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Contact 聖德堂

地址 :

630, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Dounan Township, 242之2號 聖德堂

電話 : 📞 +88979
城市 : Dounan Township

630, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Dounan Township, 242之2號 聖德堂
Vincent CarL on Google

陳春卿 on Google

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格麥蛋糕 on Google

The very important faith center in the village, from small to large.
張家豐 on Google

很多年前去過 但我已經忘記這間長什麼樣子了 這間算宮廟 不是很大間小小間而已
I ’ve been there many years ago, but I have forgotten what this place looks like. This temple is not a very small one.
陳宥儒 on Google

沿革誌內容: 聖德堂位於斗南鎮小東里,境緣敬祀神明,年湮代遠,難以徵實,溯自明末清初,漢民來台拓墾之時,有福建漳州張氏婦女攜五子渡海而來,為身家平靖,特至普陀山請奉中壇元帥金尊,虔心攜奉,蒙神庥助,一家六口平抵達,初落腳於土庫馬公厝一帶,然開墾不易,即舉家遷徙至虎尾平和厝,然收入微薄,亦無法餬口,張氏婦女遂至小東里許姓人家幫傭。自平和厝至小東里路途雖不遙遠,但因需涉水而過,且沿途有土匪出没,許姓老闆念及張氏先祖孤身來往,實有危殆,慨允免費提供屋厝,五子遂移居小東里開墾,後因小東一帶疫癘流行,許氏一家為避病禍,將土地房舍低價售予張氏兄弟,遷居他處,張氏一家遂定居小東,中壇元帥金尊終免流離顛沛,自此駐蹕小東。張氏兄弟將中壇元帥奉於家宅廳堂煙祀朝拜,遇事虔詢,聖神必有靈應,疾病求醫神到病除,神威顯赫,傳遍鄰里,自此境緣信民對太子爺信奉有加,虔誠備至,香火日增,未久莊中信民感沐神庥,遂倡議建廟,因經費拮据,僅草葺茅屋奉祀,不久,廟舍遭醉漢翻落神燈,付之一炬,幸太子元師金尊安然無恙。宮舍即毀,村民只得再度集資,重新起建土埆厝,新殿落成,並迎奉正氣參天之關聖帝君登龕鎮座,與中壇元帥同恭奉為主神,且陸續雕塑四方神明,同祀於神殿內,至此,信民虔奉有所,遂成地方信仰中心。 民國廿六年,日本發動侵華戰爭,對台嚴厲執行「皇民化」運動,藉詞「諸神昇天」,命令地方神廟交出神像,集中焚化,庄民召集村中耆老商議,遂重雕一尊三太子,繳交日方混人耳目,開基金尊暗中請奉至公所職員張華家宅藏妥,以避逆天人禍。是時日方欲強行廢廟宇,信徙急往公所陳情,謂保留廟宇可利用為農事小組分配米糧之場所。日方應允民眾所請,廟宇免於拆廢命運。 光復後,解除宗教箝制,民國三十五年,庄民發起重建,改以磚瓦結構,翌年竣工。歷數十年星霜,壁柱剥蝕,善信往來參拜,亦顯狹隘,復以道路路面增高,影響宮廟建構,遂於民國六十九年重修,增新剪粘,補強牆垣,廟殿煥然一新,光昭寰宇,以配神庥。 聖德堂座落於斗南鎮小東里,周圍民房錯落,寧謐純樸。座坐東向西,佔地約兩百坪,廟埕上覆雨棚,張燈結綵,廟前左方築有戲台,每逢聖誕佳辰,供戲獻藝酬神。廟門前有石獅鎮座,造型樸拙可愛,似與周圍鄉景融為一體。廟壁呈現香燻色澤,足見廟齡甚久,香煙鼎盛。正龕眾神濟濟,中座關聖帝君,威武桓毅,龕聯寫「氣塞天地配天配,志在春秋享春秋」昭關帝忠義。天上聖母、國姓爺及張府千歲,均同座龕中,神尊依稀可見燻黧痕跡,群真齊聚,護佑蒼黎。左龕供奉註生娘娘,主掌人間人兒育女,右龕供奉福德正神及土地婆,撫綏境緣平女,其右則奉請值年太歲星君鎮座,消拂災禍,迎來祥福。殿中四周懸匾,「神靈感應」、「聖稱美德」、「護國佑民」、「神威顯赫」...等,均四方信徒及友宮感神聖所贈。 開基中壇元帥,奉於正龕,聖蹟顯赫,細細端詳,見三太子左臂己斷裂,廟中主事乃講述神蹟事由:民國廿六年,中日戰爭開戰,隨後爆發二次世界大戰,美軍頻頻轟炸台島,當時有降落傘砲彈落於小東里民宅後之果園,遭樹枝勾住,使其未落地引爆,小東里民倖免於難,隔日,太子附身乩生說昨日與大太子為接砲彈,各傷手臂一隻,信眾聽了半信半疑,而由廟中主事請下二尊神明查看,果真各斷裂手臂一隻,眾皆嘖嘖稱異,俯首感謝太子救命覃恩,後太子並吩咐手臂斷痕不必修復,保持原樣,以傳後世。近年廟中新雕太子副座一尊,迎請時不慎摔落在地,造成手臂斷裂,然斷裂處與開基金尊不謀而合,巧合之處,不由讚嘆太子元帥神通廣大。 光復後,地方流行天花、瘟疫,患者不計其數,時因醫藥不甚發達,鄉民財力不足,遂至廟中祈求爐丹及道符服用,蒙聖神顯應,服者皆癒,拯民無數。神蹟顯赫,小東父老虔誠服膺,現身說法,眾人津津樂道。 年中最盛大之慶典為農曆九月初九日中壇元師誕辰,境民熱烈參與,敬備供果前來拜祝,宮中延請藝團演戲,並有互宴之習俗。中壇元帥出巡遶境,驅厄除魔,乃小東地區之盛事,善徒沿途設案恭拜歡迎,子弟組成陣頭,隨輦轎巡境,本宮亦組織獅陣,保存傳統民俗之藝。 六月廿四日為關聖帝君聖誕,亦請戲班獻藝,眾善信扶老攜幼,於農忙之中偷閒,日暮時相偕前來,台上奮力演出,台下喜慶歡樂,同慶神誕。每年年初辦理點光明燈及安太歲儀式,為信眾消災解厄,祈祥納福。 聖德昔採管理人制,自張氏先祖祭祀傳承,庄內輪流擇卜頭家、爐主,管理宮中事務及掌理祭祀事宜。民國七十九年六月三十日,成立管理委員會,四年一屆,首屆主任委員張見福,民國八十三年,選舉第二屆管理委員會,主任委員張憲次,副主任委員李春國,常務理事黃再來,監事張廣位、楊良仙,幹事沈木昌,法務組沈朝閩,財務組張復從、黃再來,總務組張長國、張清楝,祭典組張明信,獅陣組張長雄、張明春,誦經組何富助。委員皆境緣善信,眾志一同,誠心任職,獻身信仰,凝聚地方民心,每月逢十、二十、三十日,則為濟世期,供信眾求治疑難雜症,或解答心中困惑,小東太子爺神蹟歷,歷,威武熠熠,名聞遐爾,遠斤皆知。未來計劃成立慈善基金會,從事公益慈善事業,以發揚宗教濟世助人之宗旨。
History content: Shengde Church is located in Xiaodongli, Dounan Town. It is surrounded by gods and gods. It is difficult to conquer the ages. It can be traced back to the time when the Han people came to Taiwan to develop cultivation. There were Zhangzhou women from Zhangzhou, Fujian, who crossed the sea with their five sons. , For the sake of wealth and peace, especially to Putuo Mountain, please entrust the marshal Jin Zun of the altar. He is piously carried and served by