大北勢天聖宮 - Douliu City

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Contact 大北勢天聖宮

地址 :

640, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Douliu City, Zhangping N Rd, 17號大北勢天聖宮

電話 : 📞 +8899
城市 : Zhangping N Rd

640, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Douliu City, Zhangping N Rd, 17號大北勢天聖宮
cactus Xiao on Google

錢美娟 on Google

Friendly volunteer service
back come on Google

The square in front of the temple is very large and often hosts events.
瀚翔 on Google

讚啦 尤其是將軍組 組長超會吃!
Great, especially the general leader can eat it!
Chuan on Google

I hope the chanting in the temple can be a little quieter, sometimes until two or three in the morning
Ben B on Google

I play my Pokémon and I have to be pointed out by the temple guru, the quality of the temple guru is really poor
S-Ming Zhong on Google

Quite a historical palace, the residents of the town often make tea, chat, and occasionally organize events, wedding banquets, chanting and so on.
peter bob on Google

(請媽祖信仰-其之六)(六房媽信仰-其之一) 創建年代:1978 主祀:天上聖母 陪祀:中壇元帥,福德正神,神農大帝 沿革: 清朝年間媽祖神像早已存在於大北勢庄,但無建廟,僅隨著值年爐主而無固定供奉處,在光復後,民國65年(西元1976年)10月里民大會決議,組成籌建委員會。民國65年(西元1976年)農曆11月20動工興建,但因過程中里民意見分歧,故時間延宕至民國67年(西元1978年)農曆11月5日子時入火安座 本庄有輪值雲林五股三十四庄之天上聖母-六房媽 六房天上聖母為雲林縣斗六市、斗南鎮、虎尾鎮、土庫鎮、大埤鄉一帶協議輪值祀的天上聖母習俗信仰。 地方人士通稱「六房媽」,林姓信徒俗稱「六房媽姑婆」或「老姑婆」,外地人士則稱之為「六房媽祖」。 六房媽是由雲林縣斗六市、斗南鎮、虎尾鎮、土庫鎮、大埤鄉等五個鄉鎮市內數個里、村與聚落組織成「股」,共同輪流奉祀,因此「六房媽」並沒有固定的廟宇,雖然居無定所,但香火鼎盛,信徒年年增加,且每年的過爐繞境慶典為雲林縣內最重要的宗教盛事之一,也是全台灣最大媽祖會組織過爐。 除了雲林當地之外,在嘉義大林以及台北士林、桃園、新竹、台中、彰化、南投埔里等地也有六房天上聖母會組織,其中以埔里六房媽會及台中市六房媽會與新竹六房媽會組織最具規模。 2017年中華民國文化部認定雲林六房媽過爐為重要民俗,登錄為國家重要民俗。 六房媽由來: (六房媽會版本) 六房天上聖母為開閩晉王林祿公第16世孫,九牧林氏祖林披公,第六房蘊公第5世孫林惟轂公之第6女,名默(天妃顯聖錄)。故凡九牧林氏世系派下之各房子孫皆暱稱「媽祖」為「六房老姑婆」。 清康熙初期,在現今的大北勢林家(九牧林氏第九房南靖派下之子孫),由祖厝奉請「六房老姑婆」金身隨同渡海來臺開墾 (其他民間版本) 據稱六房天上聖母本尊之分靈凡名為「林金粥」,康熙四十五年(1706),林進六兄弟迎請聖母香火來台並定居於太高媽崙子,雍正三年(1725)由福建安溪縣武當山恭請寶像來台,道光十八年由部落村莊單位為股,並使用六房天上聖母之稱,道光三十年開始輪祀過爐。 1991年,在六房天上聖母祭祀管理委員會與值年爐主的決定下,請六房媽擇日降乩說明來由,而降乩指示的由來內容為:「吾名為『林美雲』。父明代為州醫吏,世居廣東布政司惠州府海豐縣林家村(廣東省海豐縣林家村),父親育吾兄弟六人,大兄穎成,二兄穎元,三兄穎和,吾排行第四,五弟穎修,六弟穎仁。吾八歲隨父行醫,受教,學會醫理,並給人排難解紛,十六歲黌畢。十九歲被害昇天,母順之又辭世。吾雖死志不移,時返故里顯異,經吾弟夢覺驚喜交集。時逢初清之朝,庶民遭亂,吾又顯異救危,於是吾兄及弟雕吾形像心起,吾受帝命,現為天上聖母之職,現其形指點雕刻而成也。」明末清初因戰爭被害,其兄弟承其指引,塑造其金身,朝夕奉祀。後因亂世,五兄弟及堂兄元吉六人皆同「聖母」於清順治甲午年(1654)四月隨金身來台,定居於斗南他里霧「太高媽崙子(今斗南鎮阿丹里崙仔)」(現今阿丹里崙仔還立有對聯,右:六房渡海鑄基太高崙 左:天上威赫神蹟顯聖母)。 爾後兄弟分居各處發展,長房仍守居太高媽崙子,二房遷居土庫竹腳寮,三房穩居斗南五間厝,四房起居斗六大北勢,五房徙虎尾下過溪,六房住斗六與虎尾中間(地名)溪崙子。 因交通不便及咸信六房媽在哪就能五穀豐登,為使各房都能供奉和獲得六房媽的德澤庇祐,故而發展成六房媽輪流駐駕各房的信仰模式,從此「聖母」金身就由六房子孫輪流奉祀,此便是『六房』的發展之緣由,為掌管「醫療、事業、平安與豐收」的神明。 六房天上聖母-林美雲,受天上聖母之職,所擁千里、順風兩將護身。且位處"帝侯王后之格",故而有文(印童)、武(劍童)兩將做為侍神,並因在台灣民間習俗「天上聖母」尊稱「媽祖」簡稱「媽」所以合稱【六房媽】。 一百多年前(光緒三年歲次丁丑),第六房子孫聚居之虎尾溪崙子,因洪水導致村民各自逃散至五股以外的雲林縣古坑鄉及嘉義縣大林鎮的幾座村落,或歸依他房,自此無人主繼,只剩其他五房輪流奉祀。 (以上皆是各類六房媽信仰由來的說法,但六房媽真正的由來則須再進一步 進行調查與探討,在這之中,較能確定的是,清朝年間就已有六房媽的記載,距今有兩,三百年的歷史) 本庄為六房天上聖母「大北勢股」之大北勢股心庄,與東邊的保長部三庄和南邊的石厝林子頭合稱「大北勢股」(其餘庄稱股腳&小爐), 因本庄在大北勢股中是人數最多的庄頭,所以可以每五年輪值一次六房媽(共五股,一股一年) ,保長部則需二十年,石厝林子頭則須四十年,也因人口眾多,所以每逢六房媽過爐至斗六大北勢時,大北勢庄需宴請八分之五的「旗腳」(過爐各股陣頭人員與隨香人員),是六房媽輪值股中輪值排法較為特殊的股 而根據相良吉哉與其他地方風俗誌的記載,最早出現關於六房天上聖母的記載的地方或傳說,皆都提到大北勢庄,所以該廟之天上聖母三媽 是否與六房媽有關,則需在尋找文獻考證, 廟中中壇元帥是從虎尾北溪厝龍安宮分靈而來 年例祭: 三月二十三日 農曆十月中旬冬季謝平安時,會請六房媽前來一同夜巡繞境,是六房媽股庄中少數幾個夜巡遶境的聚落(大部分是日巡或下午繞境)
