方耳鼻喉科診所 - East District

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Contact 方耳鼻喉科診所

地址 :

701, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Dongning Rd, 421號方耳鼻喉科診所

電話 : 📞 +8887
城市 : Dongning Rd

701, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Dongning Rd, 421號方耳鼻喉科診所
馬士俊 on Google

The doctor is kind, young, and the medication is OK.
陳思涵 on Google

The doctors were not professional enough, and they were not taken seriously after being informed of the condition, and the problem was not solved. I do not recommend it, and I will never come to a clinic again!
周子閔 on Google

108.08月開始平日只營業到21:00了 自己五年前在台北曾經扁桃腺膿瘍(比發炎化膿還恐怖),當時家人和自己都認為是感冒,家人又是主張能不看西醫就不看西醫,花錢燉中藥燉到一天比一天嚴重.直到受不了的那天(吞口水痛到爆,呼吸不順暢)趕緊到和平醫院就醫.醫生一看差點嚇死,說再晚一點就會引發敗血症了,馬上安排微型手術. 我永遠記得那短短不到1小時的就醫經驗,感覺分分秒秒都過得極慢.尤其是手腳被綁在手術椅上面,醫生用偌大的針筒(比抽血還粗)直搗黃龍...抽膿抽4管,滿滿的黃綠色歷歷在目!開了最強劑量的抗生素給我吃,回診期間又被抽了2次共3管(每次都是已經打麻藥但還會痛的那種),總共用了快兩個禮拜的時間生活才步上正軌. 因此我對於這個扁桃腺膿瘍的症狀記憶猶新,平時喉嚨痛還會自己檢查,用鏡子貨車上的後照鏡看看扁桃腺有沒有白白的膿瘡,甚至還知道嘴巴飄出哪個味道應該就是扁桃腺掛了. 這次很不幸的扁桃腺又痛了,在家安養了幾天發現症狀跟當時在台北完全一模一樣,本來掛了台南市立醫院的診,同事跟我大力推薦方耳鼻喉科診所,第一次就診已經快說不出話來了.醫師說幸好發現得早只有稍微化膿(因為週六晚上開始痛週日沒開拖到週一),立刻幫我檢查喉嚨鼻子,叮嚀最近要注意什麼,就去櫃檯旁邊等領藥. 三天後的今天再度回診,扁桃腺的症狀已經好很多了(只有稍微的紅腫),有跟醫生提到痰多的問題,方醫師說這是我肺部跟支氣管積存已久的黏液,把他排一排也是好的.同時也說,如果按時服藥,應該三天內就會好了,在診間也向他請教了中藥的問題(因為家人是中藥控),也得到蠻不錯的見解(今天靠近中午去後面只有1個) 調劑師則建議我若半夜頻頻口乾舌燥,可能因為喉嚨發炎或交感神經較敏感,可含小口水或吃點生津止渴的梅子或羅漢果.整體來說,這次的就醫經驗很棒,從醫師到前台都很有禮貌,我以後也會推薦我的親朋好友來給方醫師看診
It is only open until 21:00 on weekdays. I had a tonsil abscess in Taipei five years ago (and more terrible than inflammation and suppuration). At that time, my family and myself thought that it was a cold. The family also advocated not to see Western medicine, and spent money to stew Chinese medicine. . Until the day when I can't stand it (swallowing water, bursting, breathing is not smooth), I went to the Peace Hospital for medical treatment. The doctor almost scared to death, saying that later on, it would lead to sepsis, and immediately arranged micro surgery. I will always remember the experience of getting medical treatment in less than an hour. I feel that every minute and second is very slow. In particular, the hands and feet are tied to the upper part of the operating chair. The doctor uses a large syringe (thicker than the blood draw) to straighten the yellow dragon... Pumping 4 tubes, the full yellow and green is vivid! I opened the strongest dose of antibiotics for me. During the return visit, I was pumped 2 times for a total of 3 tubes (each time it was already anesthetic but it hurts). It took a total of two weeks to live. On the right track. Therefore, I still remember the symptoms of this tonsil abscess. I usually check my throat for a sore throat. I used the rear view mirror on the mirror truck to see if there is any white abscess in the tonsils. I even know that the taste of the mouth should be The tonsils are hung. The unfortunate tortoise was painful again. I was raised at home for a few days and found that the symptoms were exactly the same as in Taipei at that time. I had a diagnosis at Tainan City Hospital. My colleagues and I strongly recommended the ENT clinic. The first visit has already been made. I can't speak quickly. The doctor said that fortunately, I found that I had only a little suppuration (because it started to hurt on Saturday night and didn't open until Monday). I immediately checked my throat and nose. What should I pay attention to recently? I went to the counter and waited for the medicine. Three days later, I went back to the clinic again. The symptoms of the tonsils have been much better (only a little redness and swelling). There are many problems with the doctors. The doctor said that this is the mucus that has accumulated in my lungs and bronchus for a long time. He is also good in a row. At the same time, it is said that if you take the medicine on time, it should be good within three days. He also asked him about the problem of Chinese medicine at the clinic (because the family is controlled by Chinese medicine), and he also got pretty good insights. 1) The adjuster suggested that if I had a dry mouth in the middle of the night, it might be because the throat is inflamed or the sympathetic nerve is sensitive. It can contain small saliva or eat some thirst or plum. Overall, this medical experience is very good, from the doctor to the front desk are very polite, I will recommend my friends and family to see the doctor in the future.
Simon Tu on Google

