麥味登斗六西平店 - Douliu City

4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 麥味登斗六西平店

地址 :

640, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Douliu City, Xiping Rd, 113號麥味登斗六西平店1樓

電話 : 📞 +887
城市 : Xiping Rd

640, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Douliu City, Xiping Rd, 113號麥味登斗六西平店1樓
Lia Chang on Google

環境舒適 員工很親切 炸物熱騰騰的很讚?? 適合悠閒用餐的地方??
Comfortable environment and friendly staff The fried food is very hot ?? A place for leisurely dining ??
小米 on Google

東西很好吃,環境很舒適乾淨! 店門口好停車! 店員也很熱情~
The food is delicious and the environment is comfortable and clean! Good parking in front of the store! The clerk is also very friendly~
JinYu Lin on Google

叫了一份蘿勒燻雞三明治特餐,想說要把蛋夾進吐司裡一起吃,結果打開超傻眼的,雖然知道物價都上漲,但今天這份我花了110元!!!! 裡面的燻雞才幾片而已? 之後不會在叫了。
I ordered a basil smoked chicken sandwich special, I wanted to eat the egg in the toast, but I was dumbfounded. Although I knew the prices were going up, I spent 110 yuan for this today!!!! There are only a few slices of smoked chicken inside ? I won't be calling after that.
子旋 on Google

tasty. Friendly service. Good parking. The environment is very clean.
張越 on Google

Poor quality. Ordered twice, both choose to add egg, but no egg? And is this tomato slice so insincere?
許秀華 on Google

The meals are delicious, the parking space is very polite, and it is suitable for brunch, even one person! push
沈二寶 on Google

太晚吃早餐了⋯⋯ 13點好險還有這家早午餐? 門口又能停車?️(汽車大概可停兩台,看運氣好不好?) 點餐都不錯吃? 內用座位也蠻多的? 店員服務也很好?親切? 餐具?及醬料等衛生紙?自取! 有附廁所哦?
It's too late for breakfast... At 13 o'clock, there is still this brunch? You can park at the gate again?️ (about two cars can be parked, depending on your luck?) Food is delicious ? There are plenty of seats inside ? The service of the clerk is also very good?friendly? Toilet paper ? such as tableware ? and sauces are self-pickup! There is a toilet ?
Kevin Liao on Google

外帶日期:2022.06.05早午餐 連今天共第二次點餐,餐點雖然不是非常驚艷,不過在連鎖早餐店裡面算中上等級。 口味:港式特餐,蘿蔔糕中規中矩,黑胡椒豬排非常嫩且好吃,只可惜薄了一點!培根是軟的,我個人不喜歡硬的培根?蔬果沙拉普通。 法式蘿勒鮪魚特餐,焗烤法式麵包佐鮪魚蘿勒醬,這是我個人覺得所有的餐點裡面比較好吃的,起士給的大方,法式麵包是軟的,鮪魚羅勒醬不會太鹹,搭配起來恰到好處!薯條中規中矩還蠻酥脆的。炒蛋的話有點偏乾。 紫米時蔬嫰雞飯,這項餐點是所有餐點裡面最失望的,嫩雞胸肉偏硬,紫米飯也偏硬, 時蔬就兩根玉米筍、一個青花菜及一顆小蕃茄,完全是沒味道,外加一顆普通水煮蛋! 起司雙重奏握蛋捲餅,捲餅口感偏向蔥抓餅的口感,裡面加上了雙重起司及嫰蛋口感真滑嫩? 布里歐顆粒花生皇厚吐司,這算是比較驚艷的品項之一,麵包相當的鬆軟好吃,花生顆粒不會太甜,極為推薦! 價格:雖然價格比一般早餐店稍貴一點點,但是無論包裝、品質也比一般早餐店用心! 服務:服務還不錯? 環境:乾淨、舒適偏美式風格的裝潢。 速度:從打電話到取餐結束約15分鐘。 停車:店家門前有兩個汽車停車位。 總而言之,等疫情過後,比較想到店內用餐,感覺這樣CP值會比較高一點!

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