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蘇州采芝齋-首頁 - Twczz.com

蘇州采芝齋是台南在地四十年老店,店內最佳人氣商品「桂花酸梅湯」以多種中藥材由老師傅純手工熬煮而成,口感絕佳,是夏天消暑飲品,2012年參加網路團購網創下破千的人氣銷售紀錄,2017年中廣超級美食家節目介紹店內老零食,造成風潮。 店內還有傳統中式蘇杭茶食:綠豆糕、香筍豆、鍋粑、雪片糕、開口笑等小點心,可搭配下午茶、咖啡,百吃不厭。 每年熱銷限量的年節限定商品:手工元宵、胡州粽、蘇式月餅、廣式月餅、火腿、臘肉臘腸、豬油年糕等非常搶手,要及早訂購喔!

Contact 蘇州采芝齋

地址 :

701, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Section 2, Datong Rd, 119號蘇州采芝齋

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : https://www.twczz.com/
城市 : Datong Rd

701, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Section 2, Datong Rd, 119號蘇州采芝齋
黃峻銘 on Google

Hsuan Cheng on Google

Aged ham stew brought good
鄭詠名 on Google

Sesame candies and pancakes are not bad
chen in on Google

When I got off work four nights ago, the dog raised by this boss suddenly rushed out and hit it. I haven’t gotten a sorry for it, bad shop. If the nearby residents told me that the big dog was this family, I thought it was Stray dog. Never forget that the owner of the store told me that his dog would see the traffic lights crossing the road. This irresponsible words can also be said to be exported, bad shops. In addition, the police handling in this area is extremely inefficient. But don't do it.
Felicia Wang on Google

綠豆糕美味~ 麻棗稍微有點黏牙但芝麻很香
Mung bean cake is delicious~ The jujube is a bit sticky but the sesame is very fragrant
阿布拉 on Google

The epitome of dim sum in the village. There are also some ingredients
Chialing Tsai on Google

Bought twice in a row, lotus seeds come with hair, luck is really good
陳繹恩 on Google

從《台南府城糕餅誌》一書得知這家歷史悠久糕點店,販賣台南市面越來越少見的上海傳統精緻糕點。 早年在林百貨一旁以「上海老大房」為名,後來搬遷到大同路現址,開業至少40年以上,裝潢和褪色招牌,保留上個世紀傳統糕餅店的風貌,而包裝上糕餅名稱的貼紙,讓我想起小時候台式月餅包裝上的燙金貼紙。 買了招牌的核桃雪片糕、南棗核桃糕和綠豆糕,雪片糕微甜帶點鹹,不同於一般店家做成厚片,而是切成層層薄片的糕類口感更加清爽好入口,還參雜核桃片,搭配無糖茶飲非常對味。 南棗核桃糕,味道偏酸的綿密棗泥配上爽脆核桃顆粒,嚼起來很滿足。綠豆糕則是號稱來自御膳房配方的宮廷糕點,一盒12顆,每顆有著不同圖案非常精緻,綠豆泥綿密順口,以現今清爽口味來說油味比例稍微多些。 店內還販賣一些不常見的點心比如鍋粑、香筍豆、桂花雪片糕,門口還販售新鮮小點心。另外招牌酸梅湯和過年時的臘肉、臘腸、湖州粽等應景食品,也是許多老一輩客戶的懷舊味。 和老闆娘閒聊,得知來客很多是移居外地客人回台南時都會帶些點心回去解饞。來台南若是買膩了蝦餅、椪餅或布丁等伴手禮,很推薦試試這款古早味的上海糕點。 給喜歡老風味的你~ 造訪日:2021/04/24(六) PS:這次回台南特地挑了許多傳統老字號的糕餅店光顧,深怕許多滋味無人傳承或突然消失,跟時間賽跑般將這些美味好好收進記憶裡。 #蘇州采芝齋 #上海糕餅老店 #上海老大房 #老台南人的回憶 #核桃雪片糕 #南棗核桃糕 #綠豆糕 #香筍豆 #老派糕點
From the book "Tainan Fucheng Pastry History", I learned that this historic pastry shop sells Shanghai's traditional exquisite pastries that are increasingly rare in Tainan. In the early years, he used the name "Shanghai Old House" next to the Lin Department Store, and later moved to the current location on Datong Road. It has been in business for at least 40 years. The decoration and faded signs retain the style of the traditional pastry shop of the last century, and the packaging is decorated with pastry name stickers. , Reminds me of the hot stamping stickers on the packaging of desktop mooncakes when I was a child. I bought the signature walnut ice cream cakes, southern jujube walnut cakes and mung bean cakes. The ice cream cakes are slightly sweet and slightly salty. They are different from the thick slices made by ordinary shops, but the cakes sliced ​​into layers are more refreshing and easy to enter. Mixed walnut slices, paired with sugar-free tea is very delicious. Jujube walnut cake, the sour and dense jujube puree with crunchy walnut particles, is very satisfying to chew. Mung bean cake is a royal pastry known as a recipe from the Imperial Kitchen. A box of 12 pieces, each with a different pattern is very delicate. The mung bean paste is dense and smooth, and the ratio of oily flavor is slightly more in terms of the refreshing taste of today. The store also sells some uncommon desserts such as pot cakes, bamboo shoots, osmanthus ice cream, and fresh desserts at the door. In addition, the signature sour plum soup and Chinese New Year's bacon, sausages, Huzhou rice dumplings and other occasional foods are also nostalgic flavors for many older customers. Chatting with the proprietress, I learned that many of the visitors are immigrants when they return to Tainan, they will bring some snacks back to relieve their hunger. If you come to Tainan and are tired of buying souvenirs such as shrimp cakes, puff pastries or puddings, I highly recommend trying this old Shanghai pastry. For you who like old style~ Visiting day: 2021/04/24 (Sat) PS: This time I returned to Tainan and chose many traditional and time-honored pastry shops to patronize. I am afraid that many flavors will be uninherited or will suddenly disappear. I will keep these delicacies in my memory like a race against time. # Suzhou Caizhi Zhai #Shanghai Pastry Shop #Shanghai Old House #The memories of old Tainan people #Walnut Ice Cream Cake #Southern Date Walnut Cake #green bean cake #Fragrant Bamboo Shoots #Old school pastry

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