小南天 福德廟

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Contact 小南天 福德廟

地址 :

630, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Dounan Township, Fude St, 99號小南天 福德廟

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : http://crgis.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/temples/YunlinCounty/dounan/0902005-XNTFDM
城市 : Fude St

630, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Dounan Township, Fude St, 99號小南天 福德廟
審亞聞 on Google

It’s the right thing to find Tiger Lord about the cat
快樂 on Google

Dounan recognized the local temple
盧祈元 on Google

The current epidemic relationship has not yet opened to worship
陳宥儒 on Google

沿革: 本宮主祀土地公福德爺,號稱「小南天」。有他里霧部落就有祀福德爺為護土神。因此由來最早。我漢民族,不論士農工商,為地方安寧,為庇佑人家平安,家家奉祀福德爺。 本宮創立於乾隆年間,廟宇經歷代斗南街民信士倡修完整。日本領台後,在其末期,摧毀神廟,唯獨本廟幸得保存完貌,因斗南所有廟宇被日人拆廢,諸神聖統遷於本宮奉祀。 有眾神聖之護持,而得安穩保存聖蹟,是斗南鎮最古有廟蹟。至台灣光復後,各廟主事者,才得領回各其主神。光復當初,斗南有志曾清篡主倡向街民喜捐修建廟宇及神龕。 民國五十七年,善信李木火倡修廟頂工程,及至民國五十九年又發起募金八千餘元,加以大修繕一次,是為現在之宮貌。每逢福德爺千秋佳期,有盛大祭典,熱鬧非常,香火頗盛。 本宮例年選頭家爐主,佐理祭典事務,尚未成立管理委員會,只置管理人一人主事宮務。
History: The master of this palace worships Lord Fude, known as "Xiao Nantian." With him, the fog tribe has worshiped Lord Fu Fu as the earth protector. So the origin is the earliest. For the Han nationality, regardless of the people, farmers, business, and the peace of the place, to protect the safety of others, every family enshrines Lord Fu. The palace was founded in the Qianlong period, and the temple was built and completed by the believers on Dounan Street. After the Japanese took the stage, the temple was destroyed at its end, but the temple was fortunately preserved. Because all temples in Dounan were demolished by the Japanese, all the sacreds were moved to the main palace for worship. There are many sacred protections, and the holy sites must be preserved safely. It is the oldest temple site in Dounan Town. After the restoration of Taiwan, the principals of the temples were able to bring back their principal gods. In the early days of the restoration, Dounan had the ambition to usurp the Lord and advocated donating to the street people to build temples and shrines. In 1949, the faithful Li Muhuo initiated the construction of the roof of the temple, and in 1949, he initiated a fundraising of more than 8,000 yuan, which was overhauled once to reflect the current appearance of the palace. Every time Lord Fude has a grand festival, it is very lively and incense. In the regular year, the palace chooses the chief furnace owner and the ceremonial ceremonial affairs. The management committee has not yet been established, and only the administrator is responsible for the palace affairs.
林郁庭 on Google

拜拜、人旺、神也旺,斗南靈氣極好、神氣感召。真好。。。 22/02/03
Worship, people are prosperous, gods are prosperous, Dounan has excellent spiritual qi, and his spirit is inspired. very nice. . . 22/02/03
peter bob on Google

