濟天宮 - Dounan Township

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630, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Dounan Township, Piliao Rd, 21號濟天宮

電話 : 📞 +88977
城市 : Piliao Rd

630, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Dounan Township, Piliao Rd, 21號濟天宮
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沿革: 歲次丙辰年(民國六十五年)由今宮主黃明志雕塑奉敬的八寸六濟公活佛金尊,現俗稱「老濟公」,在雕塑前有一段玄奇和奧妙的事,宮主說有一次他到好友劉順賓所經營的雕塑神明佛具店,在泡茶時,真奇怪無風無搖從架仔掉下一塊雕塑神明用的樟木打到他的腳,撿起來問雕刻師,這塊樟木要雕那尊神聖,師傅說這塊要雕八寸六濟公活佛神像,他聽了就好奇拿起雕刻刀學習雕刻,事過境遷,經過一段時間,好友的店換所在地,有一次再到好友新所在坐,同樣那塊我所學習過,雕濟公活佛的樟木又掉下來打到我身軀,我就感覺非常奇怪是否濟公活佛和我有緣要到我府中鎮宅,受我奉敬,我請雕塑好友將這塊樟木雕成濟公活佛神像,點眼請回府中奉敬參拜。 歲次丙子年農曆四月二十八日(民國八十五年六月十六日),當天晴空萬里,沒有一絲下雨的徵兆,而卻在下午三點半左右,忽然間風雲大作雷電交加,傾盆大雨,像是颱風到來的情景,雷聲隆隆作響,將斗南鎮長安路二段一八九巷四號頂樓之電視天線,無線接收天線打斷,隨即電視也損壞不堪使用,屋主黃明志滿心納悶,心想要多花一筆錢。 巧的是當天一整天,屋主老是覺得屋內有一股好濃的酒味,遂向太太詢問是否有破酒瓶或溢出,但黃太太卻說沒有啊!而且也沒聞到酒味。翌日晚間,道濟和尚降駕,談起此事,原來是活佛在黃府奉玉皇大天尊旨意,接指濟世,其酒味是在屋內等「天旨」下降所留下味道,而房屋被擊中,正是降旨之時,濟公活佛接旨是濟世、普渡眾生、勅賜宮名為濟天宮,此時眾委員才恍然大悟,驚嘆神跡之神奇。 本宮初期由陳順正、陳全謀、陳鳳琴、沈秋菊、劉月、李月錦、蘇金瑧、孫壽、池府乩生李太平、三太子乩生高明宏、活佛乩生黃明志、黃俊郎等十二人成立委員會,自從濟公活佛接旨濟世,諸多善信來請示、家運、身體、運途、事業、種種問題都非常應驗,有求必應,濟公活佛神威廣大,傳遍各庄頭,善信請示越來越多,在這段時間內有宮名,但無宮址,各位委員為著要給活佛濟世,普渡眾生,有暫定所在,于歲次丙子年(民國八十五年)農曆十一月初九日子時,在斗南鎮長安路一段一一二號,向屋主盧進男租賃安座成立濟天宮,供濟公活佛濟世,十方善信大德有固定所在來參拜,香客遍佈各鄉鎮,宮務漸漸上軌道運作。 受濟公活佛指示普渡眾生、救世、要補被(茭)兵將幫忙救世、要辦起進香工作,翌年丁丑年正月廿二日濟公活佛往旗山鳳山寺進香,香客非常善心樂意的參與進香陣容,有六台遊覽車及大小車輛共五佰餘人前往旗山進香,圓滿達成人神合一進香任務。 濟公活佛指示,為本宮將來發展和尊嚴要雕塑一尊活佛三尺六寸鎮殿金尊同年五月初五日端午節有委員黃俊郎、孫壽、劉月及屋主盧進男等四位前往出區,於午時參拜上蒼祈求賜午時水以備五月初六日鎮殿金尊點眼之用。 濟公活佛指示,為本宮將來發展及服務十方善信大德,幫忙吾活佛普渡眾生,濟世萬民,指定現宮務楊勢煌、章坤席(已故)、陳啟芳、李錦城、廖芙蓉共十七人成立決策小組委員會。 各位委員用心要組成管理委員會,由委員推薦及活佛指示,也有因受神聖感化而加入,擴大到現在委員陣容三十餘人組成本宮管理委員會,各委員行遍佈各地,且都具有相當虔誠之心來幫忙濟公活佛及眾神聖,普渡眾生,濟世萬民的宗旨。 歲次辛已年(民國九十年)農曆十一月初九本宮開宮紀念日,濟公活佛說起暫定宮址租期將近,各位委員都非常關心未來宮址到處覓找適合的所在做宮址,活佛提示關於要建宮的所在要有機緣,不免強求,請各位委員放心吧,時機到,你就知道了。 本宮每年農曆十一月初九日夜月筊杯任選,歲次壬午年值年幹部,筊杯結果陳新出杯選主任委員,經過數天,有一夜,玉皇大天尊化景給主委觀視,望弟子你所有那塊土地先來給濟天宮建宮做廟如何,醒過來才知是夢境,這個問題和宮務楊勢煌商量如何是好,宮務安排請示活佛,濟公活佛說起這是上天旨意,先供建宮之用,各位委員用心計劃籌備建宮工作,恭請濟公活佛選定吉日動土, 擇于農曆二月初四日良時吉日動土興建臨時宮,興建時間四個月完成,擇于農曆六月初三日入火安座圓滿完成,濟天宮有固定宮址供濟公活佛及眾神聖來普渡眾生濟世萬民,這是本宮沿革。
History: In the year of Bingchen (in the 65th year of the Republic of China), the eight-inch six-inch living Buddha of Ji Gong was sculpted by Huang Mingzhi, the lord of the present palace, now commonly known as "Old Ji Gong." There is a mysterious and mysterious thing before the sculpture. Said that once he went to a sculpture shop run by his friend Liu Shunbin, and while making tea, it was strange that a piece of camphor wood used for the sculpture god fell from the frame and hit him on the foot. He picked it up and asked the carver. This piece of camphor wood wanted to carve the sacred statue. The master said that this piece was to carve the eight-inch Liu Ji Gong living Buddha statue. After hearing this, he was curious to pick up the carving knife and learn to carve. After a period of time, my friend’s shop changed location. When I went to my friend’s new place to sit, the same piece I had learned, the camphor wood carving the living Buddha of Jigong fell down and hit me, I felt very surprised whether the living Buddha of Jigong and I wanted to go to my house in the middle of the house and be respected by me. , I asked my sculpture friend to