府城三協境下南河南沙宮- 開基包公廟

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Contact 府城三協境下南河南沙宮- 開基包公廟

地址 :

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Heping St, 55號府城三協境下南河南沙宮- 開基包公廟

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : http://nanshagong.org/
城市 : Heping St

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Heping St, 55號府城三協境下南河南沙宮- 開基包公廟
偉wei on Google

小補充:這個寺廟主祭包公喔!!! 聽說是台灣少有的喔!!
Small supplement: this temple prince Bao Gong! I heard it is rare in Taiwan !!
蘇泓嘉 on Google

There are also lanterns hanging here, you can come and see if you have time these days
Sig Chen on Google

包公さまを祀っている。 法律に関わっているお寺でしょう。 夜に輝いてるランタン、きれいだね。
It enshrines Baotou. It's a temple involved in law. The lantern shining at night is pretty.
Roger Chen on Google

現代街道中的古早巷弄裡~附近均是古早味樓房 跟外面熱鬧馬路呈現極大落差。此間小小的廟宇 安靜無人的此刻 參拜一下祈求身心靈平安?
The old alleys in the modern streets are all old-fashioned buildings nearby and there is a huge gap between the lively roads outside. This small temple is quiet at this moment without people, visit and pray for peace of mind, body and soul?
陳宥任 on Google

Although the temple is not big, you can feel the antique faith and culture in the temple. Nanhe Nansha Palace, also known as Baogong Temple, under the Three Associations of Fucheng, can be called the founding ancestral temple of Taiwan. The chief worshipper is Baofu Chitose and Bao Qingtian.
鄭周南 on Google

