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Contact 屯阿巴娜自然生態園區

地址 :

605, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Alishan Township, 屯阿巴娜自然生態園區

電話 : 📞 +8899
網站 : http://www.alishanfm.com.tw/cayamavana/v1.html
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Alishan Township

605, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Alishan Township, 屯阿巴娜自然生態園區
劉中洲 Gmail on Google

深山中小部落 人氣很高
Small and medium tribes in deep mountains are very popular
Paul Huang on Google

從屯阿巴娜步道西側入口,走路至夕陽亭170公尺,至水火同源1100公尺,來回約一小時 ,步道整理過,適合大人小孩健行踏青。
From the entrance to the west side of the Abbana Trail, walk to the sunset pavilion 170 meters, to the same water and fire 1100 meters, about one hour back and forth, the trails have been sorted out, suitable for adults and children to walk.
錦毛鼠 on Google

110.9.24 茶山休閒農業區 茶山社區是一個與世隔絕的世外桃源,遺世而獨立。以前只聽過嘉義有個阿里山,沒想到阿里山裡還有一個茶山。毗鄰高雄市那瑪夏,另一邊則是大埔鄉。黃髮垂髫怡然自樂,感覺與世無爭,充滿閒適之感。慵懶的貓兒不時還會走來蹭蹭飯,平日有開的店家不多,中午來到一家餐廳,點了便當居然有咖哩飯,人生足矣。
110.9.24 Chashan Leisure Agriculture Area The Chashan community is a paradise isolated from the rest of the world, independent of the world. I have only heard of Alishan in Chiayi before, but I didn’t expect that there is a tea mountain in Alishan. It is adjacent to Namasia in Kaohsiung City, and on the other side is Dapu Township. The yellow hair is very happy, feeling uncontested with the world, and full of leisure. Lazy cats will come and eat from time to time. There are not many shops open on weekdays. When they come to a restaurant at noon, they order a bento and there is curry rice. Life is enough.
邱清陽 on Google

有空來這裡悠閒住一個晚上非常不錯 這裡是阿里山鄉茶山部落 很多遊客都是 開自小客車或者由山下台3線乘坐接駁車上來民宿很多 每一家店都設有 漂亮的涼亭 早期涼亭內都有吊掛一串香蕉任由遊客自己食用 現在只剩少數幾家有吊放
Come here leisurely for a night is very good This is the Chashan tribe in Alishan Township. Many tourists come by minibus or take a shuttle bus from Yamashitadai Line 3 to the guesthouse. Each shop has beautiful gazebos. In the early gazebos, a bunch of bananas were hung for tourists to eat. Only a few left.
小檳榔 on Google

兩種族的小聚落,廣場有麻糬和射箭遊戲。 攤販的火龍果冰沙真的不錯! 規模不是很大,市場的攤販不多,原住民的傳統飾品品項少,是個漂亮的小部落!不妨前往走走。
A small settlement of two races with mochi and archery games in the square. The vendor's dragon fruit smoothie is really good! The scale is not very large, there are not many street vendors in the market, and the traditional jewelry items of the indigenous people are few. It is a beautiful little tribe! Why not go for a walk.
Chawei lin on Google

看部落客文章來的~ 完全感覺不出是個可以遊玩的地方 都是住家,什麼都沒有開 也沒有什麼所謂體驗導覽 感覺比較是團體行程而且要預約的點
Check out the blog post~ It doesn't feel like a place to play at all It's all home, nothing is open There is no such thing as a tour guide It feels more like a group trip and it needs to be booked
SHU-LI KEKO柯淑莉 on Google

When you come to this tribe, you can drink coffee, eat barbecue, and enjoy the tranquility of the countryside; occasionally there are eagles soaring in the sky! Very relaxing!
Phạm Quân on Google

Very good

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