
4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 嵩岳咖啡莊園

地址 :

646, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Gukeng Township, 草嶺村石壁70號嵩岳咖啡莊園

電話 : 📞 +889797
網站 : http://www.songyue.com.tw/
城市 : Gukeng Township

646, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Gukeng Township, 草嶺村石壁70號嵩岳咖啡莊園
呂維哲 on Google

The boss is very friendly with the proprietress, and he is not stingy about sharing coffee knowledge. It is recommended that travelers who love coffee must know the light of Taiwan and the world champion hidden in the mountains!
Chester Lee on Google

世界冠軍的咖啡,感受台灣人的驕傲。 老闆跟老闆娘都非常親切,來之前最好電話確認一下再過來。 親眼目睹咖啡種植,聽老闆的介紹,感受一位堅持理念的台灣之光。
World champion coffee, feel the pride of Taiwanese. The boss and the lady boss are very kind, it is best to call to confirm before coming. Witness the coffee planting with your own eyes, listen to the introduction of the boss, and feel the light of Taiwan who insists on the concept.
Yeh Sean on Google

看了某些人的評論是「貴、裝潢簡陋、鐵皮屋」,讓我納悶這些人是不是「便利商店咖啡喝太多、網美店去太多、還是星X克貢獻太多?」 這麼好喝的咖啡,還有每一顆咖啡豆從種植到成品經歷的過程,這價格非常合理。感謝台灣有老闆早年對咖啡種植的堅持,讓台灣產的咖啡走向世界! 今天花1.5個鐘頭騎車上山,不虛此行!
After reading some people's comments of "expensive, poorly decorated, tin house", I wonder if these people are "drinking too much coffee in convenience stores, going to online beauty stores too much, or contributing too much to Xingxing?" The price is very reasonable for such a delicious coffee, and the process that every coffee bean goes through from planting to finished product. Thanks to the bosses in Taiwan for their persistence in coffee cultivation in the early years, and let the coffee produced in Taiwan go to the world! The 1.5 hour bike ride up the mountain today is well worth the trip!
cosmea on Google

228連假時到訪~ 家人在幾年前的咖啡節,喝過之後戀戀不忘,到五元兩角的路上看到莊園指標,於是先來品嚐咖啡。 很樸實、保有原始的風格,令人放鬆的地方。 今日提供三樣咖啡,老闆解說清楚,之後各點一壺(杯)品嚐,同行家人各有所好,本身不喝咖啡,但能在此欣賞美景,也是一大享受!
228 Visit during consecutive holidays~ At the coffee festival a few years ago, the family fell in love with it after drinking it. They saw the manor indicator on the way to the five yuan and two corners, so they came to taste the coffee first. Very unpretentious, original, relaxing place. Three kinds of coffee are provided today. The boss explained it clearly. After that, we will order a pot (cup) to taste. The family members have their own preferences. I don’t drink coffee, but it is also a great pleasure to enjoy the beautiful scenery here!
妙妙 on Google

有人喝了醇韻咖啡後,只要談到好喝的咖啡,都不忘說嵩岳的醇韻咖啡真的很好喝! 去年我們到附近賞櫻,把世界冠軍的嵩岳咖啡莊園也列為必訪之處。由於世界冠軍?有它應得的高價位,因此我們選擇次等的醇韻咖啡。雖然不是冠軍,但有二位對咖啡味覺敏感的人,略品第一口就露出讚賞的表情,其中一位三步五時就會再讚歎一下,另一位聽到也會表示讚同???。 我呢,味覺遲鈍,但對環境很感興趣,這裡讓我覺得很親切,很像我小時侯住的地方,屋前有個曬榖場,再往前是斜崁,種了果樹,還長了些野果,小時候會摘野果當零食吃⋯⋯,以前的房子就是這樣子,但這樣的房子越來越少了,所以很開心能在這裡看到這麼台灣風味的咖啡莊園❤️❤️❤️!
After someone drinks mellow coffee, as long as they talk about good coffee, they don't forget to say that Songyue's mellow coffee is really good! Last year, we went to see the cherry blossoms nearby and listed the world champion Songyue Coffee Farm as a must-visit place. Since the world champion ? has the high price it deserves, we choose the inferior mellow coffee. Although they are not champions, there are two people who are sensitive to the taste of coffee. They show admiration at the first sip. One of them will praise again at three steps and five, and the other will also agree when they hear it??? . As for me, I have a dull sense of taste, but I am very interested in the environment. This place makes me feel very friendly, very similar to where I lived when I was a child. I bought some wild fruits, and when I was a child, I would pick wild fruits as snacks to eat... This is how the house used to be, but there are fewer and fewer such houses, so I am very happy to see such a Taiwanese coffee farm here ❤️❤️❤️ !
CHI CHEN on Google

Linda Liu on Google

Wonderful coffee beautiful family
郭志豪 on Google

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