
3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 韓楓館

地址 :

621, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Minxiong Township, Section 2, Jianguo Rd, 331-2號韓楓館

電話 : 📞 +88989
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E6%25B0%2591%25E9%259B%2584%25E9%259F%2593%25E6%25A5%2593%25E9%25A4%25A8-492674074235590/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
城市 : Jianguo Rd

621, Taiwan, Chiayi County, Minxiong Township, Section 2, Jianguo Rd, 331-2號韓楓館
小艸 on Google

服務很好很棒,五星五星 因為我剛五點就點餐,所以速度蠻快的,味道中規中矩,感覺沒有煮很久,火鍋料吃起來有點硬,就是對我來說還不夠辣,130配料沒有很豐富,畢竟也才130 有機會再吃其他料理看看
The service is very good, five-star five-star Because I ordered the food at five o’clock, the speed is quite fast and the taste is quite satisfactory. I don’t think it has been cooked for a long time. The hot pot ingredients taste a bit hard, but they are not spicy enough for me. The 130 ingredients are not very rich. After all, they are only 130. Have a chance to eat other dishes
Syharn on Google

2021 新店址後再訪 開在大路上停車蠻方便的 店內空間比之前小蠻多 多了飲料自助吧 菜品部分以前最愛的人蔘雞湯變的很還好,湯頭也沒有以前濃郁 (骨頭一樣是很綿直接可以咬碎,但肉變柴了) 韓式炸雞不是平常看到塊狀那種而是整隻雞翅(還不錯吃,但像一般炸雞沾醬,沒有韓式炸雞的感覺) 石鍋拌飯跟辣炒年糕依然中規中矩沒有特別有特色~ 海鮮煎餅煎的很酥~ 但以價位來說整體還是可以接受 2019年 推薦人參雞湯入口即化超好吃? 其他覺得海鮮煎餅也還不錯 部隊鍋和石鍋拌飯表現中規中矩~ 炒年糕的成敗感覺是看廚房心情 (有時候很硬有時候很軟) 單點的飲料就是櫃檯看到的罐裝飲料~
2021 Revisit after the new store location It's quite convenient to park on the road The store space is much smaller than before More drinks buffet In the dishes part, my favorite ginseng chicken soup has changed very well, and the soup is not as rich as before. (The bones are very soft and can be crushed directly, but the meat has become firewood) Korean fried chicken is not the kind that you usually see but the whole chicken wings (it is not bad, but it is like ordinary fried chicken with sauce, not the feeling of Korean fried chicken) Bibimbap and Spicy Stir-fried Rice Cakes are still quite satisfactory and not particularly distinctive~ The seafood pancakes are very crispy~ But overall it is still acceptable in terms of price 2019 year Recommend ginseng chicken soup that melts in your mouth and is super delicious? Others think seafood pancakes are also good The performance of army pot and bibimbap is quite satisfactory~ The success or failure of fried rice cakes depends on the mood of the kitchen (Sometimes very hard and sometimes very soft) The a la carte drink is the canned drink seen at the counter~
S.-S. He on Google