速度很快,真的是用秒計的,快到我還沒把症狀講完,聽他的指示一開口,讓醫師喵一眼就診斷完開藥了。 同條路上三間相似診所,一間老醫師晚上沒開,另一間小小的開的藥就那幾樣而已。
The speed is very fast, and it really counts in seconds. It's almost time for me to finish the symptom. I listened to his instructions and asked the doctor to diagnose and prescribe the medicine at a glance. There are three similar clinics on the same road. One old doctor didn't open it at night, and the other one prescribed just the same kind of medicine.
游朋霖 on Google

醫師看診隨便 我跟他說我吞嚥東西會痛 感覺食道有受傷 會吐血 他卻一直堅持我喉嚨沒問題然後隨便開了消炎藥給我 說流血是鼻子的血倒流 看診跟公務員打卡一樣有夠不專業
When the doctor visited, I told him that it hurts when I swallowed things, and I felt that the esophagus was injured and vomited blood. He kept insisting that my throat was okay, and then casually prescribed anti-inflammatories and told me that bleeding was the backflow of blood from the nose. unprofessional
Teresa Chang on Google

Physician Fang himself and the nurse have an excellent attitude towards the consultation and the process, which has been consistent for 20 years, which is very rare! Doctor Fang's diagnosis is very careful, it is worth recommending???
李金玲 on Google

很多年前因為感冒一直反覆看不好,朋友推薦來看方醫生,醫生很專業,也看到了造成反覆發炎的問題,再回來回診,醫生也會溫暖的提醒叮嚀,藥劑師也會清楚說明,護士也會再提醒 現在身體不舒服,還是會找方醫生,很謝謝醫生的耐心跟細心
Many years ago, because of the cold, it was not good for me. My friend recommended to see Dr. Fang. The doctor was very professional. I also saw the problem that caused repeated inflammation. When I came back for a visit, the doctor would remind me warmly, and the pharmacist would clearly explain, The nurse will also remind Now that I am not feeling well, I will still find Dr. Fang. Thank you very much for the doctor's patience and care.
吳清 on Google

Doctors are impatient and intimacy like they are catching a train, and they will not take the initiative to solve problems. And the assistant nurse is extremely absurd. How does this relate to seeing a doctor? Are you in individual training? It's really disgusting! Makes me feel bad!

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