愛麗安產後護理之家 - East District

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Contact 愛麗安產後護理之家

地址 :

70158, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Dechang Rd, 88號愛麗安產後護理之家

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : http://www.lovelyangel.com.tw/
城市 : Dechang Rd

70158, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Dechang Rd, 88號愛麗安產後護理之家
莊小璇 on Google

剖腹產後住了兩週 飯店式管理很棒 每天早上都會有人來打掃 護理師還會來量血壓看宮縮也會看傷口恢復情況 還會報告寶寶的體重和喝奶量 可以母嬰同室 我家寶貝比較難哄睡 可能我是新手 總是挫折 護理師非常好的總是安慰我不要壓力太大 把他們安撫的絕招都教完 而且只要當我手足無措 一通電話護理師會盡快來支援 感覺到最強後援 兩週好快過去 想到要回家獨自面對寶貝 焦慮就開始了 護理長看出我的緊張 出院衛教還特地留了月子中心電話給我 告訴我遇到問題就打電話 24小時都能咨詢 這個售後服務也太好了吧~ 我想繼續留在這啊~ 感謝所有愛麗安的護理師
Lived for two weeks after C-section Hotel management is great Every morning someone will come to clean The nurse will also check the blood pressure to see the contractions and the wound recovery It will also report the baby's weight and milk intake Mother and baby can stay in the same room It's harder for my baby to sleep Maybe i'm a novice Always frustrated The nurse is very good and always comforts me not to be too stressed Teach them all their tricks to soothe And as long as I am at a loss A phone nurse will come to support you as soon as possible Feel the strongest backup Two weeks have passed Thinking of going home to face the baby alone Anxiety begins The head nurse sees my nervousness The discharged health education also specially left the confinement center to call me Tell me to call if you have a problem Consultation is available 24 hours This after-sales service is also great~ I want to stay here~ Thanks to all Ariane’s nurses
莊詠晴 on Google

這次愛麗安住了25天很滿意。 老闆娘的貼心浴室設備多了暖氣,讓我冬天洗澡洗頭不用擔心受寒氣,以及送泌乳課程一次、每週送洗髮一次、月子餐有四家能做選擇(私心推薦靚媽咪),全體同仁都好親切,兒子也受到嬰兒室阿姨們的喜愛哈哈,直呼是小帥哥~出月中快20天了實在好懷念啊,愛麗安cp值很高,不外乎是價錢、房型、暖心都很推薦。
This time Ariane stayed for 25 days and was very satisfied. The lady boss's caring bathroom has more heating, so I don't have to worry about the cold in the winter when I take a shower and wash my hair, as well as sending lactation courses once, shampooing once a week, and confinement meals. All my colleagues are very kind, and my son is also loved by the aunts in the baby room. Warm heart is recommended.
徐筱茹 on Google

今天要回家了,很捨不得離開這麼棒的環境.......謝謝愛麗安團隊的照顧,讓媽媽在月子當中每天都很開心,嬰兒室的護理師也都把寶寶照顧的很好,整個讓新手媽媽超安心,盡情的吃飽睡、睡飽吃?聽到的都是正能量的話,看到的都是笑咪咪的眼睛(疫情關係都戴口罩 看不到眼睛以下??)產後根本憂鬱不起來?萬分感謝愛麗安櫃檯、護理人員、房務人員每一個成員❤️愛麗安的好只有自己體驗過才知道?真的很棒 唯一比較困擾的就是有股莫名的魔力 讓人不想回家????
I am going home today, and I am very reluctant to leave such a wonderful environment...Thank you for the care of Arianne's team, making mother happy every day during the confinement period, and the nurses in the nursery also take good care of the baby Well, the whole thing makes new mothers feel at ease, eat and sleep as much as they like, sleep and eat to the fullest ? All I hear are positive energy words, and all I see are smiling Mimi's eyes. I can’t get depressed at all after giving birth?Thank you so much to every member of Ariane’s counter, nursing staff, and housekeeping staff ❤️Ariane’s goodness can only be known if you experience it yourself? It’s really great The only trouble is that there is an inexplicable magic that makes people not want to go home????
張孟淳 on Google

