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臺南市輔具資源中心-首頁 - Tnatrc.com.tw

Jun 17-2022
  【失智不可怕,攜伴佳安心】   罹患失智人口隨著人口高齡化逐漸增加   根據警政署統計資料顯示,65歲以上的失蹤人口正逐年增長,且失蹤原因又以「失智症走失」、「離家出走」各佔近三成左右   各位輔具好夥伴們看到這裡,不要慌也不用怕!!   民治小編今天來與大家分享失智懶人包   讓大家可以將這些資訊一手掌握 你我都安心   民小編來向大家簡單說明失智防走失小知識   ★失智友善天使 → 妥善運用「看」、「問」、「留」、「撥」四步驟,讓我們一起來當失智友善天使,守護長輩的安全   ★防走失輔具/服務 → 可透過「個人衛星定位器」、「愛的手鍊」、「愛心布條」、「指紋捺印」以及「緊急連絡卡」等防走失輔具或服務,增加找尋到不小心走失的失智長者的機率喔!!   ★失智相關社福單位/資源      ①中華民國老人福利推動聯盟-成立「失蹤老人協尋中心」,若民眾發現疑似該中心刊登的失蹤者或身分不明者,可撥打通報專線(02-2597-1700)或進入該中心的網站進行線上通報。   ②社團法人台灣失智症協會-成立「全國失智症社會支持中心」,若有失智相關問題可撥打失智症關懷專線(0800-474-580)。   ③社團法人大臺南熱蘭遮失智症協會-與臺南市政府攜手打造「臺南市家庭照顧者互助家園」,若有失智或照顧相關問題可撥打服務專線(06-208-3001)。   ④財團法人法律扶助基金會-有時失智症患者會因病症導致其不自覺揮霍財務,進而易遭詐騙集團詐欺或侵占財物,若有法律問題或想尋求相關協助,可撥打法扶全國專線(02-412-8185)。   ⑤衛生福利部長照專區的「失智照護服務資源地圖」   ⑥衛生福利部國民健康署的「長者社區資源整合運用平台」   更多懶人包資訊請FB搜尋► 臺南市輔具資源中心佳里站/官田站  或IG搜尋► tainan_fg    歡迎大家來追蹤我們的FB與IG喔,並將輔具資訊分享給更多人吧~~   -------------------------------------------------------------------------   若有輔具相關問題歡迎來電洽詢或FB/IG私訊 將有專業的小編回覆您   ☎佳里中心06-7266700/官田中心06-5790636


Contact 臺南市輔具資源中心(永華區)

地址 :

70165, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Section 2, Linsen Rd, 500號臺南市輔具資源中心(永華區)A棟2樓

電話 : 📞 +889898
網站 : https://www.tnatrc.com.tw/
城市 : Linsen Rd

70165, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Section 2, Linsen Rd, 500號臺南市輔具資源中心(永華區)A棟2樓
一一 on Google

This is a place for people with disabilities, especially for those with disabilities related to assistive equipment applications or pre-assessment appraisal, can be handled here, the attitude of the staff is good, there are general parking lots and parking lots for the disabled.
陳琨翔(EXcalibbbuuurrrr!!!!!!) on Google

So grateful for what their wheelchair has done for my family
Q Q on Google

Convenient parking, friendly attitude, big first
王陽山 on Google

You have relatives and friends who are inconvenient to move due to certain factors and need assistive aids to make the movement smoother. It is only a short-term need rather than a long-term need. For example, a broken leg caused by a car accident requires a walker or wheelchair. If you purchase them, these assistive devices will be useless and take up space after recovery. At this time, you can consider renting assistive devices from the Assistive Device Resource Center for short-term. Before renting, you can call to ask if there are relevant assistive devices and rental methods, and then go to the center to apply for rental.
Wen on Google

The therapist denies the assessment of the predecessors and the needs of the patients and family members, just to show their so-called profession, and has not learned the concept of holistic care at all
黃明福 on Google

Thanks to Ms. Wang from the Assistive Device Center for the detailed explanation. It turns out that it is very convenient to rent assistive devices, and they can be rented near the user's area. The procedure only needs to bring the user's and agent's ID cards and related fees!
食嗑美食養成記 on Google

In the next two days, I will travel with my university classmates and family members. Because my aunt needs wheelchair assistance, I came to the Assistive Resource Center to inquire. The administrative staff here are kind and actively inquire about the age and physical condition of the needy, and the need for auxiliary tools. Feature. The city government has set up an auxiliary resource center to benefit the convenience of many disadvantaged families with disabilities. When I came here today to rent a wheelchair, I know that the government has set up a comprehensive resource for assistive devices for the disabled. The general public or the disabled can easily rent them. The rent is very, very favorable. ?
Yan Jan on Google

When you have a need for assistive devices, come here first to ask for help, don't just spend money to buy them. The staff and volunteers here are very kind.

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