(斗南信仰-其之一) 創立年份: 1757 主祀:福德正神,福德夫人 沿革: 小南天福德廟創立於清乾隆年間(1757)年,主祀福德爺(土地公)、福德夫人(土地婆),農曆二月二日、八月十五為本廟祭典,乃「他里霧」部落最早奉祀為守護之神,神威顯赫,香火鼎盛,堪稱斗南境內古蹟廟宇。 據傳,本廟土地公土地婆為鄭成功麾下部將從大陸帶來之神尊,而在該部將來到他里霧(今斗南)時,他里霧附近五十八庄頭的庄民,為爭取奉祀,曾引發激烈競爭、互不相讓,最後由五十八庄「頭人」共同研議,訂立用「碗水」重量裁定歸屬。 五十八庄均派人用「頭人」所發配統一規格的「碗」回庄內盛水,再由「頭人」依各庄送來的水,一碗一碗的過磅秤計近量,過磅秤的結果公佈了,他里霧的碗水最重,「頭人」根據規約將土地公、土地婆判由他里霧堡迎回奉安,通過激烈的競爭,終能獲得最後的勝利。 宰相帽土地公: 相傳嘉慶君遊台灣時,諸羅縣(嘉義)「城隍」,趕緊告知他里霧保(今斗南)的福德正神(土地公),嘉慶君要北行至南投竹山,請土地公護駕,以確保嘉慶君安全,於是土地公乃在嘉慶君睡覺時向嘉慶君托夢,要嘉慶君「日息夜行」,也就是白天休息晚上行走,夜行時並要依火金姑(螢火蟲)的方向前進,以免形蹤暴露,為土匪所劫。嘉慶君醒來,認為形勢險惡,乃依循土地公指示,白天藏身不露 夜晚才行走,土地公並化身為火金姑引導嘉慶君,才平安的一路由今嘉義縣大林走至南投竹山。 【土地公顯靈搭救日本人,終使小南天福德廟宇不用面臨拆毀的命運】 皇民化運動時期,斗南街宮廟神像幾乎全毀,小南天福德廟眼見即將不保;此時日本製糖會社會長「渡邊」先生,身染重病,久醫不癒,耳聞此間土地公非常靈驗,乃請土地公診斷病情,渡邊派人用麻繩繫綁竹子做得簡易「神轎」,把土地公安坐在轎上,由他里霧挑選壯丁,日夜扛著神轎,要讓土地公「起乩」診斷病情。 他里霧堡的壯丁輪流扛了七天七夜,壯丁們內心均默默祈禱,土地公早能顯化,否則他們將難挨「渡邊」的酷刑,就在眾人深切期盼的第七天深夜子時一過,神轎起乩了,土地公診斷「渡邊」先生的病情是:被「黑影」驚嚇造成的,收驚後即可病癒。 「渡邊」先生病癒後,果然下令「小南天福德廟」不得拆毀,這是他里霧堡地區唯一不受日人拆毀的神廟,據說當時無廟可往的神祇,都來依附在小南天福德廟中,至台灣光復後,依附的神像始被各庄迎回。 年例祭: 二月初二日(頭牙) 四月十五日(土地婆生) 八月十五日(中秋) 逢土地公慶典時,會恭請六房媽前來做客,看戲 六房媽股內,最常有「唱班」的廟宇 每逢六房媽從斗南往土庫,五間厝往大北勢,亦或是過溪往斗南過爐時,其路線必定會經過斗南市區,而在斗南市區則必定會至小南天福德廟行「唱班」儀式,當六房媽正駕在過爐日當天所經過之宮廟,其轎班必會停駕於廟前行「唱班」儀式,而每年過爐路線均不同,所停駕之宮廟也不同,而小南天福德廟為所有路線上最常經過的廟宇,五年內會有三年都會至小南天唱班,跟其他六房媽股內宮廟比起來,是唱班次數最頻繁的廟宇
(Faith in Dounan-one of them) Year of foundation: 1757 Main priest: Fude Zhengshen, Mrs. Fude History: Xiaonantian Fude Temple was founded in the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty (1757). It worships Lord Fude (Tigong) and Mrs. Fude (TaiWao). It is the ritual ceremony of the temple on February 2 and August 15 of the lunar calendar. The "Taliwu" tribe was first enshrined as a guardian deity, with a majestic power and a prosperous incense, which can be called a historic temple in Dounan. According to rumours, the goddess of the land of the temple was the deity brought from the mainland by Zheng Chenggong’s subordinates, and when the ministry was about to come to Taliwu (now Dounan), the villagers of fifty-eight villages near Taliwu In order to fight for the worship, fierce competition and non-concession were triggered. In the end, the "heads" of 58 villages jointly discussed and decided to use the weight of "bowl of water" to determine the ownership. All fifty-eight villages sent people back to the village to fill the water with a uniform “bowl” issued by the “headman”, and then the “headman” used the water sent from each village to measure the approximate amount of bowl by bowl. The results of the weighing scales were announced. The bowl of mist in him was the heaviest. According to the statute, the "headman" sentenced Di Gong and Di Po to him to welcome back to Feng'an from the Wubao. Through fierce competition, he could finally win the final victory. . The Prime Minister's Hat: According to legend, when the Emperor Jiaqing traveled to Taiwan, the "City God" of Zhuluo County (Chiayi) quickly informed him of Fubao Zhengshen (Digong of the Land) in Wubao (now Dounan), and that Emperor Jiaqing had to go north to Zhushan in Nantou. To protect the driver to ensure the safety of Mr. Jiaqing, the landlord asked Mr. Jiaqing to have a dream while Mr. Jiaqing was asleep, and asked Mr. Jiaqing to "walk at night", that is, rest during the day and walk at night, and follow the direction of the firefly (firefly) when traveling at night. Go forward, so as not to be exposed and be robbed by bandits. King Jiaqing woke up and thought the situation was dangerous. He followed the instructions