真耶穌教會嘉義教會 - East District

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Contact 真耶穌教會嘉義教會

地址 :

60048, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Heping Rd, 138號真耶穌教會嘉義教會

電話 : 📞 +88789
網站 : http://mid-south.tjc.org.tw/church.php%3Ftop%3Dy
城市 : Heping Rd

60048, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Heping Rd, 138號真耶穌教會嘉義教會
Yoann Tsai (unita) on Google

耶穌說:「我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裏去。 約翰福音 14:6
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can go to the Father without me." John 14:6
Chi-Kuang Lo on Google

Every time after the gathering, the spirituality is full, and you can go shopping next to it, and the life function is convenient. It is a good place to worship and worship God!
Andre剛 on Google

A church that is worth going to experience, there is true God, and the people in the church are also very nice and kind?
sonyhsu600 on Google

幸福是 珍惜現在擁有的. 感謝我主 耶穌基督供應. 幸福是 分享自己領受的. 叫別人得利益. 幸福是 相信聖經所寫的. 每句都是真理. 幸福是 卸下重擔給上帝. 因祂必看顧你. 從 神的話中我明白了真正的幸福不是追求外表物質的東西,而是能夠追求認識 真神,得著真理,是心靈的釋放、自由,像約伯和彼得一樣,一生順服 神、敬畏 神,活在 神的祝福與引領之中。 得著 神,得著真理,這是最幸福的事,是讓人的心靈最踏實的一件事! 俊旭CH.
Happiness is to cherish what you have now. Thank my Lord Jesus Christ for the provision. Happiness is sharing what you have received. Let others benefit. Happiness is to believe what the Bible says. Every sentence is truth. Happiness is to unload the burden to God. Because He will take care of you. From God’s words, I understood that true happiness is not the pursuit of external and material things, but the pursuit of knowing the true God and gaining the truth. It is the release and freedom of the soul. Like Job and Peter, he obeyed, feared and lived his life. In the blessing and guidance of God. It is the happiest thing to gain God and the truth, and it is the most secure thing for people's hearts! Junxu CH.
Bonnie Hsu on Google

很大的一間教會 今年九十週年了 感謝神可以來到這裡一起敬拜神
It’s a very big church for its 90th anniversary this year Thank God for coming here to worship God together
李銘祥 on Google

聖靈/真理/神蹟 末世唯一得救的教會 我原屬傳統民間信仰;信耶穌,是因為姊姊──李秀芬的帶領而來到真耶穌教會。 回想在1994年,先生檢查出罹患「腺體癌」,且腫瘤很大顆,已經把腎臟推擠到旁邊了,又因為腫瘤侵入大動脈,所以不能做任何手術。先生是做養殖業的,我們有三個孩子,一個兒子、兩個女兒。在還沒有信耶穌時,聽到醫生宣布先生大約只能活一年,當下,我只能用「青天霹靂」來形容,心想先生如果走了,剩我一個人要如何扶養三個孩子呢……?當時先生50多歲,而最小的兒子才國中而已……,我束手無策,成天以淚洗面,但又不敢在先生面前哭,只能偷偷哭泣,哭完了,便眼淚擦乾告訴自己「要堅強」。 我們住在嘉義,我在娘家父親的中醫診所上班。先生因腫瘤太大無法開刀,只能作化學治療及放射治療,放射治療要做五十多次、約兩個多月,所以治療期間是住在醫院。在治療的過程當中,我會抽空陪他,並且只要放假便會到醫院陪先生。
Holy Spirit/Truth/Miracles The only saved church in the last days I belong to the traditional folk beliefs; I believe in Jesus because of the leadership of my sister, Li Xiufen, and came to the True Jesus Church. Recall that in 1994, my husband was diagnosed with "glandular cancer", and the tumor was very large, and the kidney was pushed aside, and because the tumor invaded the aorta, he could not perform any surgery. The husband is in the breeding industry. We have three children, one son and two daughters. Before I believed in Jesus, I heard the doctor announce that my husband can only live for about one year. At the moment, I can only describe it as "blue sky and thunderbolt", thinking that if my husband is gone, how can I raise three children by myself... ? At that time, my husband was in his 50s, and the youngest son was only in middle school..., I was helpless and washed my face with tears all day long, but I didn’t dare to cry in front of my husband. I could only cry secretly. After crying, I wiped my tears and told myself, "Be strong. ". We live in Chiayi, and I work in the Chinese medicine clinic of my natal father. Because the tumor is too big to be operated on, he can only do chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Radiotherapy needs more than 50 times for more than two months, so he stayed in the hospital during the treatment. During the treatment, I will take time to accompany him, and I will go to the hospital to accompany him as long as he is on vacation.
ai-ling huang on Google

Matthew Su on Google

One of the oldest church in Chiayi with large membership. The church building in the busy street is old but characteristic. The church has strong organization and religious education system. Unlike other churches in the south, there are many youths and young workers here.

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