the gods. A family of six arrived in peace. They first settled in the area of ​​the Tucuma public house. However, it is not easy to reclaim the land, so the family moved to In Huwei's peaceful home, although the income was meager and unable to make ends meet, the Zhang family woman went to Xiaodongli to help her with the family name Xu. Although the road from Pinghecuo to Xiaodongli is not far away, it needs to be wading through the water, and there are bandits along the way. The boss surnamed Xu thought of the ancestors of the Zhang family alone, which was really in danger. He allowed to provide housing for free, and the five sons moved to Xiaodongli. Dongli was reclaimed. Later, due to the epidemic in Xiaodong, the Xu family sold the land to the Zhang brothers at a low price to avoid the disaster. The Zhang family then settled in Xiaodong, and the Zhongtan marshal Jin Zun was finally exempted. Fleeing from the world, he has been stationed in Xiaodong ever since. The Zhang brothers enshrined the Marshal of the Central Altar in the hall of the family house and worshipped. In case of pious inquiries, the holy gods must respond to illnesses. The disease will be cured until the disease is cured. The power of the gods is prominent and spread throughout the neighborhood. Since then, the believers are connected to the prince. Believe in more, devout, and the incense is increasing. Before long, Zhuangzhong believes that the people are in love with the gods. So he proposed to build a temple. Due to financial constraints, only the grass thatched hut was enshrined. Soon, the temple was turned down by a drunk and burned. Fortunately, Prince Yuanshi Jinzun is safe and sound. The palace was destroyed, and the villagers had to raise funds again to rebuild the land, the new hall was completed, and the towering Guan Shengdijun was enshrined in the town seat, and the marshal of the altar was worshipped as the main god, and the four gods were successively sculptured. They were enshrined in the temple. So far, the believers worshipped something and became the center of local faith. In the 26th year of the Republic of China, Japan launched a war of aggression against China and strictly implemented the "Imperialization" campaign against Taiwan. With the borrowing term "the gods ascend to heaven", they ordered the local temples to hand over the statues and burn them together. Zhuang Min called the village elders to discuss and re-carve them. A third prince, handed over to the eyes and ears of the Japanese people, and the fund-opening statue is secretly asked to be kept in the house of Zhang Hua, a staff member of the office, to avoid man-made disasters. It was the time when the Japanese wanted to forcibly abolish the temple, and the letter moved to the office to make a petition, saying that the reserved temple could be used as a place for the farming team to distribute rice. The Japanese agreed to the request of the people, and the temple was saved from demolishing. After the restoration, religious restraint was lifted. In the 35th year of the Republic of China, Zhuangmin initiated reconstruction and replaced it with a brick structure, which was completed