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海堂職人精品司康 - Haitang.com.tw


Contact 海堂職人司康-海堂喫茶

地址 :

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Lane 138, Zhongzheng Rd, 10號海堂職人司康-海堂喫茶一樓

電話 : 📞 +889899
網站 : http://www.haitang.com.tw/
城市 : Zhongzheng Rd

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Lane 138, Zhongzheng Rd, 10號海堂職人司康-海堂喫茶一樓
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完全就是個極為美好的下午茶 空間非常有回到日本的感覺! 塌塌米+老建築+旁邊窗戶光線,超有氣氛! 採線上預約制,官網有連結可以填寫。 這次跟朋友點了 ✔︎ 草莓之味 ? 這個是我最喜歡的口味! 怕酸的我原本很擔心, 吃了一口驚為天人,除了草莓非常甜以外, 店家細心解說可以分別搭配旁邊佐醬一起吃,雪乳醬跟鮮奶油讓司康的層次更往上提升了! 司康不乾好吃!而且我非常意外白玉糰子可以這樣吃! ✔︎ 抹茶之味 ? 使用小山園洛綠抹茶,淋上抹茶淋醬後超完美,紅豆內餡不甜膩,加上特製的白玉非常搭!!! ✔︎ 鹽之花奶油之味 ? 這個是最後品嚐的口味, 原本認為它最不起眼(我錯了) 切下去先單吃司康體,鹽之花在司康裡蹦出難以形容的味道,就是好吃。 這就算了,搭上旁邊厲害的果醬跟鮮奶油之後,我融化了….. 非常建議司康控可以來這享受空間與司康風味,是場味蕾的奇妙旅程! 茶的部分要趁熱喝,我最愛的是抹茶玄米茶~ 這次算是打破我對夾餡跟淋醬的印象,外面吃到的通常是甜膩感,海堂的不會! 司康不乾,內餡淋醬不膩提味? 非常期待以後吃看看黑松露司康!
It's just a wonderful afternoon tea The space feels like returning to Japan! Tatami mat + old building + light from the side windows, super atmosphere! The online appointment system is adopted, and the official website has a link to fill in. I ordered with a friend this time ✔︎ Strawberry flavor ? This is my favorite flavor! I was so worried at first, It’s amazing to have a bite, except that strawberries are very sweet, The store carefully explained that they can be eaten with the sauce on the side. Snow milk sauce and whipped cream have improved the level of Scone! Sikang doesn't make it delicious! And I was very surprised that the white jade dumplings can be eaten like this! ✔︎ The taste of matcha ? Using Koyama Yuanluo green matcha, it is perfect after topping it with matcha sauce. The red bean filling is not sweet and greasy, and the special white jade goes very well! ! ! ✔︎ Flower of salt and butter flavor ? This is the last taste, I thought it was the most inconspicuous (I was wrong) Cut it down and eat Si Kang Ti first. The flower of salt pops out an indescribable taste in Si Kang, which is delicious. Forget it, after adding the amazing jam and whipped cream next to me, I melted... It is highly recommended that Skonk can come here to enjoy the space and the flavor of Skonk. It is a wonderful journey for taste buds! The tea part should be drunk while it is hot, my favorite is matcha genmaicha~ This time it is a break from my impression of stuffing and sauce. The food outside is usually sweet and greasy, but Haitang’s won’t! Scone does not dry, the filling is not greasy and tastes better ? Looking forward to eating black truffles in the future!
Kelly Lin on Google

?感覺吃到了精品級司康? 在蝸牛巷穿梭偶然看到的司康小店 進去外帶了兩個司康 價格不便宜 但是咬下去之後明白了? - 奶油鹽之花司康❄️ 滿滿的奶油香伴隨一點鹹味 回家回溫烘烤過後外酥內軟 - 狠草莓司康? 媽媽點的草莓口味也有很濃的草莓香氣 她也表示好吃 缺點大概就是價格比較高? 但是用料高級 可以理解
?I feel like I ate a premium scone? The scone shop I accidentally saw in the snail alley I went in and took two scones. The price is not cheap, but after you bite into it, you will understand ? - Butter Salt Flower Scones❄️ Full of creaminess with a hint of saltiness After returning home to warm and baking, the outside is crispy and the inside is soft - Ruthless Strawberry Scones ? The strawberry flavor ordered by my mother also has a strong strawberry aroma She also said it was delicious The disadvantage is probably the high price ? But the materials are advanced and understandable
楊Adair on Google

