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Contact 7-Eleven汐政門市

地址 :

No. 222號, Section 1, Xiwan Rd, Xizhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 221

電話 : 📞 +88977
網站 : https://www.7-11.com.tw/
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : New Taipei City
Description : Convenience chain offering grab-&-go bites & beverages, plus assorted newsstand items.

No. 222號, Section 1, Xiwan Rd, Xizhi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 221
竹生 on Google

Great, parking places add a lot of points!!
Sky Hsiao on Google

Good service, convenient parking, spacious and comfortable shopping space
ping lu “奇異果媽咪” ping on Google

Store service makes people feel cordial
張紫彤 on Google

Xutaimen City (Luosen Lake Community) wearing a glasses of slightly fat female store manager service attitude is very poor, drive customers to the toilet, I just go to the toilet with my boyfriend, there will be something, the female store manager told me to go to the bathroom with her boyfriend Just outside the door, I threatened to call the police loudly. I also listened to my conversation with my boyfriend. I went out with the boyfriend and went out to the toilet. The female manager immediately ran in to collect the toilet paper I used with my boyfriend. You want Collect what you want, I can only send you a pile of toilet paper covered with gold, huh, huh
Linus Chung on Google

The late-night clerk served very well. I bought a Tetra Pak drink and wanted to reheat it, but the microwave couldn’t fit it. The clerk had the idea to help pour out the drink and reheat it in a bowl. The customer-conscious attitude and service made me have a great impression today.
Yu jo Chia on Google