住15天外加托嬰。住的房間像飯店房間一樣 每天都有阿姨打掃 清潔。 櫃台人員 衛教師 護理師 打掃阿姨 裡面的人都很好 很親切。有問題詢問她們 像寶寶的問題 還是衛教泌乳 退奶的問題都會幫我 讓做媽媽的了解很多 也不用怕到時回家會不知道該怎做 .衛教師真的很棒,像我要退奶 在餐點上還是衛教上 都盡全力的幫我 讓我覺的很安心。
Stay for 15 days plus babysitting. The room I live in is like a hotel room, cleaned by my aunt every day. The staff at the counter, the teacher of health, the nurse, and the cleaning aunt, the people inside are very nice and kind. If you have any questions, asking them about babies like babies or health education about lactation and withdrawal will help me understand a lot as a mother. I don’t have to be afraid that when I go home, I won’t know what to do. Teacher Wei is really great, like I want to quit. Both in the meals and in the health education, the milk has done everything to help me so that I feel very at ease.
Eva Eva on Google

這次選擇在這坐25天的月子,感覺一下子就要結束了,有種捨不得回家的感覺 房間設備齊全舒適,每天都會打掃,一個禮拜還會更換床單,超用心~大姐們也很貼心 每個禮拜還有媽媽教室可以學習知識,很不錯! 嬰兒室也很細心的照顧寶寶,會告知寶寶狀況,把我小寶貝照顧的胖嘟嘟 ? 母嬰同室時,有不懂的、她們也會來教導我們怎麼照顧寶寶,很貼心 ? 真的很謝謝大家的細心照料,讓第一胎有產後憂鬱的我,這胎都沒有耶。每天都很悠閒的度過,很開心~ 真心推薦媽媽們可以來這好好坐月子哦 ??
This time I chose to sit here for 25 days of confinement. I feel that it will end at once, and I feel reluctant to go home. The room is well-equipped and comfortable. It will be cleaned every day, and the sheets will be changed every week. They are very attentive~ The sisters are also very considerate There is also a mother's classroom every week to learn knowledge, which is very good! The baby room also takes care of the baby very carefully, will inform the baby's condition, and take care of my little baby chubby ? When mother and baby are in the same room, if there is something we don’t understand, they will also come to teach us how to take care of the baby, which is very caring ? Thank you very much for your careful care. I had postpartum depression in my first child, but I didn't have this one. Every day is very leisurely, very happy~ I sincerely recommend mothers to come here and have a good confinement ??
14號施宇昕Isaac on Google

I am very fortunate to have this wonderful fate with Arianne. I chose this place because it is close to home, the price is reasonable and the environment is quiet. After I moved in, I had to re-learn breastfeeding due to postpartum wounds. The mother's postpartum body care, cares about the mother's physical recovery every day, and will let the mother know the baby's condition every day, and let the mother arrange breastfeeding and rest according to the physical condition; what impresses me more is that as long as I ask questions or inform the baby If there is anything in the room, the nurse will respond very seriously, and will definitely hand over the shift, so that both mother and baby can take good care of them; in addition, the housekeeping staff and the counter lady are also very warm and friendly, and they will be very timely for the needs raised. I also benefited a lot from the arrangement of postpartum mother classrooms. The mother and baby who graduated from Ariane are very healthy in body and mind. Thank you for your care. It's great to meet you during this period.
Vi L on Google

