眾靈祠(男公女媽廟) - Section 2

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Contact 眾靈祠(男公女媽廟)

地址 :

653, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Kouhu Township, Section 2, Chongwen Rd, 9號眾靈祠(男公女媽廟)653

電話 : 📞 +887898
城市 : Chongwen Rd

653, Taiwan, Yunlin County, Kouhu Township, Section 2, Chongwen Rd, 9號眾靈祠(男公女媽廟)653
王固偉 on Google

林岳勳 on Google

Andy Chen on Google

李明志 on Google

Qingming Festival
趙春毅 on Google

Deeply looking forward to the other side! Be cautious in chasing far away, and the morality of the people will return!
angela on Google

Qingming Festival worships ancestors.
Jason KC Wang on Google

早期的廟宇來慰藉這附近的鄉民。 提供墓地給當地的人民。 會來這邊也是因為父親葬在旁邊,因為他以前是在這裡長大的,有很多他的回憶,也有我們對他的回憶。 希望,他可以開心的跟兄弟姐妹再另一世界再聚。
The early temples came to comfort the nearby villagers. Provide cemeteries to the local people. I will come here because my father is buried next to him because he used to grow up here, there are many memories of him, and there are memories of us. I hope that he can happily reunite with his brothers and sisters and another world.
林政宏 on Google

衆靈祠位於雲林縣口湖鄉的蚵蟟村內旁,蚵蟟村是民風淳樸的鄉村,就在牛挑灣溪出海口旁,如今人口已大量外移,年輕人也都在外打拼,我偶而會到這裡走走看看,進了村沒看到什麼人,大部分是些老弱婦孺,鮮少看到青壯少年。 早期4、50年代,有些人家製作扁魚干及蝦米供銷全省,也有些人家順著牛挑灣溪出海捕魚或在外傘頂洲養蚵、捕撈蛤蜊的,烏魚汛期季節,更是忙著曝曬烏魚子,熱鬧非凡;後來養殖業發展,大量養殖鰻魚、虱目魚、草蝦……等,且因需求大量抽取地下水,造成地層嚴重下陷。目前這裡仍有養殖業持續著,也還有專門製作烏魚子販賣。 猶記得民國75年韋恩颱風來襲,造成海水倒灌,災情慘重,肇致家破人亡者凄凄然,莫不泫然涕下,為了哀悼亡魂,特於此立了韋恩颱風紀念公園,以供緬懷。 衆靈祠的塔位規畫得還不錯,視野遼闊,清風徐徐,就算是炎熱的天氣來緬懷、祭拜祖先,也非常的涼爽,還可到附近看看如何製作烏魚子及養殖業的養殖。
The Temple of All Spirits is located next to Oyster Village in Kouhu Township, Yunlin County. Oyster Village is a village with simple folk customs, just beside the mouth of Niutiaowan Creek. Nowadays, a large number of people have moved out, and young people are also working outside. I occasionally walked around here. I didn't see any people when I entered the village. Most of them were old and weak women and children. I rarely saw young and strong people. In the early 1940s and 1950s, some people made dried flat fish and dried shrimps for supply and marketing throughout the province. Others went fishing along Niutiaowan Creek or raised oysters and clams in Waisandingzhou. The mullet season was even more busy. The mullet roe exposed to the sun was very lively. Later, the aquaculture industry developed and a large number of eels, milkfish, grass shrimps, etc. were cultivated, and the groundwater was required to be pumped in large quantities, which caused serious stratum subsidence. At present, there is still a breeding industry here, and there are also special mullet roe sales. I still remember that Typhoon Wayne struck in the Republic of China in 1975, which caused seawater inundation, and the disaster was disastrous. The homes were broken and the people who died were miserable. They all screamed. The towers of the Temple of All Souls are well-planned, with a wide view and a gentle breeze. Even in the hot weather, it is very cool to remember and pay homage to the ancestors. You can also go nearby to see how to make mullet roe and aquaculture. .

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