明明我們先到先點餐,結果左右桌的餐全上了我們沒一個上,最後我的30分鐘後才來,我朋友的過了42分鐘才來? 然後吃完還不會飽,有夠雷? ——————————-以下正文 到訪日期:2021.11.27(六)上午11:10 到店次數:重新開幕之後的第一次(以前很常吃) 用餐時限:90分鐘 (結帳完過至少30分鐘後餐才會來唷?? 用餐低消:$85 /人 ❌ 明明沒什麼人,點餐等了兩分鐘 我們11:10到(11點營業),當時加我們只有三桌客人,後來要點餐結帳時,因為外場只有一個女服務生,她先遞餐給某一桌客人,後來又繼續用外送的東西,然後我就在櫃檯乾站了大約2分鐘(明明只有我要點餐?)okay 因為外場只有她一個服務生所以我體諒她。 ❌ 明明早到早點餐,隔壁兩桌的餐都比我們早送 後來我另一個朋友來的時候(大約11:35),人開始變多了,之後外場服務生變成三個,但是速度還是有夠慢!!! 我們第一次點餐是11:25,第二次點餐是11:38,結果隔壁兩桌比我們晚到大概10分鐘的人餐點都上了我們沒一個來!????? ❌ 動作慢的原因是:人力不足卻硬要接外送單 後來我去問服務生:「請問我們的餐好了嗎?」 她回我:「不好意思外送的單有點多」 欸不是! 本末倒置了吧! 放著內用的客人坐在位置上30-42分鐘,結果瘋狂接?外送單,要接就算了,人力也多一點吧??? 才幾個服務生就想接這麼多單,真的不要把我們這些以前支持韓楓館的老顧客嚇跑欸(抱歉我們已經被嚇跑了) ? 只能說,沒那個人力就不要想接那麼多單??? ❌ 雖然口感不錯但份量偏少 & 送錯餐 我跟我朋友每次聚餐都吃韓式料理,韓楓館倒了之後基本上都吃韓山寺,我們在以前的韓楓館或是韓山寺都可以吃到飽(一樣是部隊鍋&石鍋拌飯&湯麵)。 可是我的朋友們吃完這家韓楓館的部隊鍋&石鍋拌飯之後他們都覺得沒吃飽,雖然整體的口感依舊不錯,但份量跟以前比的確偏少! 而且石鍋拌飯說不要辣(結帳明細也有打不要辣),結果送上來是辣的,朋友完全是沒辦法吃辣的那種人,但因為已經等了42分鐘餐才來,所以她還是努力把它吃完,邊吃邊流鼻水好可憐? ?? 結論 以前的韓楓館位置多、送餐快、份量正常,而且口感也不錯,所以深受學生喜愛,但我認真覺得新開的韓楓館人力不足就算了,還接一堆外送單,害店員忙不過來,導致客人也要等很久!!!而且最後送上等餐點雖然好吃但是份量卻偏少⋯⋯ 餓那麼久還沒辦法吃飽,真的覺得很雷? 我們都是以前很喜歡韓楓館的學生,所以看到韓楓館重新營業覺得一定要回來捧場,結果看到這場狀況我們真的覺得很可惜,希望韓楓館可以回到以前的水準?
Obviously we came first and ordered the food, but none of the meals on the left and right tables were served. Finally, my friend’s came after 30 minutes, and my friend’s came after 42 minutes ? Then I will not be full after eating, there is enough Ray ? ——————————-Following text Date of Visit: 2021.11.27 (Saturday) 11:10 in the morning Number of visits to the store: the first time since the reopening (used to eat in the past) Meal time limit: 90 minutes (The meal will not come until at least 30 minutes after checkout ?? Low-cost dining: $85 /person ❌ There are obviously no people, so I waited for two minutes to order We are open from 11:10 to 11 o'clock. At that time, we only had three tables of guests. Later, when we wanted to order the food and check out, because there was only one waitress in the field, she first delivered the meal to a certain table of guests, and then continued to use it. Then I stood at the counter for about 2 minutes (obviously only me ordering food?) okay because she was the only waiter in the field, so I was considerate of her. ❌ Arrived for breakfast tomorrow morning, the two tables next door were delivered earlier than us Later when another friend of mine came (about 11:35), the number of people began to increase, and then there were three waiters in the field, but the speed was still slow enough! ! ! Our first order was at 11:25, and the second time was at 11:38. As a result, the two tables next door arrived about 10 minutes later than us, but none of us had their meals! ? ? ? ? ? ❌ The reason for the slow action is: lack of manpower but obligatory to take delivery orders Then I asked the waiter: "Is our meal ready?" She said back to me: "I'm sorry I sent too many orders." Hey not! Turn the cart before the horse! The guests with internal use sat in the position for 30-42 minutes, and the result was crazy picking up the delivery order. Even if you want to pick it up, you need more manpower, right? ? ? Just a few waiters want to take so many orders, really don’t scare away our old customers who used to support Han Feng Hall (Sorry we have been scared away) ? Can only say, don’t want to take so many orders without the manpower??? ❌ Although the taste is good, the portion is small & the wrong meal is delivered My friends and I eat Korean cuisine every time we have a dinner together. After the Hanfeng Pavilion fell, we basically ate Hanshan Temple. We can eat all you can eat at the previous Hanfeng Pavilion or Hanshan Temple (the same is army pot & bibimbap) & Noodle soup). But after my friends had eaten the army pot and bibimbap in this Hanfeng restaurant, they all felt that they were not full. Although the overall taste is still good, the portion is indeed less than before! Moreover, the bibimbap said not to be spicy (the checkout details also have not to be spicy), and it turned out to be spicy. My friend is the kind of person who can’t eat spicy at all, but because she has waited 42 minutes for the meal to come, she still Try to finish it, it’s pitiful to have a runny nose while eating it? ?? Conclusion In the past, Hanfeng Hall had many locations, fast food delivery, normal servings, and good taste, so it was very popular among students, but I seriously felt that the newly opened Hanfeng Hall had insufficient manpower. Overwhelmingly busy, the guests have to wait a long time! ! ! And in the end, although the first-class meal was delicious, the portion was small... I’ve been hungry for so long and haven’t been able to eat enough, I really feel very thunderous? We are all students who liked Hanfeng Hall very much before, so when we saw Hanfeng Hall reopening, we felt we must come back to join us. As a result, we really felt a pity to see this situation. We hope that Hanfeng Hall can return to the previous level ?
褚項曦 on Google

什麼價位什麼水準吧 但是以這個價格來說我覺得表現非常普通 韓式炸雞是甜醬加炸雞…
What is the price? But in this price, I feel very ordinary. Korean fried chicken is sweet sauce and bombing chicken ...
陳昭瑋老師 on Google

實際評價 3.3 石鍋拌飯(牛肉)130 店員會幫忙扮石鍋拌飯很加分且吃的出鍋巴,因為是石鍋的關係幾乎吃到最後都還是熱的,加店內提供的辣醬會更好吃,可惜的是吃到後面可能會比較乾,范裡面如果有海苔的話會更好。 韓式炸雞 79 就是三支塗醬的雞翅,跟認知中的韓式炸雞不太一樣,很普通的一道。 海鮮煎餅 130 口味上麵皮處理不錯,但缺點海鮮比例很少且吃不太出來海鮮應有的鮮味,其中大部分是切碎的魷魚。
Practical evaluation 3.3 Bibimbap (Beef) 130 The clerk will help to dress up the bibimbap, which is a bonus and the food is out of the pot, because it is a stone pot. Dry, it will be better if there is nori in the fan. Korean Fried Chicken 79 It is three pieces of chicken wings coated with sauce, which is not the same as the Korean fried chicken in the perception, it is a very ordinary one. Seafood Pancakes 130 The taste is good on the skin, but the disadvantage is that the proportion of seafood is very small and the umami that seafood should not have, most of which are chopped squid.
Wanyu on Google

Recommended cheap Korean dishes, kimchi pancakes are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, bibimbap and crockpot are quite fragrant, delicious! Korean fried chicken is better, just like ordinary fried chicken, the chicken is tender and tender, and there is no gravy , the sauce is sweet
Yi Shen on Google

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康文 on Google

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