(Please Believe in Mazu-Part Six) (Faith in Six Fang Ma-Part One) Year of creation: 1978 Main worship: Our Lady of Heaven Sacrifice: Marshal of the Central Altar, God of Fortune, Emperor Shennong History: During the Qing Dynasty, the statue of Mazu had already existed in Dabeishizhuang, but there was no temple built. There was no fixed place of worship only with the owner of the year-end furnace. After the restoration, the Limin Conference in October of the 65th year of the Republic of China (1976) decided to form a preparatory establishment. Committee. Construction started on November 20 of the lunar calendar in the 65th year of the Republic of China (1976), but due to differences in opinions among the people during the process, the time was postponed until November 5th of the lunar calendar in the 67th year of the Republic of China (1978). The village has a rotation in the Yunlin Wugu Thirty-four Village, the Virgin Mary in the sky-six rooms The Mother of Heaven in Liufang is the custom and belief of the Mother of Heaven in Douliu City, Dounan Town, Huwei Town, Tuku Town, and Dayi Township in Yunlin County. Local people generally call it "Liufang Ma," while believers surnamed Lin commonly call it "Liufang Ma aunt" or "old aunt," and foreigners call it "Liufang Mazu." Liufang Ma is organized into "units" of villages, villages and settlements in five townships, including Douliu City, Dounan Town, Huwei Town, Tuku Town, and Dayi Township in Yunlin County. "Liufang Ma" does not have a fixed temple. Although there is no fixed place, the incense is flourishing. The number of believers increases every year, and the annual festival of passing the furnace is one of the most important religious events in Yunlin County, and it is also the whole of Taiwan. The biggest Mazu will organize a furnace. In addition to the Yunlin local area, there are also six-room church organizations in Dalin, Chiayi, Taipei Shilin, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou Puli. Among them, the Puli Six-House Association and Taichung City’s Six-House Association and Taichung City The Hsinchu Six-House Mothers Club has the largest scale. In 2017, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of China recognized Yunlin Liufang Ma’s kiln as an important folklore and registered as an important national folklore. The origin of the six-bedroom mother: (Six Room Mom Club Version) The Mother of Heaven in Liufang is the 16th grandson of the King of Kaimin Jin Dynasty Lin Lugong, the ancestor of Lin Phigong of the Jiu Mu Lin family, and the 6th daughter of the fifth grandson of the 6th Fang Yungong and the fifth grandson of Lin Weihu. Therefore, the grandchildren of all houses under the lineage of Fan Jiu Mu Lin are nicknamed "Mazu" as "Lao Aunt Liu Fang". In the early Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, in the present-day Dabeishi Lin family (a descendant of the ninth house of the Jiu Mu Lin clan under the Nanjing School), the ancestral house asked the "six houses old aunt" to accompany the golden body to cross