carve this camphor wood into a statue of the Living Buddha of Jigong. Please go back to the mansion for worship. On the 28th day of the lunar calendar in the Bingzi year (June 16, Republic of China), the sky was clear and there was no sign of rain, but at about 3:30 in the afternoon, the storm suddenly thundered. There was heavy rain, like a typhoon, thunder rumbling, and the TV antenna and wireless receiving antenna on the top floor of No. 4, Lane 189, Section 2, Chang'an Road, Dounan Town, were interrupted. Then the TV was also damaged and unusable. The owner, Huang Mingzhi, was puzzled and wanted to spend more money. Coincidentally, throughout the day, the owner always felt that there was a strong smell of wine in the house, so he asked his wife if there were broken bottles or overflowing, but Mrs. Huang said there was no! And there is no smell of alcohol either. In the evening of the next day, Monk Daoji came down to drive and talked about the matter. It turned out that the living Buddha was serving the Jade Emperor’s decree in the Huang Mansion and was referring to the world. When the house was hit, it was when the decree was delivered. The living Buddha of Jigong took the decree to save the world, to protect all living beings, and to give the palace the name Jitian Palace. At this time, the committee members suddenly realized and marveled at the miraculous miracle. In the early days of this palace, twelve people including Chen Shunzheng, Chen Quanmou, Chen Fengqin, Shen Qiuju, Liu Yue, Li Yuejin, Su Jinbi, Sun Shou, Chi Fu's son Li Taiping, third prince Gao Minghong, Living Buddha's son Huang Mingzhi, Huang Junlang, etc. Since the establishment of the committee, since the living Buddha of Jigong took the order to help the world, many good faiths have come to ask for instructions, family luck, physical, fortune, career, and various issues are very fulfilled, and respond to requests. The power of the living Buddha of Jigong is vast, spread throughout the villages, and more and more requests for good faith During this period of time, there is a palace name but no palace site. Members of the committee have a tentative location in order to help the living Buddhas and all sentient beings. It is on the ninth day of November of the lunar calendar in the year of Bingzi (Republic of China 85). In the days, at No. 12, Section 1, Chang'an Road, Dounan Town, rented a seat from the owner, Lu Jinnan, to set up Jitian Temple, where Jigong’s living Buddhas can help the world. The ten directions of good faith and great virtues have fixed places to pay homage. Pilgrims spread all over the towns, and palace affairs are gradually on track. Operation. Under the instructions of the Living Buddha of Jigong to purify all living beings, to save the world, to make up for the quilt (Jiang) soldiers will help to save the world, and to start incense work. The living Buddha of Jigong went to Qishan Fengshan Temple for incense on the 22nd of the first month of the Ding Chou year. In the incense lineup, more than five hundred people from six tour buses and large and small vehicles went to Qishan for incense, successfully fulfilling the task of