There is a bar counter, there is a toilet, it is a big 7-11
闕念祖 on Google

公車站牌旁,緊鄰知名的香帥蛋糕。 7-Eleven(商標圖案作7ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇn)是跨國連鎖便利店集團,成立於1927年,最初是美國達拉斯南方公司的冰屋店面。1928年至1946年間,公司名為Tote'mStores。1991年,日本子公司伊藤洋華堂收購了公司70%的股份後,於2005年改組為日本7-Eleven的子公司。目前7-Eleven的品牌權益由日本的7&I控股持有。 截至2018年8月,7-Eleven全球門店總數達66,581家[2],分佈於全球17個國家和地區,包括日本、美國、加拿大、墨西哥、中國大陸、香港、澳門、澳大利亞、中華民國臺灣、新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、印度、韓國、挪威、瑞典、丹麥、越南與阿聯。與FamilyMart、Lawson、Circle K等便利店互相競爭。 目前7-Eleven有幾項商品於全世界銷售,包含:重量杯(Big Gulp):中國大陸廣東及港澳稱自由斟。台灣曾有一段時期流行過,但現在只有少數門市有販售。分為大、中、小杯。大亨堡(Big Bite) Coffee-to-go(與臺灣的「City Cafe」及港澳的「7 Cafe」略有不同) 思樂冰(Slurpee):一種冷凍為冰沙狀的碳酸飲料,7-Eleven獨家販售,美國為主要銷售區域,中國廣東、上海、香港、澳門、泰國、馬來西亞有販售、台灣曾有一段時期流行過,但現在僅有少數門市有販售。 由於7-Eleven在許多國家都有展店,因此可以通過國際共同採購或是相互介紹廠商的方式,降低商品採購成本,並創造有特色的商品,例如:臺灣的統一超商透過菲律賓7-Eleven的介紹引進菲律賓生產的芒果乾,香港也相繼引進,7-Eleven店內提供的購物袋也通過這樣的方式,由許多國家共同採購降低成本。 每年的7月11日為「7-11 Day」,此傳統為臺灣7-Eleven所創。最早的目的是希望後勤單位不要忘記第一線門市店作業的辛苦,因此選定每年的此日,所有臺灣7-Eleven後勤單位人員包含所有高級主管,都要到門市上班一天,因此又稱並肩工作日,後來其他國家陸續仿效,但其目的不一,美國7-11 Day定位在慶祝的角色,每年此日全美國7-Eleven均會提供免費的思樂冰,日本的7-11 Day有兩天,除了7月11日外還有11月7日,在這天全日本的7-Eleven均會清理門市店的周邊巷道,這項工作目前也被臺灣列入7-11 Day的工作項目之一。 因澳洲的日期格式為日/月/年,因此其「7-11 Day」是在 11月 7日,也考慮到 11 月正是南半球的夏天。當日上午七點至晚上十一點,任何人只要到 7-Eleven 門市,對工作人員說「Happy 7-Eleven Day!」便可免費獲贈一杯思樂冰,因此每年當天各門市往往人滿為患。商標設計編輯 1969年,7-11的正式商標表記方式為7-ELEVEn,其中除了結尾的n為小寫外,其餘英文字母為大寫;此種設計的原因,在華人地區(尤其是臺灣)的民間說法是因為風水的因素(大寫N的最後一劃為往外,表示會將錢財散出去,而小寫n的結尾為往內,表示會吸引錢財進來),不過官方說法則表示此設計在南方公司時期就已經存在,而當初設計者只是因為美觀問題才創造出此商標。 加拿大的第一家分店1969年在卡加利開幕。目前加拿大分店為650家,市內便利店非7-Eleven獨大,郊區的7-Eleven則和加油站合營。[11]美國目前有8,421間分店,大部份為合營,7-Eleven可說是無處不在。 澳洲的第一家門店在1977年8月24日於墨爾本東南部的奧克利(Oakleigh)開業。7-Eleven的南半球總部則位於維州的莫納什市(City of Monash)。2010年,7-Eleven澳洲全面收購澳洲的美孚加油站,美孚油站的便利店全部成為7-Eleven的門店,而汽油,柴油以及天然氣則繼續由美孚公司供應。2014年於柏斯開設西澳洲州的第一家門店,截止到2018年1月,全澳共有675間24小時營業的門店,其中大部分均分佈在墨爾本和雪梨的城區及郊區。 日本的7-Eleven是在1973年由伊藤洋華堂自美國引進,1974年5月15日於東京豐洲開設第一家店,在成立之初,伊藤洋華堂內部相當反對,鈴木敏文(後任日本7-Eleven CEO)以即使失敗也不影響母公司為條件,取得公司高層的首肯,而後,鈴木敏文長期領導發展,目前已經成為全世界最大的單一連鎖便利商店公司,店鋪數20,033家,佔全世界7-Eleven店數的三分之一,1991年甚至買下7-Eleven全球總部南方公司,2005年將日本7-Eleven、伊藤洋華堂、美國7-Eleven合併入7&I控股。由於在日本的成功發展,亞洲多數國家的7-Eleven多以日本為效法對象,臺灣、韓國、泰國等地的店鋪多有日本經營方式的影子。 2019年7月11日,14間分店同時在沖繩縣開幕,至此完成全日本展店。 7-Eleven在中國大陸的主要城市多有分布,但由於中國經濟發展不均衡,其經營範圍主要集中在經濟發達的省份與城市,7-Eleven分布最廣的地區當屬廣東省,特別是珠三角地區。 臺灣的7-Eleven是起源於1978年4月由統一企業集資新臺幣1億9千萬元,創辦「統一超級商店股份有限公司」,並於1979年引進7-Eleven。同年5月,14家「統一超級商店」於臺北市、高雄市與臺南市同時開幕。 臺灣7-Eleven早期因民眾消費習慣等因素,而出現連續7年的虧損窘境,1982年因虧損累累被合併入統一企業,而在之後經歷了一段時間的努力與摸索,並調整商品品項與經營方式,由原本完全移植自美國的風格逐漸本土化,終於在1986年轉虧為盈,並於1987年重新獨立為統一超商股份有限公司,其後逐漸在國內的通路競賽中嶄露頭角,最後終贏得臺灣零售業第一的地位,並於2000年4月20日與美國7-Eleven簽訂永久的授權契約。1994年7月千成門市成立後首度突破1,000家,1999年突破2,000家。1995年進入臺灣宜蘭,1996年進入花東地區,完成臺灣本島縣市全部展店目標。1999年開始也跨海至離島展店,先後在臺灣省臺東縣綠島、蘭嶼、屏東縣琉球、澎湖縣、福建省金門縣本島、烈嶼、馬祖南竿、北竿、東引等島成立超過41家門市;2019年5月則為5,459家門市[51]。
Next to the bus stop sign, next to the famous Xiangshuai cake. 7-Eleven (trademark pattern 7ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇn) is a multinational convenience store chain group founded in 1927. It was originally an igloo storefront of Dallas Southern Company in the United States. Between 1928 and 1946, the company was called Tote'mStores. After the Japanese subsidiary Ito Yokado acquired 70% of the company's shares in 1991, it was reorganized into a subsidiary of Japan 7-Eleven in 2005. Currently, 7-Eleven’s brand equity is held by Japan’s 7&I Holdings. As of August 2018, the total number of 7-Eleven stores worldwide reached 66,581[2], distributed in 17 countries and regions around the world, including Japan, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia, Taiwan, the Republic of China, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, India, South Korea, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Vietnam and UAE. Compete with convenience stores such as