the following year. After decades of star frost, pilasters eroded, and worshipping by the faithful, it was also narrow, and the road surface was increased, which affected the construction of palaces and temples. So it was rebuilt in 1969, new cuts were added, and walls and temples were strengthened. A new look, brighten the world, to match Shenxu. Shengde Church is located in Xiaodongli, Dounan Town. The surrounding houses are scattered, quiet and simple. The seat sits east to west and covers an area of ​​about 200 square meters. The temple is covered with a canopy and decorated with lights and colorful lights. There is a stage on the left side of the temple. It is used for performances and rewards during Christmas. There is a stone lion town seat in front of the temple, which is simple and cute, as if it blends with the surrounding countryside. The temple wall presents a fragrant color, which shows that the temple is very old and cigarettes are flourishing. The niche is full of gods, and the middle seat is Guan Shengjun, mighty Huanyi, and the niche writes "The air is filled with the heaven and the earth, and the spring and autumn enjoy the spring and autumn." The Zhaoguan emperor is loyal and righteous. The Mother of Heaven, the Lord of the State and the Thousands of the Zhang Mansion are all in the same niche. Traces of smoked Mucuna can be seen vaguely from the gods, and the group of truths gather to protect Cangli. The left niche is dedicated to Zhusheng Niang, who is in charge of the children and daughters of the world, the right niche is dedicated to Fude Zhengshen and the land woman, and the Yuanping woman in Fusui, the right niche is entrusted to the town seat of Tai Sui Xingjun to eliminate disasters and welcome Come to Xiangfu. There are plaques hung around the temple, "God's inspiration", "Holy title of virtue", "Protect the country and the people", "God's prestige"... etc., are all gifted by believers and friends from all quarters. The Marshal of the Kaiji Middle Altar, enshrined in the main niche, the holy relic is prominent, and the left arm of the third prince has been broken. The chief of the temple is telling the cause of the miracle: in the 26th year of the Republic of China, the Sino-Japanese War began, and the Second World War broke out. The U.S. military frequently bombed Taiwan Island. At that time, a parachute shell fell on the orchard behind the Xiaodongli house. In order to receive the cannonball, the prince wound one arm each. The believers were dubious, but the master of the temple asked the two gods to check it. If they broke one arm each, everyone said differently. They bowed their heads and thanked the prince for saving his life. The prince also ordered that the broken arm does not need to be repaired and kept as it is, so that it can be passed on to future generations. In recent years, a newly carved prince's vice seat in the temple accidentally fell to the ground when welcoming the invitation, causing his arm to break. However, the break coincided with the opening of the fund, and the coincidence could not help but admire the prince's marshal's vast magical powers. After the liberation, smallpox