座落於靜謐的小巷弄內的廟宇之一,在海安路這區域內的巷弄中隨處可見的廟宇&古蹟建築與遺址。包公廟比較少見,不過引起我注目的是對面那棟一樣有歷史搖搖欲墜的房子,上頭用鐵皮屋頂遮住怕會再惡化下去而倒塌! 維基百科: 臺南南沙宮全名「府城三協境下南河南沙宮」,簡稱「下南河南沙宮」,古名為「沙美傳香 下南河」,最早可溯於清朝康熙年間,主祀黃府千歲,是五條港之南河港主廟,後因奉祀包青天而聞名,而又被稱為包公廟,亦是「包代巡」祖廟。 下南河南沙宮最早可溯於約西元1715年時,黃府千歲(現為「黃府二千歲」)和包府千歲隨著泉州沙美的盧氏族人渡過黑水溝來台,到了府城下南河定居,並在下南河開火炭店,當時還未有廟名,因此當時的信徒及當地的民眾稱黃王、包王為「沙美傳香 下南河」。 不久,黃府千歲指示其另有大哥、三弟及其夫人,需雕塑供奉之;為了方便區分,將大哥稱為「黃府千歲」,二哥即原來的黃府千歲更名為「黃府二千歲」,三弟稱為「黃府三千歲」,大哥之夫人稱為「黃府夫人」。 後來,黃府千歲和包府千歲因適時的展現神蹟使當地之大地主石時榮得以保住多年來辛苦賺取的錢財,石時榮為了答謝黃府千歲、包府千歲之庇佑,將盧氏族人向石家租的地捐給盧氏族人作為廟地,並由舊下南河、頂南河街、看西街、松仔腳等地的居民捐資建廟;廟體於西元1746年(乾隆十一年)建好,位於南河港之港邊,坐南朝北,面向南河港,並因黃王來自南沙崗而取名為「南沙宮」,又因恭奉包青天而又被稱為「包公廟」。 當時五條港的各港,均有各姓氏之族人分據工作地盤,並各自建立廟宇。泉州沙美的盧姓在南河港建立此廟;泉州石湖的郭姓在南河港建立西羅殿;泉州晉江的許姓在南勢港建立金華府;泉州晉江前埔及泉州石獅大崙的蔡姓在佛頭港建立聚福宮;泉州石獅塘後的黃姓在新港墘港建立集福宮。 後因黃府千歲神威顯赫、澤及萬民,因此香火日漸鼎盛,其廟體已不敷使用,於是眾信徒在得到黃府千歲同意後買下隔壁的民宅作為廟地,並開始進行重建之工程;新廟即為現況,廟體則遵從黃府千歲指示面向和平街(原南河港堤道,即南河街)及仁愛街(看西街)之交叉路口,於民國90年(2001年)舉行入廟儀式,並於民國93年(2004年)舉行建醮大典。
One of the temples located in the quiet lanes and alleys. Temples and historic buildings and sites can be found everywhere in the lanes and lanes in the area of ​​Hai'an Road. Baogong Temple is relatively rare, but it attracted my attention that the same historically crumbling house on the opposite side, covered with a metal roof, feared that it would deteriorate and collapse! Wikipedia: The full name of the Nansha Palace in Tainan is "The Southern Henan Palace under the Fucheng Sanxie", referred to as "Xianan Henan Palace". It is the main temple of Nanhegang in the port of Gojo. Later it was famous for worshiping Bao Qingtian. It is also called Baogong Temple and it is also the ancestral temple of "Bao Daiyou". The Xianan Henan Palace dates back to about 1715 AD. Chitose of Huangfu (now "Huangfu 2000th") and Chitose of Baofu came to Taiwan with the Lu clan from Shamei in Quanzhou. The capital city settled down Nananhe, and opened a fotan shop in Lower Nanhe. At that time, there was no temple name. Therefore, the followers and local people called Huang Wang and Bao Wang as "Same Americans incense down Nannan". Soon, Huangfu Chitose instructed his eldest brother, third brother, and his wife to be enshrined in sculpture; in order to facilitate the distinction, he was called "Huangfu Chitose", and the second brother, the original Huangfu Chitose, was renamed "Huangfu Erji" Chitose ", the third brother is called" Huangfu three thousand years old ", and the elder brother's wife is called" Mrs. Huangfu ". Later, Chitose of Huangfu and Chitose of Baofu displayed the miracles in a timely manner, so that the local landlord Shi Shirong was able to keep the hard-earned money for many years. The land rented by the family was donated to the Lu clan as a temple land, and the temple was donated by the residents of the old Xiananhe, Dingnanhe Street, Kanxi Street, Songzijiao and other places; the temple was built in 1746 (11th year of Qianlong) It is located right next to the port of Nanhe Port, facing south to the north and facing Nanhe Port. It was named "Nansha Palace" because Huang Wang came from Nanshagang, and it was also called "Bao Gong Temple" because of respect for Bao Qingtian. At that time, each of the five ports had its own work site for each clan and established temples. The surname of Lu of Quanzhou established the temple in Nanhe Port; the surname of Guo of Shihu in Quanzhou established the Xiluodian in Nanhe port; the surname of Quan of Jinjiang in Quanzhou established Jinhua in Nanshigang; the surname of Cai in Quanjiang Jinpu and Quanzhou Shishi Dalun The Jufu Palace was established in Fotou Port; the surname of Huang after Shishitang in Quanzhou established the Jifu Palace in Xingangcheng Port. Later, due to the prestige, ze, and people of Huangfu Chitose, the incense became increasingly prosperous, and its temple was no longer sufficient. Therefore, after receiving the consent of Huangfu Chitose, the believers bought the house next door as the temple land and began the reconstruction project. The new temple is the current status, and the temple body follows the instructions of Huangfu Chitose to face the intersection of Heping Street (formerly Nanhegang Causeway, Nanhe Street) and Ren'ai Street (see West Street), which was held in the Republic of China (2001) The temple entrance ceremony was held in 1993 (2004).
陳建旭 on Google

I went to the Nansha Palace for the first time to worship, because I was always looking for the Baogong Temple in Tainan, and I always wanted to go, but I don’t know where to start. I took a day off when I had a voice and impulse in my heart. , So I found Nansha Palace to open the Baogong Temple, and I went straight to it. When I entered the Baogong Temple, I felt that the magnetic field was very serious and majestic, but I felt good when I swarmed up. Looking at the statue of Shenzun, it is very serious. I also saw that the two generals of the Mahan Dynasty guarded the dragon head, the head of the tiger, and the head of the dog. , Pray for all the good luck, you can make up for the luck or you can apply for grievances, friends who need the help of the gods can come and go, bless everyone's wish.
ツバメ号 on Google

和平街にある小さな廟。 和平街も歴史のある古道です。金華路から海安路、西門路を越えてずっと先まで。西門路からの入り口に南沙宮と書かれています。陽だまりの道で歩くのが楽しい。特に南沙宮の辺りは生活感があっていいですね。
A small mausoleum in peace town. Peace Street is also an old road with a long history. From Jinhua Road to Hai'an Road and Ximen Road to the end. Nansha Temple is written at the entrance from Ximen Road. It's fun to walk on the sunny road. Especially around Nansha Shrine, it's nice to have a sense of life.

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