小妹炸雞 - Huwei Township

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 小妹炸雞

地址 :

632, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Huwei Township, Fuxing Rd, 11號小妹炸雞號

電話 : 📞 +8898
城市 : Fuxing Rd

632, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Huwei Township, Fuxing Rd, 11號小妹炸雞號
TiN C on Google

Fresh and delicious, the lady is kind again!
Hzh on Google

地瓜薯條份量很夠 配料有九層塔洋蔥蒜頭 很過癮
The sweet potato fries are very large. The toppings are nine layers of pagoda, onion and garlic. Very enjoyable
YIN-JEAN Ching on Google

還不錯的宵夜小吃店 想吃宵夜的可以選擇
Nice late night snack bar Those who want to eat supper can choose
Scorse Luke on Google

I only eat this salty and crispy chicken. The food is very delicious. The attitude of the owner and the daughter is very good.
陳慈暉 on Google

It is delicious without oil consumption, and it will be seasoned with garlic and onion, which can relieve greasiness and is healthier. There is a hidden version of southern sweet not spicy, and their fried sweet potatoes are also very delicious. The first thing my daughter did when she got off the plane when she returned to Taiwan was to name her to eat the little sister’s fried chicken.
Yu Bear on Google

每個品項的價位屬普通合理價位,算便宜的! 我每次去買時,都必買至少兩片以上的“手工甜不辣”,老闆娘炸的剛剛好,外面酥脆裡面還有甜不辣的嚼勁,不會硬邦邦也不會咬到牙齒痛,總之這個品項很推! 也因為這個“手工甜不辣”,一吃就變成他的主顧了? 老闆娘人超親切,總是都笑笑的! 去光顧至少有20次以上,都沒看過不笑的! 他的配料加的不手軟!洋蔥和九層塔加超多! 尤其鹽酥雞搭配洋蔥,整個就是讚! 每次夾完一百多,就一大包了? 營業時間最晚就晚上12點 所以最好要在11點半就要去買,不然老闆娘會慢慢開始收攤整理了! 有時候太晚去東西都會賣光,所以要早點去買?
The price of each item is an ordinary reasonable price, which is cheap! Every time I go to buy, I must buy at least two or more pieces of "handmade sweet and not spicy". The boss is just fried, and there is sweet and not spicy chewy inside. It won't be hard and will not bite the toothache. In short, this item is very popular! Also because of this "handmade sweet and not spicy", it became his patrons as soon as he ate. The boss is super friendly and always smiles! Going to visit at least 20 times, have never seen it! His ingredients are not soft! Onions and nine-story towers are super! Especially salted chicken with onions, the whole is praise! Every time I have more than one hundred clips, I have a big bag. Business hours at 12 o'clock at the latest So it is best to buy at 11:30, otherwise the boss will slowly start collecting and sorting out! Sometimes it’s too late to go out and sell things, so go buy it earlier.
陳君為 on Google

When I paid 220 to pack it, I wondered if this was mine, because the portion was exaggerated. Unfortunately, the crispy salted chicken and squid were a bit dry and hard, but this price is nothing to complain about.
Carrie Jenq on Google

Sweet and not spicy, delicious and crunchy, and there are onions in it, it is crisp and refreshing!

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