氣氛裝潢很棒 司康太好吃了,我點奶油鹽之花司康,配的果醬是紅心芭樂,吃完覺得心情很好( ´▽`)
Great atmosphere and decor The scones are so delicious, I ordered the creamy salt flower scones, and the jam is red heart guava, I feel very good after eating ( ´▽`)
Eric Hsu on Google

意外發現的司康專賣店 每天套餐都不一樣,不同口味有搭配的熱茶 司康的口感紮實但又有一定的濕潤度,鹽之花口味必點!抹茶的部分屬於偏苦味,非常愛抹茶的人比較適合 推薦可以內用搭套餐,會比起單吃司康層次更加豐富,但記得電話預訂避免沒有座位或是想吃的口味賣完
Accidentally discovered scone store The set menu is different every day, and there are hot teas with different flavors The taste of scone is solid but with a certain degree of moisture, and the taste of salt flowers is a must! The part of matcha is bitter, so it is suitable for those who love matcha very much. It is recommended to use the set meal inside, which will be more rich than eating scones alone, but remember to make reservations by phone to avoid no seats or the flavors you want to eat are sold out

位於蝸牛巷內市吉的海堂職人司康,很有水準,濕潤鬆軟。 因為很多司康都會預先被訂走,當天只剩下鹽之花奶油和可可,搭配的果醬是桂花鳳梨黃檸檬和威士忌柑橘果醬。 果醬和龍眼花蜜香緹鮮奶油都很有水準,搭配司康非常合宜好吃。 唯獨座位偏少,稀有的坐榻位 珍席 需提前預訂,建議要過來的朋朋預約,會吃得很舒適。
Shikang, a Haitang craftsman located in Shiji in the Snail Alley, is very standard, moist and soft. Because many scones will be pre-ordered, only the salt flower cream and cocoa are left on the day, and the matching jam is osmanthus pineapple yellow lemon and whiskey citrus jam. Jam and longan nectar chantilly fresh cream are of high standard, very suitable and delicious with scones. The only thing is that there are few seats, and the rare seats and rare seats need to be reserved in advance.
威爾夫妻吾趣生活 on Google

