6owl door Zhonghe Juguang Branch

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 6owl door Zhonghe Juguang Branch

No. 82號, Juguang Rd, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 235
cncn cncn on Google

口味不差 但是很多細節在我們當日用餐時 感覺還沒準備好 還以為是新成立的店 原來分店已經好幾家了?
Not bad But a lot of details are in our meal that day not feeling ready Thought it was a new store It turns out that there are already several branches ?
Angel Wu on Google

今天點熊貓外送,在備註裡寫希望能夠幫我帶點調料跟白飯上希望淋店內的豬油拌飯,結果收到時超級驚訝!給的 跟淋的份量都好足?!!超級感謝的~而且起司牛奶湯頭真的超濃郁?好吃超推~~?
I ordered panda delivery today, and wrote in the remarks that I hoped to help me bring some seasonings and rice on top of the lard bibimbap in the store, and I was super surprised when I received it! The amount given and the drizzle are good?!! Thank you very much~ and the cheese milk soup is really super rich ? delicious and super recommended~~?
Mk on Google

部隊鍋跟才臭臭鍋底味道都偏淡 部隊鍋味道很像泡菜鍋 炸豬排70元一片 不大塊但炸起來酥脆是好吃的 假日晚上用餐 感覺服務人員不夠 桌面都來不及收拾 感覺員工炸忙 服務態度都不錯 自助吧有飲料 爆米花 冰淇淋 還有提供豬油拌飯~麵條吃到飽
The army pot and the stinky pot have a bland taste at the bottom Troop pot tastes a lot like kimchi pot Fried pork chop 70 yuan It's not big, but it's delicious when fried holiday evening meal Feeling that there are not enough staff The desktop is too late to clean up Feels like the staff are busy Service attitude is good Drinks popcorn ice cream in the buffet bar There is also lard bibimbap ~ all-you-can-noodles
旅人腳步Traveler footprint on Google

?素食鍋(150)蔬菜蠻多樣的,湯頭還不錯吃。 爆米花的,點心,白飯,咖啡,飲料,冰淇淋無限取用。友人說牛奶鍋也不錯吃。 從還沒吃就流汗,吃到一半也滿身大汗,吃完也是滿身大汗,冷氣真的很薄弱。 整體評價:4顆星 ************* 5顆星+必去:收入最愛店家名單。 5顆星:整體服務,餐點,環境皆滿意。 4顆星:稍嫌不足,有進步空間。 3顆星:不足之處1項以上,需要加強。 2顆星:不建議前往。 1顆星:...。 以上為個人觀感,僅供參考。
?Vegetarian Pot (150) The vegetables are quite diverse, and the soup is delicious. Unlimited access to popcorn, snacks, rice, coffee, beverages, ice cream. Friends said that the milk pot is also delicious. I've been sweating before I eat, and I'm sweating profusely halfway through eating, and I'm sweating profusely after eating, and the air conditioning is really weak. Overall rating: 4 stars ************* 5 stars + must go: earn the list of favorite stores. 5 stars: overall service, meals, environment are satisfied. 4 stars: Slightly insufficient, there is room for improvement. 3 stars: 1 or more deficiencies, need to be strengthened. 2 stars: not recommended to go. 1 star:  …. The above is my personal opinion and is for reference only.
Chiahao Liu on Google

店址位於莒光路,平常用餐時間常常看到客滿+排隊的火鍋店;店外莒光路上有不少機車跟汽車停車格,不過用餐時段可能要找一下位置! 店內的燈光明亮,座位很多,乾淨舒適,還算寬敞不擁擠;菜單的品項多,自助區的調味料也很多種,飲料機更是多元,點心除了冰淇淋,還有爆米花跟餅乾,主食有飯跟幾種麵類可自己拿! 點了十全藥膳鍋底跟蛤蠣,一人份的底料跟肉類份量剛好,湯頭的調味濃郁,加點的蛤蜊一盤約十幾個,整體來說CP值不錯;結帳除了使用現金以外,有看到Line pay跟街口等電子支付可以使用。 如果不想出門,在FoodPanda跟Uber eat兩大外送App上,也都能點餐外送到家。
The shop is located on Juguang Road. During meal time, you often see hot pot restaurants full of customers and queues. There are many parking spaces for motorcycles and cars on Juguang Road outside the shop, but you may need to find a spot during meal time! The lights in the store are bright, there are many seats, it is clean and comfortable, and it is spacious and not crowded; there are many items on the menu, there are many kinds of seasonings in the self-service area, and the beverage machines are more diverse. The staple food includes rice and several kinds of noodles that you can bring yourself! I ordered Shiquan Medicinal Pot Bottom and Clams. The amount of base and meat for one person is just right, the soup is rich in seasoning, and there are about a dozen clams added in a plate. Overall, the CP value is good; in addition to cash, there are See that electronic payment such as Line pay and Jiekou can be used. If you don’t want to go out, you can also order food and have it delivered to your home on FoodPanda and Uber eat.
陳小狐 on Google

1、麻辣鍋(肉加量)辣度適中,油稍微多了點,但整理味道很棒。 2、飲料區、冰淇凌、白飯區都無限吃喝。 3、店內環境整潔還算乾淨。(要多注意果蠅問題,免得倒飲料杯內有果蠅) 4、機車不難停,汽車要稍微找一下車位,或附近寶雅有收費停車。 5、唯一缺點:快22點不知是否快打烊,人手太少,點餐付費還要自己跑去後場叫人。(有類似店長或員工的坐著跟人聊天,看到當沒看到一樣。)所以無法給5星。 整體都算不錯,服務人員也都很熱心。
Wei Chih Huang on Google

zeev yang on Google


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