of the Landlord to hide during the day and walk at night. The Landlord transformed himself into the Huo Jingu to guide the King Jiaqing. Only then did he take a safe route from Dalin in Chiayi County to Zhushan in Nantou. [The God of the Land Appeared to rescue the Japanese, so that the Xiaonantian Fude Temple did not have to face the fate of demolishing] During the Emperor Minhua movement, the statues in the temples on Dounan Street were almost completely destroyed, and the Xiaonantian Fude Temple was about to be out of protection. At this time, Mr. Watanabe, the social president of the Japan Sugar Association, was seriously ill and he was not healed for a long time. He heard about the land here. The public is very effective, so he asked the public to diagnose the condition. Watanabe sent someone to tie the bamboo with hemp rope to make a simple "michael". The public security officer sits on the sedan, and he chooses the strong man from the mist, and carries the miracle day and night. Let the landlord "get up" to diagnose the condition. The strong men in the Fogcastle in him took turns to carry for seven days and seven nights. The strong men prayed silently in their hearts that the earth would be manifested early, otherwise they would be difficult to withstand the torture of "Watanabe". It was on the seventh day of the night that everyone was eagerly looking forward to. As soon as the mikoshi lifted up, the head of the land diagnosed Mr. "Watanabe"'s condition as being caused by being frightened by the "dark shadow", and he could be cured after the fright was taken away. After he recovered from his illness, Mr. "Watanabe" ordered the "Xiao Nantian Fude Temple" not to be demolished. This was the only temple in the Wubao area in his country that was not destroyed by the Japanese. It is said that there were no temples to go to at that time. In the Xiaonantian Fude Temple, after the restoration of Taiwan, the attached statues were welcomed back by the villages. Annual festival: Second day of February (head teeth) April 15 (Land Birth) August 15 (Mid-Autumn Festival) During the celebration of the Lord of the Land, Liu Fang’s mother will be invited to be a guest and watch the show. In Liufang Maqu, there are temples with "singers" most often Whenever Liufang Ma goes from Dounan to Tuku, Wujiancuo to Dabei, or crosses a stream to Dounan to pass the furnace, her route will definitely pass through Dounan urban area, while in Dounan urban area it will definitely Go to Xiaonantian Fude Temple to perform the "singing class" ceremony. When the six-bedroom mother is driving in the temple that passed by on the day of the furnace day, her sedan chair will stop driving in front of the temple to perform the "singing class" ceremony. The routes of the furnace are different, and the temples where you stop and drive are also different. The Xiaonantian Fude Temple is the most frequently passed temple on all routes. Within five years, there will be three years of visits to the Xiaonantian choir. Compared with palaces and temples, it is the temple with the most frequent singing classes.
劉景華 on Google

Commanding Fudezhengshen, a total of five furnaces.
石榮泰 on Google

Master Fude with historical stories! The idol is solemn! Dharma is compassionate! The temple has a long history! Located in the urban area, it would be even better if the banyan tree next to the temple could grow taller!

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