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Contact 投影機專賣店

地址 :

701, Taiwan, 250號, A01 櫃 北門路一段 东区投影機專賣店

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/Projector.Monopoly/
城市 : 海鮮宅配

701, Taiwan, 250號, A01 櫃 北門路一段 东区投影機專賣店
房家丞 on Google

吳依哲 on Google

otis chiang on Google

陳政林 on Google

Store staff, very patient introduction.
Izak Var on Google

A great store, will patiently analyze customer machine equipment problems and provide solutions.
Andrew Lin on Google

這或許是我買賣東西上遇過最狂的老闆! 狂到我覺得一定要大力的推薦他! 為了讓我省錢,想了很多解決問題的方法,甚至是讓我不用花錢買投影機的方法都想出來! 四年前決定要買投影機時,遇到了這個老闆! 於是我買了我現在的這一台微型投影機, 當時我並沒有什麼感覺,就只是一個普通的買賣, 一直到一年前,我投影機接MOD發現沒聲音, 我回去店裡詢問解決方法, 那時候店長不在,員工用賴問他, 他直接打賴過來,用口語了解我的問題, 我不知道型號,我用形容的他就知道是哪一台, 然後機體的構造,告訴我這個問題很多使用者反應, 現在這間公司出新的型號已經改掉這個問題了! 通常這個時候,老闆一定會勸說你買新的! 但是他不是,他告訴我可以去買什麼東西, 然後轉接出來,再去接喇叭就可以了! 一個三年前的顧客,他還是這麼熱心解決問題! 於是這次我因為新客廳的擺設和空間限制, 一堆線要接要拉,還沒辦法解決問題, 我最後得到一個結論-換一台新的! 於是剛剛我去找他,提出我的想法, 1:可以斜投的投影機! 他第一反應是斜投不好,會影響畫質, 我告訴他因為空間線路關係,斜投比較好解決, 他馬上告訴我Epson系列的都可以,最便宜的多少, 「那其他牌子呢?」 BENQ有,但是是數位調整的,畫面會糊! 目前只有三家做斜投,只有Epson是什麼什麼(我忘了), 其他兩家是什麼和什麼都是數位調整的! 2:那短焦投影的呢? 有!115公分就可以100吋,也有70公分就100的,但是價錢你一定不要!如果要再便宜,解析再低一階,價錢只要多少。 從這些對談就知道,專業度極高! 但是他狂的不只是這樣! 「你預算多少?」 「我最近花太多錢,加上舊的其實也沒壞,所以實在不想再多花太多!希望能夠兩萬以內!」 「那你這台投影機現在的新款,大小差不多,音源的問題改了,多少公分就100,然後你舊的是500流明,這台是1000,原價23000現在有特價剛好在你預算內!」 那我舊的有什麼地方可以賣嗎? 「網路上就可以,你這台很好賣,10000也有可能,微型的價錢就死在那,一定有人收!像KTV業者就很愛!這款是LED的,不會壞,不用換燈泡,KTV最愛這一種!不然他們那個燈泡換很兇!」 聽到這邊已經覺得狂到歎為觀止, 他解決我的疑問都不用思考,直接回答! 但是最狂的是接下來! 「我先說我是想做你的生意的!不過你可以去買HDMI的無線收發器,就沒有線的問題,北門這邊可以買,不過要訂,上官網加入,買還可以便宜100,然後這間公司很囂張,不管哪裡買都是一樣價錢,不會找到便宜的,所以直接官網買就好!這樣你就可以《不用換投影機》了!」 他一邊說一邊用筆電搜尋官網,直接找給我看,然後告訴我不要買錯,要買哪一個。 到這邊他已經解決我的問題好幾次了! 但是他狂的不只是這樣!他還繼續! 「你說MOD⋯我記得MOD可以用行動裝置, 這樣你應該可以直接用平板看就好。」 然後他開始搜尋中華電信官網, 「對!他這個可以這樣用,你只要把那個盒子接起來,然後設定掃描QRcode,設定好之後這個盒子就用不到,你丟去旁邊就好!接下來都用行動裝置看,《連那個接收器都不用買》了!」 狂!狂到我都要跪下了! 從要花23000,變成19900,到5000元搞定,最後根本不用花錢! 我直接告訴他「那我覺得最好的方法就是我用MOD行動裝置,然後賣掉舊投影機,跟你買新機型,我只要花一萬換一台更短焦更亮更好的!」 「這樣也是可以,不過你回去要先試看看設定,看可不可以!」 厲害!真的厲害!他的專業不只解決我的問題,還解除了我的花費⋯ 我覺得我只能也用我的專業回應他, 我煮一份餐去請他吃,我都還賺很大! 出社會越久,看到的人越多, 做久了的確會變熟悉,但是用多少心還是會產生差距, 這個真的是遠勝一般人的用心! 真的真的讓我佩服的五體投地!
This may be the most mad boss I have ever encountered in buying and selling things! I feel so mad to recommend him! In order to save me money, I thought a lot of ways to solve the problem, even let me think of it without spending money on the projector! When I decided to buy a projector four years ago, I met this boss! So I bought this miniature projector that I am using now. I didn’t feel anything at the time, it was just an ordinary sale. Until a year ago, my projector connected to MOD found no sound. I went back to the store and asked for a solution. At that time, the manager was not there, and the staff asked him, He directly slammed and used spoken language to understand my problem. I don't know the model. I use it to describe which one he is. Then the structure of the body tells me that many users respond to this problem. Now the new model of this company has changed this problem! Usually at this time, the boss will persuade you to buy a new one! But he is not, he told me what I can buy, Then transfer it out and then pick up the speaker! A customer three years ago, he is still so enthusiastic to solve the problem! So this time, because of the layout and space constraints of the new living room, A bunch of lines have to be pulled, and there is no way to solve the problem. I finally got a conclusion - for a new one! So I just went to him and asked me what I thought. 1: Projector that can be tilted! His first reaction was that the oblique cast was not good and would affect the picture quality. I told him that because of the space line relationship, the oblique throw is better solved. He immediately told me that the Epson series can be, the cheapest, "What about other brands?" BENQ has, but it is digitally adjusted, the picture will be pasted! Currently only three are doing oblique strokes, only what Epson is (I forgot), What are the other two and what are digital adjustments! 