蕭氏節孝坊 - Section 1

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Contact 蕭氏節孝坊

地址 :

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Lane 304, Section 1, Fuqian Rd, 3號蕭氏節孝坊

電話 : 📞 +88988
網站 : http://tmach-culture.tainan.gov.tw/page.asp%3Fmainid%3D506F5DB2-F43A-4E9E-B1AC-39601999F81B
城市 : Fuqian Rd

700, Taiwan, Tainan City, West Central District, Lane 304, Section 1, Fuqian Rd, 3號蕭氏節孝坊
臺灣Sinuiju on Google

「蕭氏節孝坊」位在郭綜合醫院後方的巷弄內,因歷史悠久,周邊環境變遷,民宅也很多,所以可見到古蹟牌坊與民宅融合的奇景,「蕭氏節孝坊」是全台僅見的單間二柱二樓式牌坊,也是格局最小的石造牌坊,石坊上刻著節孝二字,起初建造是為了表揚忠孝節烈,凡是在30歲前丈夫過世,到了50歲以上仍然守節不改嫁的婦女,都具備節孝表揚的資格,方式是由在地政府賜銀三十兩,交由本人或家屬自行在鄉里建坊,蕭氏節孝坊便是表揚蕭氏節孝事蹟的牌坊,也是臺南市目前僅存的一座節孝坊。 "Shaw's Festival filial piety" is located in the lane behind Guo General Hospital. Due to its long history, the surrounding environment has changed, and there are many houses, so you can see the wonders of the archaeological archway and the residential building. The single-story, two-column and second-floor archway that is only seen in Taiwan is also the smallest stone archway in the pattern. The stone plaque is engraved with the word filial piety. It was originally built to praise the loyalty and filial piety. Every husband died before the age of 30, and the festival was still over 50 years old. Women who do not remarriage are eligible for filial piety. The way is that the local government gives silver thirty-two, and the family or their families will build their own villages in the village. The Xiao’s Festival Xiaofang is a tribute to the Xiao’s filial piety. The archway is also the only remaining filial piety in Tainan City.
"Shaw's Festival filial piety" is located in the lane behind Guo General Hospital. Due to its long history, the surrounding environment has changed, and there are many houses, so you can see the wonders of the archaeological archway and the residential building. "Xiao's Festival Xiaofang" is The single-story, two-column and second-floor archway that is only seen in Taiwan is also the smallest stone archway in the pattern. The stone plaque is engraved with the word filial piety. It was originally built to praise the loyalty and filial piety. Every husband died before the age of 30, and the festival was still over 50 years old. Women who do not remarriage are eligible for filial piety. The way is that the local government gives silver thirty-two, and the family or their families will build their own villages in the village. The Xiao’s Festival Xiaofang is a tribute to the Xiao’s filial piety. The archway is also the only remaining filial piety in Tainan City. "The Shaw's Festival filial piety" is located in the lane behind Guo General Hospital. Due to its long history, the surrounding environment has changed, and there are many houses, so you can see the wonders of the archaeological archway and the residential building. The single plaque is engraved with the word filial piety. It was originally built to praise the loyalty and filial piety Everyday is the age of 30, and the festival was still over 50 years old. Women who do not remarriage are eligible for filial piety. The way is that the local government gives silver thirty-two, and the family or their families Will build their own villages in the village. The Xiao's Festival Xiaofang is a tribute to the Xiao's filial piety. The archway is also the only remaining filial piety in Tainan City.
Mia Hsiung (我是熊在旅行中尋找自己) on Google

懷舊風情 濃濃的年代感 清代節孝坊僅剩的一座
Nostalgia Strong sense of age The only one remaining at the Festival of Filial Piety in the Qing Dynasty
Wing k on Google

Located in the lane. It was built in the Qing Jiaqing period. There is a small temple near Fu'an Palace near Xiaofang.
法希莉莎 米亞莎莎菈Vasilissa on Google