the sea to Taiwan for reclamation. (Other folk versions) It is said that the spirit of the deity of the Virgin Mary in the six rooms is called "Lin Jin Porridge". In the 45th year of Kangxi (1706), the six brothers of Lin Jin invited the Virgin incense to Taiwan and settled in Taigao Ma Lunzi, Yongzheng three years (1725) A treasure statue was invited to Taiwan from Wudang Mountain, Anxi County, Fujian Province. In the eighteenth year of Daoguang, tribal village units were used as shares, and the six-room Virgin Mary was used. Daoguang began to worship in the 30th year. In 1991, under the decision of the Liufang Heavenly Mother Sacrifice Management Committee and the annual furnace owner, Liufang’s mother was asked to choose a day to explain the reason, and the origin of the instruction was: "My name is Lin Meiyun. Father. In the Ming Dynasty, he was a state medical officer and lived in Linjia Village, Haifeng County, Huizhou Prefecture, Guangdong Province (Linjia Village, Haifeng County, Guangdong Province). His father raised six brothers, eldest brother Yingcheng, second brother Yingyuan, third brother Yinghe, and I ranked No. Fourth, fifth younger brother Yingxiu, sixth younger brother Yingren. I practiced medicine with my father at the age of eight, was taught, learned medical science, and helped others to resolve disputes. At the age of sixteen, I passed away. At the age of nineteen, I was murdered and ascended to heaven, and mother Shunzhi passed away. Although my ambition is not to change, when I return to my hometown, my brother’s dreams and surprises are mixed. When the common people are in chaos in the early Qing Dynasty, I show difference and save the danger, so my brother and my brother carved my image. I was ordered by the emperor and now I am the position of the Virgin Mary in the heavens. It is now carved in its shape." Because of the war in the late Ming and early Qing, his brothers took his guidance and shaped his golden body, and worshipped him day and night. Later due to the troubled times, the five brothers and six cousins, Yuan Ji, all came to Taiwan with the golden body in April of the Shunzhi Jiawu year (1654) of the Qing Dynasty (1654), and settled in the fog of Dounan, "Tai Gao Ma Lunzi (now Dounan) Town of Adanli Lunzai)” (Adanli Lunzai still has couplets nowadays, right: Liufang crossing the sea to cast a foundation too high, Lun left: the miracle of the heavenly Weihe showing the Virgin). Afterwards, the brothers separated and developed, the long house still stayed at too high Ma Lunzi, the second house moved to the Turku Zhujiao Liao, the third house settled in the fifth house in Dounan, the fourth house lived in Dou Liu Da Beishi, and the fifth house moved to the tiger’s tail. Xi, Liufang lives between Douliu and Huwei (place name) Xilunzi. Due to the inconvenience of transportation and the belief that Liufang Ma can have a good harvest wherever she is, in order to make every house worship and receive the Deze blessing of Liufang Ma, it has developed into the belief model of Liufang Ma taking turns to stay in