旁邊有一片大空地 可以免費停車 去過很多次位置都夠 不會有找位置花時間的問題 入口也很明確 不會找不到從哪裡進去 - ?汽車♥︎♥︎♡︎ 耐斯百貨有地下停車場 位置很多 不需要找很久 也有顯示燈 能一眼看出哪個位置有空位 但消費500元只能折抵一小時 還是算有點貴 - ??‍?服務♥︎♥︎♥︎ 光顧過五六次有 沒有任何一次遇到態度不好的! 服務人員相當親切且有耐心 處理問題也很冷靜 之前有一次忘記帶扭蛋走 也協助我們拿回 - ?等候時間♥︎♥︎♡︎ 和其他百貨的藏壽司比較 人潮算不多的了 就算在連假現場候位 人潮很多 翻桌速度也夠快 人可以說是一直有進有出 整理的速度蠻快的 不會等太久
Y.F. Huang on Google

現在已經沒有五盤保底扭蛋了!!! 平日中午來用餐人不多,但不知道是因為人少關係食材流動率沒那麼大,雖然都是用點餐機點的,但飯吃起來偏硬。吃了幾十盤但完全沒有那個令人驚艷或印象深刻。大概就是為了扭蛋的新鮮感回來吃。
There are no five-reel guaranteed gashapons anymore! ! ! There are not many people coming to dine at noon on weekdays, but I don’t know because the flow rate of ingredients is not so large because of the small number of people. Although they are all ordered with the ordering machine, the rice is hard to eat. Ate dozens of plates but nothing that stunning or impressive. Probably came back to eat for the freshness of the gashapon.
Aaron Su on Google

很道地日本口味的迴轉握壽司 偶爾吃一下還不錯 最近也改成可以手機下單的系統 真的蠻方便的
Very old Japanese flavor rushing sushi Occasionally eat it is not bad. Recently, it has also been changed to the system that can be placed on the phone. It's really convenient.
Syharn on Google

建議可先網路訂位避免久候。 除了迴轉壽司拿取外,可螢幕、可手機點餐,出餐速度蠻快,基本40/盤,。 推蒸蛋、酪梨鮮蝦、炙燒系列,冰淇淋點原味加抹茶粉好吃。 味噌湯很鹹,若要點可以加一旁熱水。 抹茶粉單用泡的真的沒什麼味道,加冰淇淋倒是蠻不錯的。
It is recommended to book online first to avoid long waits. In addition to taking the conveyor belt sushi, you can order food on the screen and mobile phone, and the meal delivery speed is quite fast, basically 40/plate. Push steamed egg, avocado fresh shrimp, grilled series, ice cream point original flavor and matcha powder are delicious. Miso soup is very salty, you can add hot water if you want. Matcha powder alone is really tasteless, but it's pretty good with ice cream.
weiablrabi on Google

整體座位很多翻桌率很快 所以等待不用太久 使用線上app預約時間很準確 壽司又分為雙盤與單盤價格 即為40與80 元 可以平板 手機 點餐 集滿5盤可以玩扭蛋 算是價格很便宜很平價的壽司 整體表現 壽司和甜品冰淇淋抹茶都可以點 月見牛肉、炙燒系列 鮭魚、鮪魚 生魚片都不錯 但印象當天 烏龍麵味增湯偏濃偏苦 最後無食用完畢 也許是日本地道口味我們自己不習慣 所以如果會怕苦的朋友可能要理解它大致的口味。
There are many seats overall and the table turnover rate is very fast So don't wait too long Use the online app to book an accurate time Sushi is divided into double plate and single plate price That is 40 and 80 yuan Tablet phone ordering Collect 5 discs to play Gacha Very cheap sushi overall performance Sushi and dessert ice cream matcha can be ordered Tsukimori Beef, Roasted Series Salmon, tuna and sashimi are good But the impression that day Udon noodle miso soup is thick and bitter No food at the end Maybe it's the authentic taste of Japan that we are not used to So if you are afraid of hardships, you may want to understand its general taste.
張誠兒 on Google

藏壽司嘉義市耐斯店真的難吃到爆炸 再說三次 難吃 難吃 難吃 難吃到爆炸!! 3/29 20:00多我第一次與太太光顧 首先我希望你們不是人手不足所有服務員都在忙 所以我和我太太光顧時門口一個服務人員都沒有 我們在門口小站了一下,完全不知道怎麼沒人? 後來介紹我們的可能也是新人,示範那個拿盤子都差點掉出來….這公司內部很需要再教育 然後茶末粉泡起來很噁心且不好拿捏份量 開始吃第一個壽司是吃炙燒玉米稻荷壽司 上面滿滿瓦斯臭…..我硬是吞下感覺噁心到底 然後壽司店桌上居然沒有山葵(還要我按服務員送) 想說拿台上壽司緩緩胃口,結果台上都空的(如圖) 再來的味增湯的爆鹹、且料少、又貴…. 茶碗蒸普普通通、但是很燙、魚肉很硬… 最悲劇的是那杯柳橙汁…. 那喝起來味道真的很….完全無法形容 (我和太太都覺得噁心,所以剩下半杯以上都沒喝)但是結帳時服務員好像完全沒看見那完整的柳橙汁 被那杯柳橙汁搞得胃口倒盡….所幸帶著太太離去 花了580元不但沒吃飽還倒盡胃口這是第一次 唯一優點大約是吃五盤可以換一顆扭蛋 (若我銘謝惠顧本負評就連一星都沒了) 但也沒地方可以反應或寫心得提醒其他無辜客人 所以寫下一星負評給相信我看完的客人 其他分店我是沒吃過,但是未來我聽到藏壽司我是肯定不會再去,恭喜你們一口氣永久失去兩位客人。
Tibetan Sushi Chiayi Nice Store is really unpalatable to the point of explosion Say it three times, unpalatable, unpalatable, unpalatable, unpalatable to the point of explosion! ! 3/29 20:00My first visit with my wife First of all I hope you are not understaffed and all the waiters are busy So when my wife and I visited, there wasn't a single waiter at the door. We stood at the door for a while, completely wondering why there was no one there? Later, the person who introduced us may also be a newcomer, and the one who showed the plate almost fell out... This company needs re-education. Then the powdered tea is disgusting and hard to measure My first sushi was grilled corn inari sushi It's full of gas smell... I just swallow it and feel sick to the end And then there was no wasabi on the table at the sushi restaurant (and I asked the waiter to deliver it) I wanted to take the sushi on the table to slow down my appetite, but the table was empty (pictured) The miso soup that comes again is salty, less ingredients, and more expensive. … Chawanmushi is ordinary, but very hot, and the fish meat is very hard... The most tragic thing is that glass of orange juice.... It tastes really good. It's completely indescribable. (My wife and I felt disgusting, so I didn't drink more than half a glass) But the waiter didn't seem to see the whole orange juice at all at checkout I lost my appetite by that glass of orange juice... Fortunately, I left with my wife. Spending 580 yuan not only did not eat enough, but also lost my appetite. This is the first time The only advantage is that eating five plates can be exchanged for a gashapon (If I thank you for your patronage, this negative review will not even have a star) But there is no place to react or write to remind other innocent guests So write one star negative review to the guests who believe me after reading I have never eaten at other branches, but I will definitely not go there again when I hear about Tibetan sushi in the future. Congratulations on losing two customers forever.
Eric Khun on Google

Good selections of sushis, fun to come with a group. I recommend the Tuna with poached running eggs

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