and plague were prevalent in the locality. There were countless patients. At that time, because of the lack of medicine and the lack of financial resources of the villagers, they went to the temple to pray for the furnace pill and Taoism to be taken. There are countless people. The miracle was prominent, and Xiaodong's father was pious and obedient, and everyone talked about it. The grandest celebration in the middle of the year is the birthday of Master Zhongtan on the 9th day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. People from the border enthusiastically participated in the ceremony, offering fruit to come to worship, the palace invited art troupes to perform, and there was a custom of mutual feasting. The marshal of the middle altar to patrol the territory to exorcise evil and demons is a grand event in the Xiaodong area. The good people set up a case along the way to welcome and welcome the children. The children form a formation and follow the sedan chair to patrol the territory. The palace also organizes a lion formation to preserve the traditional folk arts. On June 24th, for Guan Shengdijun’s Christmas, theatrical troupe was also invited to perform. The benevolent people helped the old and the young. They took a leisurely stroll in the busy farming period. They came together at sunset and performed hard on stage. The stage was festive and joyous and celebrated the birthday of God. At the beginning of each year, the ceremonies of lighting up the lights and celebrating the Tai Sui ceremony are held to help the believers to eliminate disasters and to pray for good luck. Sheng Dexi adopts the managerial system, inherited from the ancestors of the Zhang family, and the villagers take turns to choose the head of the house and the furnace owner to manage the affairs of the palace and take charge of the sacrificial matters. On June 30th, 1999, the Management Committee was established. It was held every four years. The first chairman Zhang Jianfu was elected. In 1993, the second management committee was elected. Chairman Zhang Xianci, vice chairman Li Chunguo, executive director Huang Zailai, Supervisors Zhang Guangwei and Yang Liangxian, Secretary Shen Muchang, Legal Affairs Group Shen Chaomin, Finance Group Zhang Fucong and Huang Zailai, General Affairs Group Zhang Changguo and Zhang Qingmei, Ceremony Group Zhang Mingxin, Lion Group Zhang Changxiong and Zhang Mingchun, recite the scriptures Team He Fuzhu. The members are all bound to be faithful, with all the wills, serve sincerely, devote themselves to their beliefs, and unite the local people. Every 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month, it is the prosperous period, for the believers to seek treatment of intractable diseases, or to solve the puzzles in their hearts. The history of the miracles of the East Prince, the calendar, the mighty shining, the fame and the fame, and everyone knows. In the future, we plan to establish a charity foundation to engage in public welfare and charitable undertakings in order to promote the purpose of helping the world and helping others through religion.

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