2: What about the short-throw projection? Have! 115 cents can be 100 baht, and 70 centimeters is 100, but the price you must not! If you want to be cheaper, the analysis will be lower first, and the price will be as much. From these conversations, we know that professionalism is extremely high! But he is not just like this! "How much do you budget?" "I have spent too much money recently, and the old ones are actually not bad, so I really don't want to spend too much! I hope to be less than 20,000!" "The new version of your projector is now almost the same size. The problem of the sound source has changed. How many centimeters is 100? Then your old one is 500 lumens. This one is 1000. The original price is 23,000. Now there is a special price just in your budget!" So where can I sell my old one? "On the Internet, you can sell it very well, 10000 is also possible, the price of the micro is dead, there must be someone! Like the KTV industry, it is very love! This is LED, not bad, no need to change the light bulb, KTV loves this one! Otherwise, their light bulb is very fierce!" I’ve been surprised to hear that here, He does not have to think about solving my problems, answer directly! But the most mad thing is the next! "I first said that I want to do your business! But you can buy HDMI wireless transceiver, there is no line problem, the North Gate can buy here, but to order, join the official website to join, you can buy cheaper 100, Then this company is very arrogant, no matter where you buy it is the same price, you can't find it cheap, so you can buy it directly from the official website! So you can "do not need to change the projector"!" He said that he used the laptop to search the official website, directly to me, and told me not to buy the wrong one, which one to buy. He has solved my problem several times here! But he is not just like this! He continues! "You said MOD, I remember that MOD can use mobile devices, This way you should be able to look directly at the tablet. " Then he began to search for Chunghwa Telecom's official website. "Yes! This can be used like this. You just need to connect the box and set the scan QRcode. After setting it, the box will not be used. You can just drop it next to it! Then you can use the mobile device to see it. The receiver doesn't have to buy it!" mad! I am going to kneel down when I am crazy! From spending 23,000 to 19900, to 5,000 yuan, and finally no need to spend money! I told him directly, "The best way I think is that I use the MOD mobile device, then sell the old projector and buy a new model with you. I only need to spend 10,000 for a shorter focus and brighter and better!" "This is fine, but if you go back, you should try to see the settings first. See if you can!" Great! Really amazing! His profession not only solves my problem, but also relieves my expenses. I think I can only respond to him with my profession. I cook a meal to ask him to eat, I still make a lot of money! The longer you get out of society, the more people you see. It will become familiar if you have been doing it for a long time, but how many hearts will still create a gap. This is really far better than the average person! Really let me admire the five bodies!
Hui Ying Chen on Google

最狂老闆 連續兩三台投影機都是給了比價後的最低價格 佛心經營 品質完全?? 可以幫忙宅配 值得信賴!
The most crazy boss, two or three projectors in a row are given the lowest price after price comparison Buddha heart management, complete quality ?? Can help home delivery, trustworthy!

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