感覺護理人員對待小朋友有些許粗魯, 然後有幾次半夜擠奶拿下去嬰兒室時,嬰兒室還沒開門就隱隱約約聽得到裡面音樂聲吵雜, 一開門,我的天!在聽電台音樂超大聲,門口就聽得一清二楚,音量跟音樂類型身為大人的我在大半夜聽到這種都快嚇死了? 不過住宿環境確實是還不錯啦, 設備都還很新穎。 但如果之後再有需要, 應該不會再選擇住這間。 相信為母的天性,分得出來自己寶寶不舒服或嚇到的哭聲, 某天把寶寶抱回房間時,哭整路, 整個顯得非常沒安全感, 連續幾天都是那個狀態。 詢問過護理人員也只是籠統地說沒發生什麼事, 但寶寶就是表現得很害怕被嚇到的感覺。 這是身為媽媽的直覺啦, 所以下一胎 這間不會列入我的考量了
I feel that the nurses are a little rude to the children. Then a few times when I was milked in the middle of the night and taken out of the baby room, the baby room had not yet opened, and I could vaguely hear the noise of music inside. Open the door, my God! When I was listening to the radio music, it was super loud, and I could hear it clearly at the door. As an adult, I was scared to death when I heard this in the middle of the night ? But the accommodation is really good. The equipment is still very new. But if you need it later, Should not choose to live here again. Believe in the mother's nature to distinguish the uncomfortable or frightened cry of your baby, One day when I brought the baby back to the room, I cried the whole way, The whole thing seemed very insecure. It's been like that for days in a row. Asked the paramedics only to say in general that nothing happened, But the baby is acting very afraid of being frightened. This is my intuition as a mother. So this one won't be included in my consideration for the next child.
綵婕盧 on Google

這次生二寶感謝老公讓我住了28天滿滿的舒適的月子,也感謝愛麗安所有的服務人員 就像很多分享過的媽媽說的真的不太想回家面對了?今天要退房的我超想再多賴幾天.. 我覺得嬰兒室的護理人員都很親切所以我還蠻放心寶寶交給他們照顧,也真的讓我女兒出關後多了一公斤真的很謝謝這裡沒有很講究母嬰同室一直問媽媽要不要餵寶寶帶寶寶上來之類的讓人很放鬆,可能想說我有大寶的關係知道媽媽需要好好休息?而且同住期間我也發現好多二寶媽以上的,這裡住滿一個禮拜送一次洗頭美髮師按摩很舒服?配合的泌乳團隊幫我服務的泌乳師真的很專業我也很推?然後每個禮拜上的媽媽教室課程或產品我也覺得蠻專業的,愛麗安挑選的合作對象品質都還蠻讚的? 環境很乾淨設備也蠻新的基本上只要帶個人盥洗用品跟保養品之類的就可以入住了我一開始還擔心要帶很多東西結果都不用這裡消毒鍋洗手乳沐浴乳洗髮精吹風機溫奶瓶飲水機馬克杯室內拖鞋衛生紙空氣清淨機牙刷牙膏都有不過寶寶的奶奶要自備! 如果哺乳室可以空間再大一點就好了⋯⋯ 然後寶寶的睡覺的墊子跟被子如果可以用布料柔軟一點那我真的覺得完美了這是我個人看法啦?
This time, I would like to thank my husband for giving me a comfortable confinement for 28 days. I also thank all the service staff of Arianne Like many mothers who have shared said that I really don't want to go home and face it ? I want to check out today and I really want to stay for a few more days.. I think the nurses in the baby room are very kind, so I am quite relieved that the baby will be taken care of by them, and it really makes my daughter an extra kilogram after leaving the customs. Thank you very much here Feeding the baby and bringing the baby up is very relaxing. Maybe I want to say that I have a relationship with a big treasure and know that my mother needs a good rest? And during the same stay, I also found a lot of second-baby mothers and above, and they will be sent to wash once a week after staying here. The massage by the hairdresser is very comfortable? The lactation specialist who helped me with the lactation team is really professional. I also recommend it. Then I also think that the mother classroom courses or products that I take every week are quite professional. The partner chosen by Arianne The quality is pretty good ? The environment is very clean and the equipment is quite new. Basically, as long as you bring personal toiletries and skin care products, you can check in. I was worried about bringing a lot of things at first, but I didn't use the sterilizer, hand soap, shower gel, shampoo, hair dryer, warm milk bottle. Water dispenser, mug, indoor slippers, toilet paper, air purifier, toothbrush and toothpaste, but the baby's grandma should bring their own! It would be nice if the nursing room could be bigger... And if the baby's sleeping pad and quilt can be made of softer fabric, I really think it's perfect. This is my personal opinion ?

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