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Contact 光華寺

地址 :

647 光華寺 號, Citong Township, Yunlin County,Taiwan

城市 : Yunlin County

647 光華寺 號, Citong Township, Yunlin County,Taiwan
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Protect the place
Mingin Shiu on Google

It is a good place to pray for peace. And close to the big American small. The location is very good looking. But the only shortcoming will seriously affect the children's class.
Ben Smart on Google

Guanghua Temple is the faith center of Damei villagers. But where the residents live. The villager activity center is just below him. It can be said to be a famous masterpiece of Damei Village.
陳宥儒 on Google

興建沿革: 本村先民屯墾甚早,墾蓁畚草莽,荒陬未啟中,人同天爭,人興獸鬥,每遇災患,依怙無主,唯禱於天,唯求於神,因感念觀音菩薩大慈大悲,靈驗無比,故在清同治年間,先民虔誠的相率,到斗六東郊湖山岩迎請菩薩金尊,分靈分香移降本庄,是為本庄信仰之始。 早年村內無寺廟座落,站薩的供奉,禮敬均以卜杯,選定爐主,年年由爐主輪流供事,原汏端在村民經濟困頓,力有未逮,籌建艱辛,權宜隨爐主供奉,在民貧財困多病,醫藥不發達的時代,菩薩常現大悲心,大願大,為民舒果,醫人無數。 有一日颱風過境,豪雨不止,大水壓境,而及河堤,將崩之際,神聖降乩,指示竪立石敢當與阿彌陀佛石碑,於人畜性命岌岌可危之刻,雨止水退,先靈成安,如同再造,村民無不稱讚菩薩,靈感。 近年來,建廟之議紛起,總因財源短絀,人事因綠不足作罷,適有一位旅居台北鄉親,因緣夙具,其妻久病不癒,延醫罔效,夜夢菩薩現前指示,無處可安身,她回答說:病癒後,當為蓋廟,後果自癒,由是因緣。 建廟之議復起,村長張德義先生發動,由余三池、涂水欽、張澤龍、張永豐、何順良籌組籌建委員會,經過數十次組成建廟籌備委員會,由是成立,並擇定八十二年(癸酉年)九月十四日已時破土開工,因村民誠心,菩薩靈感,工程進行順利,於八十三年歲次甲戌十一月廿二日入火安座,是廟宇煥然矗立,神人共歡,神跡屢現,建廟前,公路上車禍頻仍,且重建廟後,少聞車禍,並能化險為夷,化大為小,各界各人、勘輿家、高僧大德蒞臨,同贊地理殊勝,預卜日後香火鼎盛,四境安和,物富民豐。
Construction history: The ancestors of this village settled very early, cultivated the land and the grass, and the wilderness is not yet open. People are fighting with the sky, people are fighting with beasts, and every time there is a disaster, they rely on their parents and have no owners. Great compassion and great compassion are incomparably effective. Therefore, during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, the ancestors devoutly led each other to welcome the golden bodhisattva to Hushanyan in the eastern suburb of Douliu. In the early years, there was no temple located in the village. The worship and salute of Zhansa were all with divination cups, and the furnace owner was selected. The furnace owner took turns to serve each year. It is worshiped by the owner of the furnace. In the era when the people were poor, wealthy, sick, and medicines were not developed, the Bodhisattva often showed great compassion, made great wishes, made fruit for the people, and healed countless people. One day, the typhoon crossed the border, the torrential rain did not stop, the water pressure hit the river, and when the river bank was about to collapse, the holy descended, and instructed the erection of the stone to be the same as the Amitabha. Like re-creation, the villagers all praised the Bodhisattva for inspiration. In recent years, there have been many proposals to build a temple. They are always abandoned due to lack of financial resources and lack of green resources. There is a villager living in Taipei. Because of a long-term relationship, his wife has been ill for a long time, and the extension of medical treatment is ineffective. Night Dream Bodhisattva appears. Instructed that there was nowhere to rest, she replied: After recovering, build a temple, and the consequences will heal by themselves. The proposal to build a temple resumed, and the village chief, Mr. Zhang Deyi, launched a preparatory committee composed of Yu Sanchi, Tu Shuiqin, Zhang Zelong, Zhang Yongfeng, and He Shunliang. On the 14th of September, the year of Guiyou), the ground was broken. Due to the sincerity of the villagers and the inspiration of the Bodhisattva, the project was carried out smoothly. On the 22nd of the 83rd year, Jiaxu was put into the fire and seated. People rejoice together, miracles occur frequently, before the temple was built, there were frequent traffic accidents on the highway, and after the reconstruction of the temple, traffic accidents were rarely heard, and it was possible to turn dangers into disasters, and turn the big into the small. Zambia is a special place, and it is predicted that the incense will flourish in the future, the four realms will be peaceful, and the people will be prosperous.

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