FamilyMart, Lawson, Circle K, etc. At present, 7-Eleven has several products sold all over the world, including: Big Gulp (Big Gulp): Mainland China, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau are called free pouring. It was popular in Taiwan for a while, but now only a few stores sell it. Divided into large, medium and small cups. Big Bite Coffee-to-go (slightly different from "City Cafe" in Taiwan and "7 Cafe" in Hong Kong and Macau) Slurpee: a frozen smoothie-like carbonated beverage, sold exclusively by 7-Eleven, the US is the main sales area, Guangdong, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia, and Taiwan. It was popular in the period, but now it is only sold in a few stores. Since 7-Eleven has exhibition stores in many countries, it can reduce the cost of product procurement through international joint procurement or mutual introduction of manufacturers, and create unique products, for example: Taiwan’s unified supermarket through the Philippines 7-Eleven The introduction of the introduction of dried mangoes produced in the Philippines, Hong Kong has also introduced one after another, and the shopping bags provided in the 7-Eleven store are also purchased by many countries to reduce costs in this way. Every July 11th is the "7-11 Day", a tradition created by 7-Eleven in Taiwan. The earliest purpose is to hope that the logistics unit will not forget the hard work of the first-line store. Therefore, on this day of each year, all the personnel of the Taiwan 7-Eleven logistics unit, including all senior executives, will go to the store to work for one day, so it is also called side-by-side work. Later, other countries followed suit one after another, but the purpose was different. The 7-11 Day of the United States was positioned as a celebratory role. Every year on this day, 7-Eleven in the United States will provide free Slurpee. There are two 7-Eleven days in Japan. Today, in addition to July 11th, there is also November 7th. On this day, 7-Eleven in Japan will clean the surrounding lanes of stores. This work is currently included in Taiwan as one of the work items of 7-11 Day. . Since Australia’s date format is day/month/year, its "7-11 Day" is on November 7. It is also considered that November is the summer in the southern hemisphere. From 7 am to 11 pm that day, anyone who goes to the 7-Eleven store and says "Happy 7-Eleven Day!" to the staff will receive a free glass of Slurpee. Therefore, every store is often overcrowded on that day. Logo design edit In 1969, the official trademark notation for 7-11 was 7-ELEVEn. Except for the ending n in lowercase, the remaining English letters were uppercase. The reason for this design is that the folklore in Chinese regions (especially Taiwan) is because Fengshui factors (the last stroke of the uppercase N is outward, which means that the money will be scattered, and the end of the lowercase n is inward, which means that it will attract money in), but the official statement indicates that this design has existed in the period of the Southern Company , And the designer created this trademark only because of aesthetic issues. Canada's first branch opened in Calgary in 1969. At present, there are 650 branches in Canada. The convenience stores in the city are not the only one of 7-Eleven, and the 7-Eleven in the suburbs is a joint venture with gas stations. [11] There are currently 8,421 branches in the United States, most of which are joint ventures. 