台南蝸牛巷 竟別有洞天‼️ 廢棄老屋改造成新世代文藝復古風情 就是現在所呈現的#蝸牛市吉 本篇如果你也同愛司康 那千萬別錯過! 海堂喫茶_就藏身在蝸牛市吉一隅 整體空間營造出日式品茶樣貌 聽著輕音樂饗用店家調配得宜的套餐 這讓用餐畫面想不文青都難啊? ?黑松露之味 $280/套 (搭配牛奶烏龍茶) 大推‼️第一次吃到鹹味司康這麽好吃 採用「白酒海鹽舒肥嫩雞胸肉」的軟嫩 搭配「芝麻葉」咀嚼時散發的香氣 還有「玉子燒」的蛋香帶點甘甜味 沾上闆娘特調「黑松露龍眼花蜜」 主體松露司康則是簡單散發淡雅的香氣 神奇的牛奶烏龍茶沒有牛奶竟有奶的味道 不誇張整套真的好好吃 喜歡松露味的必點! 每一口都吃得出食材調配的用心 ?抹茶之味 $280/套 (搭配抹茶玄米茶) 是帶點苦苦的大人味耶~抹茶超濃郁❤️ 不愛苦也沒關係 淋上闆娘特調的抹茶醬 甜度讓苦味降低之餘 風味更提升不少 內餡特別選用「大寮紅豆」 飽滿又綿密 兩顆「玉糰子」超軟Q 越嚼越香 配上抹茶玄米茶 整體非常對味 用餐完 意猶未盡地又帶幾顆司康回去吃 闆娘建議表面噴水回烤能保持風味 真心推薦它的司康 鬆軟又不會乾乾的? 必再回訪的愛店!推薦給大家! ⚠️記得先到 @hai_tang_bakery 粉專 提供的網址做線上「珍席」訂位與訂餐哦
Tainan Snail Alley is unique‼ ️ Abandoned old house transformed into a new generation of literary retro style It's the #snail city auspicious now presented If you also share this article with Escon, don't miss it! Haitang eats tea The overall space creates the appearance of Japanese tea tasting Listen to light music and enjoy a set meal prepared by the store This makes it difficult to imagine the dining scene without being young ? ?Black Truffle $280/set (with milk oolong tea) Big push‼ ️It's the first time I've eaten salty scones so delicious Soft and tender using "Liquor Sea Salt Shu Fei Tender Chicken Breast" With the aroma of "sesame leaves" when chewing There is also a little sweetness in the egg aroma of "Tamayaki" Smeared with Banniang's special "Black Truffle and Longan Nectar" The main truffle scone is a simple and elegant fragrance Magical milk oolong tea tastes like milk without milk It is no exaggeration to say that the whole set is really delicious. It is a must for those who like truffle flavor! Every bite can be eaten with the careful preparation of ingredients ?Matcha Flavor $280/set (with Matcha Genmai Tea) It's a bit bitter adult taste~ The matcha is super rich ❤️ It doesn't matter if you don't like bitterness, drizzle with Banniang's special matcha sauce The sweetness reduces the bitterness and enhances the flavor The filling is specially selected from "Daliao Red Bean", which is plump and dense Two "Jade dumplings" super soft Q, the more you chew, the more fragrant With matcha brown rice tea, the overall taste is very good After the meal, I took a few scones back to eat. Banniang recommends spraying water on the surface to keep the flavor I really recommend its scone, soft and not dry? Love store that will be visited again! Recommended to everyone! ⚠️Remember to come to @hai_tang_bakery fan club first The website provided is for online reservations and meal reservations.
Jocelyn on Google

這裡位於台南的蝸牛?巷內,很文青的一個地方;可能要找一下但是算好找?指標? 裡面是一個老宅改造的地方,很有氛圍感?老闆娘的服務很好?也很熱情的介紹餐點? 我們在網路上預約的是✨鹽之花奶油司康✨跟✨抹茶紅豆司康✨看起來色香味俱全,令人食指大動??? 如果要坐珍席座位內用跟美美的司康拍網美照的話,都要先三天前在網路預約哦‼️ 不然內用的話就只能在吧檯前了,因為珍席座只有一個,座位有限才只能採線上預約制的模式?
This place is located in Snail? Lane in Tainan, a very literary place; you may have to look for it, but it is easy to find?index? It is a place where an old house was renovated, and it has a great atmosphere. The service of the proprietress is very good. She also introduced the meals enthusiastically. We made an online reservation for ✨Salt Flower Cream Scones✨ and ✨Matcha Red Bean Scones✨, which looks full of color, fragrance, and makes the index finger move??? If you want to take a photo with Meimei's scooter in the seat, you must make an online reservation three days in advance‼ ️ Otherwise, it can only be used in front of the bar, because there is only one rare seat, and the seat is limited, so we can only adopt the mode of online reservation system?
Luc Lin on Google

當天點了 1. 奶油鹽之花司康 2. 抹茶之味 3. 單點一個莓果司康 口感不同 但司康本質都很綿密 我很喜歡 闆娘很用心的介紹他們家的食物 柚子醬和奶油都超讚的 抹茶之味中間有湯圓+紅豆 搭配的十分融洽 有來台南中西區 可以來感受一下巷弄內的甜點時間
ordered that day 1. Butter Salt Flower Scones 2. The taste of matcha 3. Order a Berry Scones different taste But scones are very dense in nature I love so much Ban Niang is very attentive to introduce their food Yuzu jam and cream are amazing The taste of matcha has glutinous rice balls + red beans in the middle Matches very well You have come to Tainan Central and Western District Come and experience the dessert time in the alley

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