蕭氏節孝坊位於昔日臺灣府城西定坊海防同知衙門(二府口)前,是清嘉慶五年(1800年)時,清廷為了表彰貢生沈清澤的寡母蕭良娘節孝了四十年所建的石坊。 蕭良娘是監生沈耀汝的妻子,他們在蕭良娘二十一歲時成親,然而六年之後,沈耀汝便去世,留下了兩個兒子,而幼子還是遺腹子。蕭氏後來獨自將兩名兒子拉拔長大,並且勤於侍奉公婆,因此後來於嘉慶三年時受朝廷旌表,於五年立坊。
Xiao’s Festival of Filial Piety is located in front of Tongzhiyamen (Erfukou) in Haiphong, Xidingfang, the former Taiwanese government. It was the fifth year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1800). Shifang built in the year. Xiao Liangniang was the wife of supervised student Shen Yaoru. They married when Xiao Liangniang was 21 years old. However, six years later, Shen Yaoru died, leaving behind two sons, and the youngest son was still a posthumous child. The Xiao family grew up with two sons alone and was diligent in serving his in-laws. Therefore, he was entrusted by the imperial court in the third year of Jiaqing and set up a shop in the fifth year.
AHA W on Google

蕭氏節孝坊位於昔日臺灣府城西定坊海防同知衙門(二府口)前,是清嘉慶五年(1800年)時,清廷為了表彰貢生沈清澤的寡母蕭良娘節孝了四十年所建的石坊。蕭良娘是監生沈耀汝的妻子,他們在蕭良娘二十一歲時成親,然而六年之後,沈耀汝便去世,留下了兩個兒子,而幼子還是遺腹子。蕭氏後來獨自將兩名兒子拉拔長大,並且勤於侍奉公婆,因此後來於嘉慶三年時受朝廷旌表,於五年立坊。 牌坊因2016年高雄美濃地震造成部分受損,在修復計畫中,順便將已佚失的構件仿舊復原,工程於2019年2月修復完工 該石坊為全臺灣僅有的一座雙柱二架的單間形式小型牌坊,其高5.32公尺,寬2.66公尺,兩頂之間安放「聖旨」牌,頂簷上還有葫蘆裝飾。 其北面對聯「夢熊三月守冰清畫荻垂後昆之裕,啣鳳九天榮壺秀樹坊顯夫子之名」為前知臺灣縣事署臺灣府兼南路理番廳周祚熙所題,而南面對聯「敬事姑嫜全婦道,堅持冰櫱樹坤型」則為府城仕紳共題。 資料:维基百科
Xiao’s Festival Xiaofang Square is located in front of the Xijianfang Haijian Tongzhimen (Tuanfukou) in the former Taiwanese capital city. It was the fifth year of Qing Jiaqing (1800). In order to honor the tribute Shen Qingze’s widowed mother Xiao Liangniang’s filial piety The stone pavilion built in the year. Xiao Liangniang is the wife of Jiansheng Yan, who was married when Xiao Liangniang was twenty-one years old. However, six years later, Shen Yaoxi died, leaving two sons, and the young son is still a post. Xiao Shi later raised the two sons alone and worked diligently to serve the in-laws. Therefore, he was later represented by the imperial court in Jiaqing for three years. The archway was partially damaged by the Kaohsiung Mein Earthquake in 2016. In the restoration plan, the lost components were restored by the way, and the project was completed in February 2019. The stone workshop is the only single-seat small archway with two columns and two shelves in Taiwan. It is 5.32 meters high and 2.66 meters wide. The "Sacred" card is placed between the two tops. There is also a gourd decoration on the top. In the north, the face of the "Meng Xiong March shou qing dynasty painting 荻 后 昆 昆 昆 昆 昆 , , , , , , , , , 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾 台湾In the face of the South, the "respecting the aunt and the aunt, and insisting on the ice-tree-kun type" is a common question for the Fucheng City. Information: Wikipedia
台南新移民まなてぃ on Google

