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Contact 博飛迅牙醫診所

地址 :

博飛迅牙醫診所 7樓-2 No. 666號, Section 4, Bade Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105

電話 : 📞 +887889
Opening hours :
Wednesday 2–5PM
Thursday 2–5PM
Friday 2–5PM
Saturday 10AM–12PM
Sunday 10AM–12PM
Monday 2–5PM
Tuesday Closed
城市 : Taipei City

博飛迅牙醫診所 7樓-2 No. 666號, Section 4, Bade Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105
李敏慈 on Google

Very temporarily because of the inflammation of the gums under a tooth, I couldn't sleep, so I came to this clinic with good reviews on the Internet and it is open on weekends. The clinic environment is very new, and the service and explanation of the lady at the counter are very kind. Someone kindly took you to X-ray first. Afterwards, when Dr. Xiang looked at the X-ray explanation, he found that unfortunately, he needed to have a nerve pump. It may take about 3 courses of treatment. In order to make me feel more comfortable, I have to do some emergency treatment first. He prescribed painkillers to me. During the treatment process, I could feel that the doctor's movements were very quick and gentle, but maybe because I couldn't sleep well for two days and the gums were so inflamed that the pain was so severe that I kept crying. I always felt very embarrassed to the doctor. I feel a little more comfortable at home. I really thank Dr. Xiang today.
李筱釩 on Google

今天去拔智齒,項醫生非常厲害?? 術前說明也很清楚,拔牙前問了會不會很久,醫生說會需要處理一下,大概5分鐘就好了吧? 醫生感覺很專業給人很大的安心感~就沒那麼緊張! 環境乾淨舒適!術後的保養說明也很仔細!已推薦男朋友牙齒也去給項醫生處理~❤️
I went for wisdom tooth extraction today. Dr. Xiang is very good?? The preoperative explanation is also very clear. I asked if it would take a long time before the tooth extraction. The peace of mind ~ not so nervous! The environment is clean and comfortable! The post-operative care instructions are also very careful! I have recommended my boyfriend's teeth to be treated by Dr. Xiang~❤️
Akaboshi on Google

從櫃檯護理師到醫師服務都讓人很放鬆舒服 專業
From the counter nurse to the doctor's service, it is very relaxing and comfortable Professional
Emily Hsieh on Google

The doctor's skills are good, there is no discomfort during the process, and they try their best to help retain the teeth (the same tooth was seen in another dental office and tried to persuade the immediate extraction and arrangement of dental implants, at that time, I chose to do temporary treatment without extraction) The nurses and the counter lady are very kind , is currently the first choice for dental care!
林宛柔 on Google

前兩天去拔智齒,帶著緊張的心情來到博飛迅診所。我是初診、當初也沒特別查資料或指定醫師.. 由於身邊的同事、朋友都一直跟講說拔智齒是多麼可怕的一件事、會腫痛好幾天之類的,讓我對拔智齒感到有點害怕… 這次幫我拔牙的是項醫師,打完麻醉、蓋上治療的洞巾,聽到醫療器具摩擦牙齒的聲音,然後醫師就叫我起身漱口… 已經拔完了… 花生省魔術?!我內心的小劇場都還來不及上演,兩顆智齒就拔完了!!? 術前術後 護理師都解說的非常清楚,讓人很安心。本來想趁拔牙 瘦一波,想不到術後復原狀況之好… 完全沒有腫脹;只有麻藥退後,微痛不適感而已。 真的非常感謝項醫師、也很推薦博飛迅牙醫診所,Profession 實至名歸~
Two days ago, I went to have my wisdom teeth extracted, and I came to Bo Feixun Clinic with a nervous feeling. I was a first-time doctor, and I didn't specifically check the information or designate a doctor.. Since my colleagues and friends around me have been telling me how scary it is to have wisdom teeth removed, it will be swollen and painful for several days, etc., so I feel a little scared about wisdom teeth removal... This time it was Physician Xiang who helped me pull out the tooth. After the anesthesia and the drape for the treatment, I heard the sound of the medical appliance rubbing against the teeth, and then the doctor told me to get up and rinse my mouth... It's already been pulled... Peanut saving magic? ! My inner little theater was too late to stage, and two wisdom teeth were pulled out! ! ? The preoperative and postoperative nurses explained very clearly, which made people feel reassuring. Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the tooth extraction to lose weight, but I didn't expect the recovery after the operation to be so good... There was no swelling at all; only the slight pain and discomfort after the anesthesia was withdrawn. I really appreciate Dr. Xiang, and I highly recommend Bofei Xun Dental Clinic. Profession deserves its name~
廖培盈 on Google

在找離家近、拔智齒評價好的牙醫發現這裡。 診所乾淨明亮,櫃檯人員和護理師都很有耐心、很親切,照完X光後不久就進診間,今天幫我拔牙的是項醫師。她很清楚的說明拔智齒的風險,隨後助理也很詳細介紹手術、確認身體狀況並讓我簽下同意書。 拔牙過程大約15-20分鐘,我的智齒比較靠近神經,先前聽其他醫生說比較難拔。之前矯正時拔牙覺得打麻針很痛,但這次幾乎沒有感覺~後來有感覺到醫生用力、聽到鑽牙聲和牙齒碎掉的聲音,雖然很緊張,但舉起手或發出聲音醫生就會停下來詢問你的狀況,中途也會關心「還好嗎?」,還一直跟我說辛苦了?(醫生也辛苦了!) 拔完後診所也有提供冰敷袋!護理師對於術後的注意事項也講得非常清楚~~
Found this while looking for a dentist close to home who had a good rating for wisdom tooth extraction. The clinic is clean and bright. The staff at the counter and the nurse are very patient and kind. They entered the clinic soon after the X-ray. Today, it was Dr. Xiang who helped me extract my teeth. She clearly explained the risks of wisdom tooth extraction, and then the assistant also explained the operation in detail, confirmed the physical condition and asked me to sign the consent form. The extraction process takes about 15-20 minutes. My wisdom teeth are closer to the nerves. I heard from other doctors that it is difficult to extract them. I felt numbness and pain during tooth extraction before, but this time I almost didn't feel it~ Later, I felt the doctor's force, and I heard the sound of drilling teeth and broken teeth. Although I was very nervous, the doctor would stop when I raised my hand or made a sound. When I came down to ask about your condition, I would also ask "Are you okay?" in the middle, and kept telling me that it was hard work? (The doctor also worked hard!) The clinic also provides ice packs after pulling out! The nurses are also very clear about the precautions after the operation.
Danielle Wu on Google

Nice experiences - professional and thoughtful dentist, friendly staff, and clean environment.
Philip Bergqvist on Google

Excellent dentist that I've visited twice now, for regular checkup and cleaning. Friendly staff, good service, professional, clean and modern. The male dentist (Mr Huang) spoke very good English as well.

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