combining humans and gods. The Living Buddha Jigong instructed to sculpt a three-foot-six-inch living Buddha golden statue in the town hall for the future development and dignity of the palace. On May 5th of the same year, four members including Huang Junlang, Sun Shou, Liu Yue and the owner Lu Jinnan went out of the area. Visit God at noon and pray for water at noon for the golden statue in the town hall to lighten the eyes on the sixth day of May. Jigong Living Buddha’s instructions are for the future development and service of the ten directions of good faith in the palace, helping our living Buddha pursuing sentient beings and benefiting the world, and designating the current palace officials Yang Shihuang, Zhang Kunxi (deceased), Chen Qifang, Li Jincheng, and Liao Furong Seventeen people set up a decision-making subcommittee. The members carefully formed the management committee, recommended by the members and instructed by the living Buddha, and also joined because of the sacred influence. The current lineup of more than 30 members has been expanded to form the management committee of the palace. The committees are located in various places and all have a very pious heart. Come and help Jigong's living Buddha and the sacred, the purpose of universal living and benefiting the world. On the anniversary of the opening of the palace on the ninth day of the ninth day of the lunar calendar, the living Buddha of Jigong said that the lease term for the tentative palace site is approaching. Members are very concerned about the future palace site and looking for suitable ones. , The Living Buddha reminded that the place where the palace is going to be built must have a chance. I can't help but force it. Please rest assured, the time is right, you will know. The palace chooses the night and moonlight cup on the 9th day of the ninth lunar month of the lunar calendar every year, and the year is the year of the year. The year is the year of the cadre. As a result, Chen Xin chooses the chairman of the cup. After a few days, one night, the Jade Emperor will give the chairman the view Observe, I hope my disciple will first come to build a temple for Jitian Palace and build a temple for Jitian Palace. Only after waking up will I realize that it is a dream. This question should be discussed with Yang Shihuang, the palace official. Please consult the living Buddha for the arrangement of palace affairs. Since this is God’s will, it will be used for the construction of the palace first. Members of the committee carefully plan to prepare for the construction of the palace. I sincerely invite the Living Buddha Jigong to choose an auspicious day to start the construction. The construction of the temporary palace was started on the fourth day of the second month of the lunar calendar. The construction time was completed in four months. It was selected on the third day of the lunar calendar to enter the fire and the seat was successfully completed. Jitian Palace has a fixed palace site for the living Buddha of Jigong and the holy people to come to Purdue. This is the evolution of this palace.

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