蕭氏節孝坊は清朝時代1800年に建設された単門二柱二楼式の牌坊(門)で、石造りの門です。門の上には節孝の文字が刻まれ、 忠孝節烈(忠孝を果たし節義を守る)を称えるために建造されました。当時、30歳を前に夫に先立たれ、再婚することなく50歳を過ぎても節義を守り続けた女性には節孝を称えて地元政府から銀30両が贈られ、本人や家族によって故郷に門が建設されました。蕭氏節孝坊は蕭氏の節孝を称えた牌坊であり、台南市に唯一現存する節孝坊です。元々7つ建設されたうちの1つです。
Mr. Xiao Xiangxiangfang is a single-monitor, two-poster, two-story paipang (gate) built in 1800 in the Qing Dynasty, and is a stone gate. On the gate was written a letter of Seto, and it was built to honor Tadataka Settsu (to fulfill Tadataka and to protect the law). At that time, a woman who was 30 years old before her husband and continued to keep integrity even after she was 50 years old without remarriage was given 30 silver by the local government in honor of Seto, and herself and her family hometown A gate was built in. Mr. Xiao Xiang Xiangfang is a prayer celebrating Xiao Xiang's settlement and is the only surviving sex Xiangfang in Tainan City. It was one of seven originally built.
Berry Chang on Google

牌坊左右的房子也都是百年老屋,冬暖夏涼。 還有一間見紅就休的美味早餐店,熱情的老闆讓巷弄內更有溫度了。 是個晃不到3分鐘的古蹟,於穿梭巷弄時會有其他意想不到的小驚喜。
The houses around the archway are also old-fashioned houses, which are warm in winter and cool in summer. There is also a delicious breakfast shop where you can see the red, and the enthusiastic boss makes the temperature inside the lane. It’s a monument that can’t be shaken for more than 3 minutes. There are other unexpected surprises when you walk through the lane.
鄭周南 on Google

隱身在小巷弄裡面的市定古蹟,如果沒有彎進來的話是沒辦法看到的。不過可惜的是整修的地方無法回復原來的面貌! 維基百科: 蕭氏節孝坊位於臺南市中西區,是中華民國直轄市定古蹟。是臺南市僅存的四大石坊之一,也是唯一僅存的節孝牌坊。 蕭氏節孝坊位於昔日臺灣府城西定坊海防同知衙門(二府口)前,是清嘉慶五年(1800年)時,清廷為了表彰貢生沈清澤的寡母蕭良娘節孝了四十年所建的石坊。蕭良娘是監生沈耀汝的妻子,他們在蕭良娘二十一歲時成親,然而六年之後,沈耀汝便去世,留下了兩個兒子,而幼子還是遺腹子。蕭氏後來獨自將兩名兒子拉拔長大,並且勤於侍奉公婆,因此後來於嘉慶三年時受朝廷旌表,於五年立坊。 牌坊因2016年高雄美濃地震造成部分受損,在修復計畫中,順便將已佚失的構件仿舊復原,工程於2019年2月修復完工。
The city's monuments that are hidden in the alleys are not visible if you don't bend them in. But unfortunately, the renovation can not restore the original look! Wikipedia: Xiao's Festival Xiaofang is located in the central and western district of Tainan City. It is a municipality directly under the Central Government of the Republic of China. It is one of the four remaining stone pavilions in Tainan City and the only remaining filial piety. Xiao’s Festival Xiaofang Square is located in front of the Xijianfang Haijian Tongzhimen (Tuanfukou) in the former Taiwanese capital city. It was the fifth year of Qing Jiaqing (1800). In order to honor the tribute Shen Qingze’s widowed mother Xiao Liangniang’s filial piety The stone pavilion built in the year. Xiao Liangniang is the wife of Jiansheng Yan, who was married when Xiao Liangniang was twenty-one years old. However, six years later, Shen Yaoxi died, leaving two sons, and the young son is still a post. Xiao Shi later raised the two sons alone and worked diligently to serve the in-laws. Therefore, he was later represented by the imperial court in Jiaqing for three years. The archway was partially damaged by the Kaohsiung Mein Earthquake in 2016. In the restoration plan, the lost components were dilapidated and restored, and the project was completed in February 2019.

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