each house. From then on " The golden body of the "Virgin Mary" is enshrined in turn by the six houses and grandchildren. This is the reason for the development of the "Six houses", the god in charge of "medical care, career, peace and harvest." The six-room Virgin of Heaven-Lin Meiyun, is protected by the two generals of thousands of miles and downwind by the position of the Virgin of Heaven. In addition to being in the "emperor and queen", there are two generals Wen (Yintong) and Wu (Jiantong) as the gods, and because of the folk customs in Taiwan, "The Mother of Heaven" is honored as "Mazu" and abbreviated as "Ma". Collectively called 【Six-House Mom】. More than a hundred years ago (Ding Chou in the third year of Guangxu), the sixth house where Sun lived in Huweixi Lunzi, due to floods, the villagers fled to Gukeng Township, Yunlin County, and Dalin Township, Chiayi County. This village, or relied on another house, has been uninhabited since then, leaving only the other five houses to take turns to worship. (The above are all kinds of explanations about the origin of the beliefs of six-bedroom mothers, but the true origin of the six-bedroom mothers needs to be further improved. After investigation and discussion, what is more certain is that there have been records of Liufangma in the Qing Dynasty, which has a history of two or three hundred years) This village is the "Great Northern Power Unit" of the "Great Northern Power Unit" of the Virgin of the Six Chambers of Heaven. It is collectively called the "Great Northern Power Unit" (the rest of the villages are called the foot of the foot and the small furnace), together with the Sanzhuang in the east and the Shicuo Linzi in the south. Since the village has the largest number of dealers in the Great Northern Power Stocks, it can take turns for the six-room mom every five years (a total of five shares, one share for one year) It takes 20 years for the Baoshang Department and 40 years for Shicuo Linzitou. Also, due to the large population, every time Liufangma passes the furnace to the Douliu Great Northern Power, Dabeishizhuang needs to entertain five-eighths of the banquet. The "Flag Foot" (the leaders of the various units of the furnace and the personnel who follow the incense) is a unit with a special rotation arrangement among the six-room mothers' rotating stocks. According to the records of Sagara Yoshiya and other local customs, the earliest records or legends about the six-family Virgin Mary are mentioned in Dabeishizhuang, so the third mother of the Virgin Mary in the temple Whether it is related to Liufang Ma, you need to look for literature research, The marshal of the middle altar in the temple came from the Long’an Palace, Beixicuo, Huwei Annual festival: March 23 In mid-October of the lunar calendar, when the winter is safe, Liufang Ma will be invited to come and patrol the territory together at night. It is one of the few night patrol settlements in Liufang Magu Village (most of them are day patrols or afternoon patrols)

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