7-Eleven can be said to be ubiquitous. The first store in Australia opened on August 24, 1977 in Oakleigh, southeast of Melbourne. The Southern Hemisphere headquarters of 7-Eleven is located in the City of Monash, Victoria. In 2010, 7-Eleven Australia fully acquired Mobil gas stations in Australia. All convenience stores in Mobil gas stations became 7-Eleven stores, while gasoline, diesel and natural gas continued to be supplied by Mobil. The first Western Australia store was opened in Perth in 2014. As of January 2018, there are 675 24-hour stores across Australia, most of which are located in the urban and suburban areas of Melbourne and Sydney. Japan’s 7-Eleven was introduced from the United States by Ito Yokado in 1973, and opened its first store in Toyosu, Tokyo on May 15, 1974. At the beginning of its establishment, Ito Yokado was quite opposed to it. Toshifumi Suzuki ( Later, Japan 7-Eleven CEO) obtained the approval of the company’s top executives on the condition that the failure would not affect the parent company. After that, Toshifumi Suzuki led the development for a long time, and has become the world’s largest single-chain convenience store company with 20,033 stores. It accounts for one-third of the number of 7-Eleven stores in the world. In 1991, it even bought 7-Eleven's global headquarters Southern Company. In 2005, 7-Eleven of Japan, Ito Yokado, and 7-Eleven of the United States were merged into 7&I Holdings. Due to its successful development in Japan, 7-Eleven in most countries in Asia has mostly followed Japan, and stores in Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand and other places have the shadow of Japanese business practices. On July 11, 2019, 14 branches opened in Okinawa Prefecture at the same time, and the all-Japan showroom has been completed. 7-Eleven is mostly distributed in major cities in mainland China. However, due to the uneven economic development in China, its business scope is mainly concentrated in economically developed provinces and cities. The most widely distributed area of ​​7-Eleven is Guangdong Province, especially Zhuhai Triangle area. Taiwan’s 7-Eleven originated in April 1978 when Uni-President raised NT$190 million to establish the "Uni-President Super Store Co., Ltd." and introduced 7-Eleven in 1979. In May of the same year, 14 "Unified Super Stores" opened simultaneously in Taipei, Kaohsiung and Tainan. In the early days of Taiwan 7-Eleven suffered losses for seven consecutive years due to factors such as people’s consumption habits. In 1982, it was merged into a unified enterprise due to heavy losses. Afterwards, it has undergone a period of hard work and exploration, and adjusted its product categories and products. The business method was gradually localized from the original style completely transplanted from the United States, and finally turned into a profit in 1986, and re-independently became Uni-President Supermarket Co., Ltd. in 1987. Later, it gradually emerged in the domestic market competition. It finally won the number one position in Taiwan's retail industry, and signed a permanent license agreement with 7-Eleven in the United States on April 20, 2000. After the establishment of the Qiancheng store in July 1994, it exceeded 1,000 for the first time, and in 1999 it exceeded 2,000. Entered Yilan, Taiwan in 1995, and entered Huadong area in 1996, completing the goal of all exhibition stores in Taiwan's main island counties and cities. Since 1999, it has also crossed the sea to the outlying island exhibition stores, successively in Taitung County, Taiwan Province, Lvdao, Lanyu, Pingtung County, Ryukyu, Penghu County, Kinmen County, Fujian Province, Lieyu, Matsu Nangan, Beigan, Dongyin Dengdao established more than 41 stores; in May 2019, there were 5,459 stores[51].
Wei Chen on Google

7-11 Xizhengmen City, a high-quality convenience store on the ground in New Taipei City, convenient transportation, crowds of people, spacious and comfortable indoor space, crowds of people, bright lights, indoor bar counter seating

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